File Name: Club Deal or no Deal £250 84% Dx
File Submitter: vectra666
File Submitted: 03 Mar 2018
File Category: Scorpion 4
Another Club Deal, this time its the Original Dond Club version set @ £250jp 84%
Thanks goto Renoufchr for the classic version of this of which i found out just before releasing used ferry roms set at 65% but found the set1 of these so now at a correct percentage.
the noticeable differences between the two are mainly credit related on the ferry ones if you'd put a £10 in the whole lot gets transferred over where as the standard roms the usual £2/5 goes over and the alpha display, displays different.
thanks also to the ebay sellers for various images used including the newer orange symbol i've cut from the images
Shortcuts are.
Start = spacebar
Exchange = E
Transfer = T
Choose Game = G (this changes the value of the spin from normal spin to super and mega spin)
Collect/Stop = C
Holds = 1,2,3,4
Hi = 2, Lo = 3
Cancel = `
Gamble Feature = F
Take Nudges = X
Deal = D
No Deal = N
£1's in = 0
£5 = 7, £10 = 8, £20 = 9
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
Now off to enjoy the snow before it melts lol.
any probs let us know.
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