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T7 Bpaks

Best Answer 1994jamesj, 11 January 2019 - 09:02 PM

You are correct and i appreciate all the help from you lot.  I apologies if i sounded like give me what i'm asking or else, please accept my apologies and cheers again

Cant say we haven't helped him.

You are correct and i appreciate all the help from you lot.  I apologies if i sounded like give me what i'm asking or else, please accept my apologies and cheers again

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#21 spa


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Posted 03 January 2019 - 11:05 PM

Name rings a bell, probably off one of the facebook groups.

http://www.youtube.com/FruitVideos - My youtube channel


https://drive.google...&usp=drive_link - My Drive






#22 1994jamesj



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Posted 03 January 2019 - 11:10 PM

Yes indeed

#23 1994jamesj



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Posted 03 January 2019 - 11:26 PM

Attached File  IMG_0491.jpg   270.03KB   6 downloadsHere are some

Edited by 1994jamesj, 03 January 2019 - 11:33 PM.

#24 1994jamesj



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Posted 03 January 2019 - 11:43 PM

Attached File  IMG_0493.jpg   254.39KB   6 downloadsAttached File  IMG_0494.jpg   198.12KB   5 downloads

Name rings a bell, probably off one of the facebook groups.

I sent some pics 

#25 1994jamesj



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Posted 03 January 2019 - 11:59 PM

Those are all the bpaks i currently have just now.  There are still many that are missing.





#26 spa


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Posted 04 January 2019 - 08:21 AM

Thanks. When you get a T7 it will also have a load on the hard drive, well, they usually do.


Good news is, we already have all of those, a shame as it's always nice to find something that's missing.


Let us know when you get your T7.

http://www.youtube.com/FruitVideos - My youtube channel


https://drive.google...&usp=drive_link - My Drive






#27 chasnbons


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Posted 04 January 2019 - 09:05 AM

There's someone called Wayne Marshall do you know him and i will wait a little then and see what happens.

Is he from Birmingham?
I'll send photos in the next few minutes please keep an eye out.

#28 nails


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Posted 04 January 2019 - 11:40 AM

myself and a few others do indeed have bacrest bbs accounts. check out the listing (crying shame that they have not kept the old s16 and rio b3 stuff, but hey)


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#29 nails


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Posted 04 January 2019 - 11:43 AM

