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Changing decals on bulbs

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#1 Dan1


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Posted 12 June 2020 - 03:12 PM

I'm really sorry to keep troubling everyone, but really need help. I'm changing decals on some fruit machine in mfme v6 (mainly astras. Also don't have v19-windows 8 computer) I change them by ctrl+e then properties on the bulb and changing the image, however when I change it the bulb either does not flash and stays constantly on with the new image or if it does flash, it flashes the original amount. Is there any way to change the image and make the new image flash, as if the new image that I have put over it was the original bulb. 


Any help would be appreciated greatly. 

#2 frig



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Posted 13 June 2020 - 05:21 AM

Are you changing both images? IE: The on state and off state? I always tick and then untick the transparent box, and then apply if I am not using a transparent image, or leave it ticked if I do.

#3 Max Cartwright

Max Cartwright

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Posted 13 June 2020 - 09:07 AM

The people on desert island fruits will know ( :biglaugh:  :biglaugh: )


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