Not richy1976 surely? If so, then that's really disappointing. He does some good layouts and contributes a lot to the scene
A member of the same name last logged into DIF on August 17th, the day the news broke.
Posted 11 September 2019 - 03:16 PM
Not richy1976 surely? If so, then that's really disappointing. He does some good layouts and contributes a lot to the scene
Posted 11 September 2019 - 04:38 PM
Dodgy copies of windows.
Dont know how fleabay put up with that scrap pc crap.
and IF it is him, then the above quote in an old thread i started about ebay disks .. see here,,,, https://www.fruit-em...ow/#entry309700
he posts the above, and then in the next 2 posts AAAmusements posts this...
A user called key-software is suddenly in the queue for new account validation.
Looks like someone googles themselves.
and then "key software" posts this.........
My ears were burning so I thought I'd better chime in. This is my first visit to the site so thanks for letting me in to defend myself.
Firstly I realise it's not the best product in the world however it is only £1.99 and by the time you take into account ebay/paypal/postage/vat fees i'd be lucky to see 50p profit which isn't going to get me many spins. Selling on eBay is a tough gig with low margins and thousands of clueless buyers expecting hours of support when they paid a few quid for a disc always with the threat of negative feedback. Speaking of which thanks for posting all mine above. I run at 99.2% positive and have over 15,000 positive feedback so it's not really relevant and I searched my last 1000 and couldn't find any negatives for this product.
As Jay stated above he got into this by buying an eBay listing and then found this website once his interest increased. I have no doubt many of my buyers end up on here after using the disc and eBay has a much wider audience than this site. Do I feel I'm ripping people off - absolutely not. Do I think I could offer a better service? With your help sure I can. I'm always looking to improve the products I offer. If someone here wants to come up with a a 1,2 or 3 disc set or a 16GB usb set then I'd be happy to sell it and give 25% of the profit to the site. I could even add the forum into the software menu loader to promote the site to newbies. Could you do this yourselves? Yes but I have the experience and support to ensure the products would be a success as well as a 20,000 strong database of potential buyers.
So admin has my real address (my accountant whose address is above wouldn't appreciate a visit) and if you have any other questions ask away.
so IF it is richy1976 (key software?).........sneeky bugger......
if its NOT Richy1976, then all the above "assumptions" in my post are wrong, and i would fully retract this post..............and appolgise....
shame if it is though........he seemed pukka, genuine and helpful....
Nah........i cant belive its him! gotta be someone else.......
Edited by shaun2097, 11 September 2019 - 04:46 PM.
Posted 11 September 2019 - 05:54 PM
and IF it is him, then the above quote in an old thread i started about ebay disks .. see here,,,, https://www.fruit-em...ow/#entry309700
he posts the above, and then in the next 2 posts AAAmusements posts this...
and then "key software" posts this.........
so IF it is richy1976 (key software?).........sneeky bugger......
if its NOT Richy1976, then all the above "assumptions" in my post are wrong, and i would fully retract this post..............and appolgise....
shame if it is though........he seemed pukka, genuine and helpful....
Nah........i cant belive its him! gotta be someone else.......
Posted 12 September 2019 - 06:45 AM
Aaamusements knew who slotz-r-us was from April 2015, as I stated over at DIF and in spite of the accusations thrown at my post there. It never altered the facts.
Posted 13 September 2019 - 03:51 PM
I was gobsmacked it was Richy, I've interacted with him many times on the forum and we helped each other out many times with graphics and real machines. I'm disappointed that he changed peoples layouts and took the credit, apart from that I don't dislike him all of a sudden.
// stumblin' in the neon groves
Posted 13 September 2019 - 07:46 PM
Posted 13 September 2019 - 09:21 PM
The last pm from him was the 18th Aug and that was the last time he logged in, still can't really believe it would be him though, as he was to genuine a guy, never ever mentioned about eBay or nowt via pm in fact the last pm's were of himself buying £500roms from eBay for my club cops and robbers platinum of which he was seeking help for burning them for emulation via the mecca.IF it is Richy, I hope he at least was given a chance to sort it out amicably before any ban was given.
It really feels like we've just been told one of our valued and liked members has quit or worse.
I have no issue with Ebay sellers, there are pluses to their auctions as well. But can understand the annoyance if someone puts hours in to something then it's claimed by someone else.
Finally IF it is Richy, then one of our PMs actually makes me chuckle, cause he was a bit cheeky, all things considered.
Edited by vectra666, 13 September 2019 - 09:28 PM.
Posted 13 September 2019 - 10:38 PM
Resourcer/Bug Finder
Posted 13 September 2019 - 11:39 PM
You never really know people do you. Proper pissed me off when i found out,@ wac this has gone past being sorted amicably this has been goong on since 2015 and nothing has been done about it.
Seems because the new mfme isnt hosted here nibody gives a f*** whats going on. Ridiculous really!
Posted 14 September 2019 - 07:57 AM
Seems because the new mfme isn't hosted here nobody gives a f*** whats going on. Ridiculous really!
One person not nobody... but get your point.
Posted 15 September 2019 - 04:02 AM
I'm shocked it was Richy! If it wasn't him doing this, I'm sure he would have been on this site by now to put the record straight.
Not many of us would've guessed that it was him flogging those DVDs on eBay & Amazon. He was an active member over a number of years who would often help members out if they were stuck and even made some good layouts.
Some members helped & trusted him as well, so it's disappointing that he really felt the need to keep selling as 'slotz-r-us' the guy who creates All the MFME emulators, DXs & Classics.
Btw, unless Bootle had decided to pack up and move to Bristol? I can confidently say that the eBay seller known as 'key-software' isn't richy1976...
Posted 15 September 2019 - 04:09 AM
Just goes to show you have no idea about people, unless you know/have met them etc.
That's very true mate.
If you would like to meet and get to know me better? Just name the time and the place and I'll be there wearing my best PVC Catsuit!
Posted 15 September 2019 - 04:37 AM
That's very true mate.
If you would like to meet and get to know me better? Just name the time and the place and I'll be there wearing my best PVC Catsuit!
Posted 15 September 2019 - 04:47 AM
Thanks for your very kind offer, but you ought to be aware by now that I don't do pussy!
LOL !!
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