Name Description Info Size Date
B3 2GBP Casino 0.5(Build 38).bpak  T777 Casino B3 v0.5 2GBP Game Info  267 MB  29/05/2013
B3 2GBP Elvis Top 20 1.4(Build 16).bpak  T777 B3 Elvis Top 20 v1.4 2GBP Info  472 MB  22/07/2015
B3 2GBP Merry Money 1.0(Build 72).bpak  T777 B3 Merry Money 1.0 2GBP Info  342 MB  29/05/2013
B3 2GBP Montys Millions 2.5(Build 150).bpak   T777 B3 Montys Millions v2.5 2GBP Info  245 MB  15/10/2013
B3 2GBP ProgRock 0.5(Build 36).bpak  T777 B3 Progressive Rock v0.5 2GBP Info  260 MB  24/01/2012
B3 2GBP Rainbow Pots Seasonal 2.1(Build 209).bpak  B3 2GBP Rainbow Pots Seasonal v2.1 Info  860 MB  01/04/2016
B3 2GBP RainbowRichesFOGSeasonal 2.4(Build 3).bpak  B3 2GBP Rainbow Riches FOG Seasonal v2.4 Info  371 MB  01/04/2016
B3 2GBP RainbowRichesFreespins 2.1(Build 85).bpak  B3 2GBP Rainbow Riches Freespins v2.1 Info  235 MB  01/04/2016
B3 2GBP Rocky 1.3(Build 171).bpak  T777 Rocky v1.3 2GBP B3 Game Info  350 MB  22/01/2014
B3 2GBP RR Win Big Shindig 0.7(Build 87).bpak  T777 B3 RR Winbig Shindig v0.7 2GBP Info  330 MB  29/05/2013
B3 2GBP RRLuckOfTheIrish 1.2(Build 11).bpak  T777 B3 RR Luck of the Irish v1.2 2GBP Info  221 MB  09/01/2017
B3 2GBP RRScratchToMatch 2.5(Build 47).bpak   T777 B3 RR Scratch to Match v2.5 2GBP Info  207 MB  24/01/2012
B3 2GBP Seaside Slots 0.6(Build 35).bpak  T777 B3 Seaside Slots v0.6 2GBP Info  167 MB  24/01/2012
B3 500 Challenge7 5.0(Build 103).bpak  World Poker Tour ÿ500 Version 5.0 Info  157 MB  12/01/2009
B3 64FruityFlavours 0.1(Build 16).bpak  Triple 777 64 Fruity Flavours v0.1 B3 Game (Use with Exec V3.10 or above) Info  106 MB  07/09/2009
B3 ArabianCharms 2GBP 0.5(Build 88).bpak  T777 Arabian Charms v0.5 B3 2GBP Info  290 MB  15/10/2013
B3 Big Bucks 7 3.4(Build 116).bpak  Big Bucks 3.4 B3 (Only to be used with Executive V3.2.4.6 or above) Info  158 MB  04/09/2008
B3 Cashino7 4.1(Build 54).bpak  Cashino 4.1 B3 Info  174 MB  04/09/2008
B3 CashinoDeluxe7 1.1(Build 30).bpak  B3 Cashino Deluxe 1.1 Info  212 MB  25/03/2009
B3 CrownJewels 0.4(Build 38).bpak  T777 Crown Jewels v0.4 B3 Game Info  107 MB  23/10/2009
B3 Curse Of Frankenstein 0.4(Build 65).bpak  T777 Curse of Frankenstein B3 v0.4.065 Info  204 MB  22/09/2011
B3 Elvis Smash Hits Party 0.3(Build 25).bpak  T777 Elvis Smash Hits Party B3 v0.3 Game Info  293 MB  22/01/2010
B3 Elvis Top 20 7 1.3(Build 48).bpak  Elvis Top20 1.3 B3 (Only to be used with Executive V3.2.4.6 or above) Info  459 MB  11/09/2008
B3 ENC CptJack 3SS Game 0.2(Build 114).bpak  Captain Jackpots Treasure Island v0.2 Community BASE Game Info  280 MB  13/07/2012
B3 FootyFruits 0.2(Build 5).bpak  T777 Footy Fruits B3 v0.2 Info  341 MB  07/06/2010
B3 Golden Charms 7 3.5(Build 73).bpak  Golden Charms 3.5 B3 (Only to be used with Executive V3.2.4.6 or above) Info  184 MB  04/09/2008
B3 Grand Casino7 3.3(Build 61).bpak  Grand Casino 3.3 B3 (Only to be used with Executive V3.2.4.6 or above) Info  165 MB  04/09/2008
B3 High Five 7 3.5(Build 104).bpak  Hi 5 3.5 B3 (Only to be used with Executive V3.2.4.6 or above) Info  136 MB  10/09/2008
B3 HIT THE TOP 3SS Backdrop 1.3(Build 42).bpak  Hit the Top Community Cash Backdrop Game v1.3 3Player. Info  680 MB  16/07/2013
B3 HIT THE TOP 3SS Game 1.3(Build 42).bpak  Hit the Top Community Cash Base Game v1.3 3Player. Info  564 MB  17/07/2013
B3 JackpotJoker 1.1(Build 37).bpak  T777 B3 Jackpot Joker v1.1 2GBP Desc  141 MB  07/07/2011
