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#1 B. Bopalula

B. Bopalula


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Posted 29 March 2020 - 01:19 PM

Hi All, the last project (Fix the Global battery) is still working well, thanks to your help. Now on to a new one, Build a Touchscreen Cabinet. I have been given a touchscreen, ex bell fruit machine. The monitor part works well, but I don't have the full driver set for the touchscreen.  I have some of the driver files, enough to see that it functions, but not the setup file. The screen is a Zytouch 19 in and the driver I need is Zytouch Driver Version 1.0.4. I have searched the internet and tried Zytech but they are not interested in legacy products. I wondered if anyone has this driver, ex Bell engineers perhaps, or know where I can get it.

Many thanks.

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