Very nice work considering the base flyer (which is absolutely attrocious..)
To fix the lamp up the top just memorise the X and Y of the graphic lamp over it, drag it away, delete the classic lamp and put the X and Y values back into the lamp to put it back exactly where it came from
I too have noticed the buttons changing status graphically (including the transfer auto start button) and cant quite work out why it does that?
I dont know if you knew but there's a 9mb flyer over at that seems to be bigger and better than the one hosted here.. might be worth checking out if you want to do a revamp of this DX
Im absolutely delighted with the way it plays too, as I noted elsewhere it's great to see a true force knockback machine that doesnt f*** you off with 200 quid per grand and have an impossible to get Jackpot..
I potted it earlier (see other thread) and will most definitely do so again when I have time..
Very good clubber
EDIT : you have also left the 2 quid text on the button up the top for the coin in.