Although the emulator cannot be hosted here and I can see why Wizard has made this decision, but this site has no restrictions on hosting the layouts, and I would say that this is the come to site for the latest layouts.
Therefor it makes perfect sense to have the layout downloads section divided into sub sections for each version of the emulator to make the layouts for that version easier to locate for users, This is not an issue of who hosts the emulator or not, but more a suggestion on how to make this site better and easier to use for the users here at Fruit- Emu.
What would make it easier to use is if users didn’t have to download layouts from here and then find the emulator in which to play them in a completely different site.
The decision to not have the latest emulator here is a decision which is still baffling and seems to be more about control, and the creator’s baffling hatred for this site, than any practical reasoning.