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Arduino as pac-drive alternative?

Arduino pac-drive mamehooker

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#21 eric



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Posted 17 June 2018 - 12:39 PM

Hi Konrad,


Great Job



#22 majoris


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Posted 17 June 2018 - 01:02 PM

Still lot to do but my idea is confirmed. Probably piece of cake for a c++ coder.

Sent from the mobile client - Forum Talker


#23 eric



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Posted 21 June 2018 - 03:58 PM

I'm sure you'll make it


I'm sure you'll make it

#24 majoris


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Posted 24 June 2018 - 10:30 AM

Thank you for encouraging me. Well I must admit that I did it. It works now without manual triggering. Now I must work on the code to make all Arduino inputs usable. Simple but takes time. I will put today's video of working Arduino. Next step is creating some led panel for extended tests for more leds to be controlled.


#25 majoris


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Posted 24 June 2018 - 02:08 PM


This is how it works for now. Arduino is "attached" to emulator 'START' button. Observe the upper orange LED and START button. 

Only built-in led is used. Simply just for purpose of method testing, and it works like a charm!
This is just an UNO clone, but considering Arduino Mega with it's 54 outputs, we are talking on pretty cool alternative for expensive PacDrive.

Next time I plan to put here a video with more programmed outputs. I will try to work on PWM signals for light dimming effect.

Work in progress... still lot to do.

Edited by majoris, 24 June 2018 - 02:09 PM.


#26 ritdav


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Posted 24 June 2018 - 05:02 PM

nice project but still don't understand how this is better than a pac-drive.

#27 majoris


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Posted 24 June 2018 - 05:38 PM


2. It doesn't have to be better & I never said it's going to be...


ps. Eric, uptown47 thanx for support.

Edited by majoris, 24 June 2018 - 05:47 PM.


#28 eric



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Posted 24 June 2018 - 08:03 PM

Great Konrad,

I was sure you would succeed,

the hard part is done.


#29 majoris


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Posted 08 July 2018 - 12:23 AM

Late night. Arduino my love!

Electronics set up. Software set up.


....It's ALIVE!!!!


I confirm Arduino as alternative for Pac-Drive. It works fantastic. Zero latency. Unlimited possibilities.

Happy night :)


Some work is still needed. Software has to be reworked, but the main thing is achieved.

Good night.



#30 eric



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Posted 10 July 2018 - 12:02 PM


#31 majoris


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Posted 10 July 2018 - 12:13 PM

:jimlad: Just wait for stepper motor control.  This is going to be amazing! Hopefully... :goofy: haha


#32 eric



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Posted 10 July 2018 - 03:18 PM

Hi Konrad,
It's a great day for me.
The arduino for Mfme and the semifinal of the football world cup tonight.
If France loses is still a beautiful day.

#33 eric



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Posted 10 July 2018 - 08:36 PM


this is a video of my cabinet whith arduino  or pac drive for mame and pac drive for mfme



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#34 Wizard


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Posted 10 July 2018 - 08:51 PM


this is a video of my cabinet whith arduino  or pac drive for mame and pac drive for mfme




Nice job there!

Warning: This post is mostly my own opinions and may contain irony, if you are obsessed with PAST history you may want to ignore it.

#35 majoris


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Posted 10 July 2018 - 09:05 PM

Cool cab. Azz KiK'r I'd say!! When I see such masterpiecies I feel so small.... If I only have more time. Anyway. I'll keep on working on my 'break your neck' project. As for your work Eric - RESPECT! Lot of work.


#36 ritdav


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Posted 10 July 2018 - 11:00 PM

That is just superb .

#37 eric



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Posted 11 July 2018 - 04:15 PM

Thank you ,

it could not have been done without all of you.



#38 eric



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Posted 07 September 2018 - 02:00 PM

Hi begin a New little cabinet

with a  19 inch vertical screen, led, hopper and arduino outputs.

i will be great with the  project of Majoris.


#39 majoris


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Posted 07 September 2018 - 02:48 PM

Nice to see that software is working. You have only a test version Eric. I'm working now on a version with more lamp outputs. More like Arduino Mega version. 40 would be enough I think :).

As for the hopper support, I think it will be the next feature to work on. I haven't done anything with it yet, because I'm very focused on stepper motor control. Maybe soon I will post a video to show how this works (reel movement). For now - works :), but not fully functional.


As for the hopper - I can't stop working on reel control for steppers. I'm obsessed with it. I will get to hopper control coding after I'll finish with steppers. Takes time, because serial communication is complicated for me.


Soon I will release my software (I named it "Fruit Squeezer") to forum members. Maybe someone will find it useful.

I have not decided what I'm going to do with stepper motor controll for reel movement, but for sure release will drive lamps. In next update I'll try to add hopper control.

Sorry for little chaotic post, but my brain is full of ideas & boiling, obsessed with Fruit Squeezer!


Take care!


#40 majoris


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Posted 07 September 2018 - 09:03 PM

So, as I said, here is a video of moving reel. This is just a simple stepper motor taken from a printer or scanner - I don't remember. Reel band does not match Dam Buster. It is taken from Andy Capp game, but it doesn't matter in this example.

The main thing I'd like to show, is that it works. It is possible and it is  confirmed.

Reel movement works. Reel shaking works. Directions of movement works. Nudging works.


I'm not quite satisfied with accuracy, because sometimes reel makes longer spin. Most of the time it lands on propper spot, but sometimes it skips steps. Arduino serial transmission is a problem here. I will have to work it out. For now it is just a firework feature. After I will get 100% accuracy it will be added to my program. And here is the video:


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Arduino, pac-drive, mamehooker

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