B3 KingOfTheAztecs 0.2(Build 8).bpak  T777 King of the Aztecs v0.2 B3 Game (Use with Exec V3.10 or above) Info  122 MB  09/10/2009
B3 MagicFruits 0.3(Build 20).bpak  T777 Magic Fruits v0.3 B3 Game Info  167 MB  23/10/2009
B3 Monty Python7 3.5(Build 74).bpak  Monty Python 3.5 B3 (Only to be used with Executive V3.2.4.6 or above) Info  284 MB  04/09/2008
B3 Montys Millions 1.1(Build 18).bpak  Triple 777 Montys Millions B3 v1.1 Info  197 MB  13/07/2010
B3 MummyMoney7 1.0(Build 82).bpak  Mummy Money B3 Version 1.0 (Use with Exec V3.7.10 or above) Info  202 MB  10/03/2009
B3 NeptunesTreasure 1.8(Build 100).bpak  T777 Neptunes Treasure B3 Game Info  179 MB  04/02/2010
B3 New York New York 7 1.7(Build 105).bpak  T777 New York New York v1.7 B3 Game Info  426 MB  28/09/2010
B3 PollPosition 0.3(Build 13).bpak  T777 Poll Position B3 Game v0.3 Info  181 MB  01/10/2013
B3 Rainbow Pots Seasonal 0.1(Build 24).bpak  T777 Rainbow Riches Pots of Gold Seasonal B3 Info  441 MB  04/02/2010
B3 Rainbow Pots7 1.0(Build 177).bpak  Rainbow Riches Pots of Gold B3 v1.0 Info  261 MB  08/02/2010
B3 Rainbow Riches 7 3.4(Build 47).bpak  Rainbow Riches v3.4 B3 Info  208 MB  04/09/2008
B3 RainbowRiches 3SS Backdrop 2.1(Build 4).bpak  RR Community Cash Backdrop v2.1 3 Player Info  1,240 MB  23/07/2015
B3 RainbowRiches 3SS Game 2.1(Build 4).bpak  RR Community Cash Base Game v2.1 3 Player Info  448 MB  23/07/2015
B3 RainbowRichesFOGSeasonal 1.2(Build 16).bpak  Rainbow Riches FOG v1.2 Seasonal (Must be used with STD 4.1 Theme) Info  336 MB  12/01/2010
B3 Rocky 0.7(Build 38).bpak  T777 Rocky v0.7 B3 Game Info  133 MB  14/07/2010
B3 Rocky2 2GBP 1.2(Build 50).bpak  T777 B3 Rocky2 v1.2 2GBP Info  266 MB  24/01/2012
B3 RR Winbig Shindig 3.0(Build 56).bpak  T777 Winbig Shindig v3.0 1GBP Game (Use with Exec V3.10 or above) Info  204 MB  15/03/2010
B3 RRLuckOfTheIrish 0.1(Build 4).bpak  T777 Rainbow Riches Luck of the Irish v0.1 B3 Game Info  229 MB  04/03/2011
B3 StarsAndStripes 0.3(Build 16).bpak  T777 Stars and Stripes v0.3 B3 Game Info  139 MB  03/08/2010
B3 StarsAndStripes 2GBP 0.2(Build 53).bpak  T777 Stars and Stripes B3 v0.2 2GBP Info  141 MB  24/01/2012
B3 T7 ActionBank 1.6(Build 9).bpak  B3 T777 Action Bank v1.6 Info  233 MB  30/10/2017
B3 T7 BarkinMad 1.2(Build 57).bpak  T777 B3 Barkin Mad v1.2 Game Info  268 MB  12/02/2014
B3 T7 BigCheese 1.3.001.bpak   T777 B3 Big Cheese v1.3 Info  268 MB  13/12/2013
B3 T7 Boulder Bucks 1.0(Build 53).bpak  T777 Boulder Bucks v1.0 Info  254 MB  18/11/2016
B3 T7 CrownGems 1.5(Build 4).bpak  B3 ÿ500 T777 CrownGems 1.5 (Build 4) Info  70 MB  01/07/2015
B3 T7 Double Frootastic 1.0(Build 7).bpak  B3 T7 Double Frootastic v1.0 Info  100 MB  08/06/2017
B3 T7 Emperors Treasure 1.0(Build 10).bpak  B3 T777 Emperors Treasure v1.0 Info  224 MB  08/08/2017
B3 T7 EXCALIBUR 1.9(Build 6).bpak  T777 Excaliburs Choice v1.9 B3 2GBP Info  207 MB  05/08/2015
B3 T7 FlameOfFortune 1.1(Build 14).bpak  B3 T777 Flame Of Fortune v1.1 Info  199 MB  31/08/2016
B3 T7 GoldenDragon 1.4 (Build 1).bpak  T777 B3 Golden Dragon v1.4 2GBP Info  407 MB  20/10/2014
B3 T7 HotSlot 1.0(Build 14).bpak  B3 T777 Hot Slot v1.0 Info  134 MB  03/12/2015
B3 T7 IncaHoots 1.0 (Build 7).bpak  T777 B3 Inca Hoots v1.0 2GBP Info  265 MB  02/09/2014
B3 T7 JewelInTheCrown 1.0(Build 14).bpak  B3 T777 Jewel In The Crown v1.0 Info  244 MB  13/04/2017
B3 T7 KingsRansom 1.0(Build 21).bpak  B3 T777 Kings Ransom v1.0 Info  260 MB  20/05/2016
