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Can this be emulated ?

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#1 andrewizlegend


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Posted 16 February 2018 - 04:47 PM

Hi All, Does anyone know the following machine, I believe its made by empire games and has a monkey feature where he climbs up to the top! Does anyone know if this has or will be emulated? Many Thanks

#2 fuzion


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Posted 16 February 2018 - 05:15 PM

This is by Project Coin.   Not sure if it's emulatable as we don't seem to have the roms available.



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#3 I have finished

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Posted 16 February 2018 - 05:44 PM

I have a question on the same topic. Can Electrocoin's magic 7 (non concept) be emulated? I have huge problems with hitthesix's release. I can collect winnings without it alarming, but then, I can't press 0 to insert coins, or is there a way around that? The version at dadsfme uses concept programme roms I think. Also what other new electrocoins can now be emulated? Saw a kind of tripple 7 machine in quicksilver which have similar bar x type synth sounds. I know OXO is a no-no as security goes. Bar X extreme has been done but I know there's others.

#4 andrewizlegend


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Posted 16 February 2018 - 06:17 PM

Would love to see bar x extreme in dx form as a community one of my fave machines lol

#5 Josherino



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Posted 16 February 2018 - 06:43 PM

Empire is the name

#6 cashbox1


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Posted 18 February 2018 - 07:08 PM

might get shot for asking,but is we are the champions emulateable ?

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#7 wearecity


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Posted 20 February 2018 - 04:07 AM

might get shot for asking,but is we are the champions emulateable ?


I highly doubt it, I would imagine, that is a cert to be Scorpion 6, as I reckon it's got to be a release from 2015-2016.


Only chance would be if they did a cheap rebuild 10p £5 jackpot on Scorpion 5, which again I highly doubt.


I'm not an expert on such matters, but I reckon 2013, possibly early 2014, would be the cut off point for scorpion 5 machines and thus emulatable machines. Of course there is always a chance that a company might release the odd machine on an older tech. We've seen in the past, a £70 Poker Face, running on Epoch, By the time of the £70 jackpot era, Epoch was a very old tech, considered by most as obsolete.

#8 I have finished

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Posted 20 February 2018 - 04:30 PM

Is Electrocoin's tripple 7 emulatable? Love this game! I believe the stake in my local is set to £25. I wasn't sure about the security thingy though.

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