ahhh...now i feel old "(er)
im 49, so i clearly remember the speccy. it was my first introduction to the computer world...classic gaming memories..(but shit now if i replay the old games via the emulator)
there was a book in our local libiray called, "PEEK, BYTE, POKE and RAM". My younger self used to giggle every time i saw it. it sounded more like a sexual reference than a book about computer programming! there was also a (very bad) fruit sim for it as well....
my closet use of a computer before i bought my speccy, was going into WHSmiths on a saturday and playing with the computers on display....always ended up just typing..
10 print "shaun is great"
20 goto 10
i didnt know how to do anything else!
Former Fruit Machine Engineer.<br /><br /> 1988-2004.