B3 T7 LegendOfThePharaohs 1.0(Build 43).bpak  T777 B3 Legend Of The Pharaohs v1.0 Info  207 MB  30/10/2017
B3 T7 MMM Cosmic Cash 1.9(Build 23).bpak  T777 B3 MMM Cosmic Cash v1.9 Game Info  516 MB  03/09/2015
B3 T7 Monopoly Big Event 1.1 (build 04).bpak  B3 T777 Monopoly Big Event v1.1 Info  176 MB  26/03/2015
B3 T7 Montezuma 1.0(Build 10).bpak  T777 Montezuma v1.0 2GBP Info  255 MB  07/07/2016
B3 T7 Monty Python's Flying Circus 1.4(Build 47).bpak  T777 B3 Monty Pythons Flying Circus v1.4 2GBP Info  188 MB  09/07/2013
B3 T7 Moon Shadow 1.0(Build 13).bpak  B3 T7 Moon Shadow 1.0 (Build 13) Info  191 MB  11/07/2015
B3 T7 Ooh Aah Dracula 1.0 (build 7).bpak  T777 B3 Ooh Aah Dracula v1.0 2GBP Info  313 MB  02/09/2014
B3 T7 OverTheRainbow 1.0(Build 26).bpak  T777 B3 OverTheRainbow v1.0 2GBP Info  580 MB  27/06/2014
B3 T7 QuickHitBlazingSevens 1.1(Build 47).bpak  B3 T7 Quick Hit Blazing Sevens v1.1 Info  397 MB  30/10/2017
B3 T7 RainbowRichesClassic 1.8(Build 88).bpak  T777 Rainbow Riches Classic B3 2GBP v1.8 Info  277 MB  02/09/2013
B3 T7 RedHotWild 1.0(Build 12).bpak  B3 T7 Red Hot Wild v1.0 Info  194 MB  05/01/2017
B3 T7 RockyItalianStallion 1.2(Build 5).bpak  B3 T777 Rocky Italian Stallion v1.2 Info  386 MB  26/10/2015
B3 T7 RRPickNMix 1.2 (Build 1).bpak  B3 T777 RR Pick N Mix v1.2 Info  357 MB  22/07/2015
B3 T7 RRPurePots 3.0.001.bpak  T777 B3 Rainbow Riches Pure Pots v3.0.001 2GBP Info  227 MB  31/05/2013
B3 T7 Sevens To Burn 1.0(Build 24).bpak  B3 T777 Sevens To Burn v1.0 Info  88 MB  01/04/2016
B3 T7 Sheik Yer Money 1.0(Build 10).bpak  B3 T7 Sheik Yer Money 1.0 Info  122 MB  26/10/2015
B3 T7 Spartacus 1.1(Build 31).bpak  B3 T777 Spartacus v1.1 Info  244 MB  20/04/2016
B3 T7 ThaiFlower v1.0.0.2.bpak  T777 B3 Thai Flower v 2GBP Game Info  335 MB  19/09/2013
B3 T7 TopSpot 1.0(Build 20).bpak  B3 T777 TopSpot v1.0 Info  186 MB  27/01/2015
B3 T7 Wild Times 1.0(Build 12).bpak  B3 T777 Wild Times v1.0 Info  165 MB  09/01/2017
B3 T7 WildKnights.2.3(Build 011).bpak  T777 B3 Wildknights v2.3 Info  197 MB  12/02/2014
B3 T7 ZeusII 1.0 (Build 006).bpak  T777 Zeus II v1.0 B3 2GBP Game Info  236 MB  26/03/2014
B3 The Price is Right 0.5(Build 70).bpak  The Price is Right B3 (Use with Exec V3.7.10 or above) Desc  192 MB  21/04/2009
B3 TootyFruity7 0.2(Build 38).bpak  Tooty Fruity 0.2 B3 (Only to be used with Executive V3.2.4.6 or above) Info  178 MB  25/09/2008
B3 TrailOfTheMummysTomb 0.5(Build 44).bpak  T777 Trail of the Mummys Tomb v0.5 B3 Game Info  189 MB  23/10/2009
B3 VBD CptJack 3SS Backdrop 0.2(Build 114).bpak  Captain Jackpots Treasure Island v0.2 Community BACKDROP Game Info  721 MB  13/07/2012
B3 Wipeout 0.1(Build 18).bpak  T777 Wipeout v0.1 B3 Game Info  245 MB  14/09/2010
B3 X_Factor_v33.bpak  T777 X Factor B3 Game v33 Info  263 MB  17/01/2011
B3LittleDevilsFruits 0.2(Build 26).bpak  T777 Little Devils Fruits v0.2 B3 Game Info  262 MB  15/10/2010
B3RainbowRichesFOG 1.0(Build 1).bpak  Triple 777 Rainbow Riches Fields of Gold v1.0 B3 Game (Exec V3.10 or above) Info  218 MB  04/09/2009
Rainbow Riches Community Sitdown Manual Issue 1.0.pdf  RR Community Sit Down manual Ref: 1.6 Upgrade Info  4 MB  16/01/2012
T7 B3 BlackKnight 1.1(Build 21).bpak  T777 B3 Black Knights v1.1 2GBP Info  306 MB  26/06/2014
T7 B3 PsychoCashBeast 1.0(Build 98).bpak  T777 B3 Psycho Cash Beast v1.0 Info  185 MB  01/05/2015
T7 B3 RRPureGold 1.1 (build 23).bpak  T777 B3 RR Pure Gold v1.1 Info  278 MB  16/04/2015

