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New to fruit machines (Reel Error Help)

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#1 Tonypoker



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Posted 17 April 2018 - 04:47 PM

Hi everyone


New to the site and this is my first post.


Got a fruit machine as a present and i was loving it. But now i get this error; Reel 3, Error 23.


It looks like the reel is out of sync with the others and when i've googled this it comes up about a potential opto error? Does this mean the sensor on that reel? Is this an easy fix?


It's called Sub Zero and is by Red Gaming





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#2 renoufchr


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Posted 18 April 2018 - 01:04 PM

Does it actually play and alarm now and then or just alarm from boot 


You can sync the reel up by the adjusting screen on the side to get it in the correct place 


Check the connector behind the reel and use a flat head screwdriver whilst the machine is off and push the cables into the connector to make sure they get a good connection 


Also make sure the reel is not scraping anywhere causing it not to move freely

#3 Tonypoker



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Posted 08 June 2018 - 10:05 PM

It alarms from boot but i pulled the wire/clip out of the socket where it feeds into the alarm so no noise comes out. What is the connector sorry? Is that linked to the opto sensor?


I've tried to check the reel isnt scraping anywhere.

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