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What is the current status of Fruit Emu?

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#21 barcrest junky

barcrest junky

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Posted 03 March 2020 - 08:24 PM

Well I noticed today Alex has unfriended me on Facebook. Not arsed to be honest but I checked cos of this thread and noticed it.

It was Wizard's decision to remove hosting from here that caused the issues. The centre of emulation gravity has now shifted to DIF. In my honest opinion this site should be archived, for preservation of the historical contribution to the scene, made read only and closed down. However I did not pay for the ownership of the site nor do I collect the ongoing subscriptions so it is not my decision. I also don't have to suffer the problems and issues caused by owning and running a site like this and for that I am truly thankful.

#22 CharlieRaymondo


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Posted 03 March 2020 - 11:20 PM

So Alex can unfriend you on FB but not get his shite together on here. My, my, my, priorities!!!

#23 stardust



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Posted 04 March 2020 - 11:11 AM

So Alex can unfriend you on FB but not get his shite together on here. My, my, my, priorities!!!


I'm afraid, that is how he's become with us all... like BJ, I haven't lost sleep over it at all.


But two-faced certainly springs to mind with him, if nothing else, because that is just how it has all come across, sadly.

#24 CharlieRaymondo


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Posted 04 March 2020 - 12:27 PM

Pete, Dad and other admins from other sites don't carry on like lemons. Certainly tells one a lot!!! 

#25 fuzion


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Posted 04 March 2020 - 03:01 PM

We seem to be making issues though, Alex hasn’t been around for a long time now, the site still ticks along. Maybe Alex just doesn’t want to interact with the forums.

The forum has some issues but people can and do still upload layouts here, so layouts are still available for download and you can post in forums too, isn’t that what people are here for? Just can’t understand what the big deal is. If the mods are that bothered and/or pissed off just don’t hang around, you don’t get paid for your time etc.


// stumblin' in the neon groves

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