This one is a brand-new MFME6.1 release. Decided to place all my releases from now on in this thread so everything I've done will be easy to access, and add/merge to the existing layouts in the main download section; when the new section gets added. Otherwise, it all gets a bit confusing.
Here's my latest release. This machine is called Poundaround. An old ACE machine, on the System 1 tech; set to £4 token - 10p play.
The native resolution on this is a bit bigger than my normal 1600x1200. This layout's native resolution is 2560x1440, so the closer to that resolution you can get the better the layout will look. If you can't get to that resolution, just use MFME's 'Shrink To Fit' option, and you should be fine. Use the latest version of MFME to play. Which is MFME6.1.0.363 - at time of writing.
People who made this layout possible are:
midibob - For Roms
SPA - For Flier
Wizard - For MFME. 
Shortcuts are:
Shuffle - S
Hold - 1
Hold - 2
Hold - 3
Cancel/Collect - C or `
LO - L
HI - H
Start/Gamble - Space
£1 Insert - 0
20p Token - 9