hi peeps
since selling my roller coaster i was itching for another machine so bagged a costa del cash club.
It came with the coin mech laying in the bottom and the previous owner has been playing it with the bottom door ajar on free play, worked fine like this for about an hour then the alpha display went out, i noticed there was some light bleeding in the top left corner but then nothing. If i reboot the machine it comes on and the alpha stays working for about 60 seconds then goes out.
I have ordered another alpha display (samsung 16LF01UA3) but im not that hopeful that this is the fault.
Could it be the MUX5 board that drives it? there are no fault codes coming up and all the leds on the board are working fine showing no issues.
Machine is an MPU5 but the alpha is controlled by the MUX5 board
I have checked the battery on the MPU5 and its fine and dandy with plenty of voltage
Many thanks