#30 spa


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Posted 04 January 2019 - 01:15 PM

Thanks, they are all obtained. There are tons not on there.

http://www.youtube.com/FruitVideos - My youtube channel


https://drive.google...&usp=drive_link - My Drive






#31 niallquinn



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Posted 06 January 2019 - 10:08 AM

I've was thinking last night, all the T7 games, some that we've got work on the Rio....has anymore been found to work on it?





#32 spa


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Posted 06 January 2019 - 10:27 AM

If I still had a rio, i'd just try them all. Worst case is it's going to just say no :)


I have tried to load a few onto my Interplay, it just says no, along the lines of 'Game unsupported'.

http://www.youtube.com/FruitVideos - My youtube channel


https://drive.google...&usp=drive_link - My Drive






#33 1994jamesj



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Posted 06 January 2019 - 07:57 PM

Does anyone have Amazon Eyes and Pyramids Of Giza

Can i have all of these mentioned please 

myself and a few others do indeed have bacrest bbs accounts. check out the listing (crying shame that they have not kept the old s16 and rio b3 stuff, but hey)


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  8. Triple 8 Cat C/D (25)
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  26. Triple 7 Cat B4 (26)
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#34 nails


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Posted 06 January 2019 - 08:19 PM

Reg, can you deal with this one  :jimlad:

#35 slippery



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Posted 06 January 2019 - 09:13 PM

Ha ha nice one Gary

#36 spa


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Posted 06 January 2019 - 10:17 PM

Amazon Eyes and Pyramids Of Giza are not T7 games.

http://www.youtube.com/FruitVideos - My youtube channel


https://drive.google...&usp=drive_link - My Drive






#37 1994jamesj



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Posted 06 January 2019 - 10:22 PM

Oh ok, would've offer money if someone did have it.

Amazon Eyes and Pyramids Of Giza are not T7 games.

#38 spa


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Posted 07 January 2019 - 04:48 PM

If they had it, it still wouldn't run. I could find it and take that money, but it would then just be a file on your pc.

http://www.youtube.com/FruitVideos - My youtube channel


https://drive.google...&usp=drive_link - My Drive






#39 1994jamesj



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Posted 07 January 2019 - 06:35 PM


#40 Reg



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Posted 07 January 2019 - 07:06 PM

Reg, can you deal with this one  :jimlad:


Ok !  I'll help him out...


Does anyone have Amazon Eyes and Pyramids Of Giza

Can i have all of these mentioned please 


Ok - enough of wasting your time.  We've had fun. Time to help you now.

You can get these for free by calling 020 8580 6000, ask for Technical Support.  When through ask for the 11 exec engineers disk to be posted to you with current games pack.  It's free, all you need is the product ID from your system screen on your T7.


Others may tell you this is not true - but this is how you get the master games pack. 

They will only give one per address, if you ask again, you will have to return your previous engineers disk for an upgrade.

Part of the reason we ask for what games you have is we want to see what level you're at.


DO NOT PAY ANYONE based on what you've posted here - all this stuff is free.  If you get somebody on that tech support that does not help, wait, try again during lunch or a different period of the day, depending on who you get depeands on if they're send it to you.  Some only like to deal with direct customers - it's a lottery - think of Tesco's where sometimes you get the grumpy checkout person and other times you get the more grumpy checkout person.



Oh ok, would've offer money if someone did have it.

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