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Star Wars a New Hope - No Game Cart/Board

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#1 WibbleWobble



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Posted 01 September 2018 - 07:21 PM



I don't even know if what i'm trying to do is possible, I have picked up a Star Wars a New Hope £70 JP machine for essentially free, which has suffered water damage, I would like if possible to resurrect it (as cheaply as possible as the glass is in pretty shoddy shape) I know I can buy a Game Card from eBay and then get the software uploaded onto it. Does anybody know if it is possible to use any security chip? or must it be the one that A New Hope is expecting?


If it is a non starter, I will probably just strip the cab for spares, as I am trying to build an emulator cabinet at the same time.


I've also posted this over on MPU Mecca



Thanks in advance



#2 WibbleWobble



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Posted 04 September 2018 - 07:24 PM

Hi Folks,


Have got the new board sorted, just need to understand how to upload the BIN files, I understand that the MPU 5 uses a Compact flash card to load the software, does anybody know how this is achieved and if there is a way to use a different security chip to the one the Game is expecting?



#3 banditboy2006


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Posted 05 September 2018 - 07:58 AM

no the security chip is tied to the game so you need a security chip for that game no others will work

#4 WibbleWobble



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Posted 06 September 2018 - 01:35 PM

That was what I thought, Ah well, just have to keep a look out for an RTC TR09 security chip as that is what the Star Wars Game Cards use. Does anybody know if/where these chips can be purchased separately? 

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