Yeah so i'm after an empty cabinet or a dud machine I can strip out.
Looking on eBay, there was someone selling an empty DOND, I was thinking I could be the first to do a front opening MFME cab lol. Plus it's easier accessible.
Any way I messaged the seller of the empty cab and he has told me that the height of the machine is 71", I need to lose 2-3 inches on the height.
I want to leave the front intact i.e. that black thing at the top with the bell fruit logo in it, i'm wondering if I can trim some off the bottom without damaging it?
Or does any on here local to Manchester have an empty cab or a dud machine maximum in height of 68" ?
And of course your thoughts are always welcome
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Edited by RHM, 11 November 2019 - 11:56 AM.