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{Epoch}Full Moon Fever £25 DX 4K+

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#21 slasherx2


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Posted 01 August 2020 - 08:15 PM

You know what richy1976? You're a thieving c***, as you've already proven by being rumbled for selling layouts, roms and the emulator on eBay. Utter scum. You're as bad as those selling OpenOffice on eBay.

This layout is clearly a rip off, never mind "oops I used the reels" etc, you stole them and did not give credit.

Absolute scum of the net.

Ridiculous that you're not banned from here yet. Shows what a shit show the site admin is.

Edited by slasherx2, 01 August 2020 - 08:18 PM.

#22 richy1976


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Posted 01 August 2020 - 08:54 PM

You know what richy1976? You're a thieving c***, as you've already proven by being rumbled for selling layouts, roms and the emulator on eBay. Utter scum. You're as bad as those selling OpenOffice on eBay.

This layout is clearly a rip off, never mind "oops I used the reels" etc, you stole them and did not give credit.

Absolute scum of the net.

Ridiculous that you're not banned from here yet. Shows what a shit show the site admin is.

Mr Slasher download the classic all you have to do is properties on 1 lamp, does not match, so found my own lamp numbers, so how did the classic help with the layout?, yes the base reels, that are not even for this machine (it has different yellow numbers), that were used due to me not waiting for the guy to send me reel pictures.

The classic did not save me 15 minutes of my time in finding the lamp numbers, as the global version which the classic is, does not have the same lamp numbers as the impulse version at all, so get it into your heads (or check).


Thank you Johnnyafc for the base reels used from your classic.

There you go.


And there is no proof, it is all hearsay, one says it the sheep follow.


If you dont like high quality layout dont download or play it :)

Edited by richy1976, 01 August 2020 - 09:01 PM.

#23 slasherx2


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Posted 01 August 2020 - 09:11 PM

I still reckon you used it based on the screenshots above. Probably without permission too.

Same as you don't deny selling everyone else's work on eBay.

As for the reels, yes, you've now said thanks, but it won't be in the credits or the notes on the download itself.

It's alright saying blah blah sheep blah blah but you've been caught out, I've seen the proof... not that it matters as you don't deny it and you just sit back and take it that you're banned.

Wouldn't call it a high quality layout when it's ripped off other people's work and probably blacklisted in v20.

About time you just gave it up, or came clean and apologised and pulled all DVDs off eBay.

In fact it's about time the shit show admin pulled his head out of his arse and ban hammered you as you spoil the community for the rest, you thieving shit

Edited by slasherx2, 01 August 2020 - 09:16 PM.

#24 richy1976


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Posted 01 August 2020 - 11:00 PM

It is a set of bottom reels that are not even the proper ones for the machine.

You have been around here long enough to press design then edit mode and right click properties on a lamp, so check it out.

And regarding the layout not high quality where is yours?


Impossible for you to have seen proof when it is not my ebay account, end of story.

Edited by richy1976, 01 August 2020 - 11:03 PM.

#25 slasherx2


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Posted 01 August 2020 - 11:46 PM

If you weren't banned from a certain forum for being a thief, you'd have seen some of my layouts.

Evidence doesn't lie pal, if it's not your eBay account, then you certainly know who's it is and don't mind assisting them.

How do you explain the exact same positioning as in screenshots posted earlier?

#26 Geddy



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Posted 02 August 2020 - 06:36 AM

If you weren't banned from a certain forum for being a thief, you'd have seen some of my layouts.

Evidence doesn't lie pal, if it's not your eBay account, then you certainly know who's it is and don't mind assisting them.

...and has tried a few times to get back in to steal more stuff for his eBay discs haha

#27 richy1976


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Posted 02 August 2020 - 11:27 AM

If you weren't banned from a certain forum for being a thief, you'd have seen some of my layouts.

Evidence doesn't lie pal, if it's not your eBay account, then you certainly know who's it is and don't mind assisting them.

How do you explain the exact same positioning as in screenshots posted earlier?

Couple of modern classics, bacta tells you the lamps.

Could knock a pretty looking one up in a hour and a half.

I have told you the screen shots above, i deleted everything and put my art over it, the lamp numbers did not help, global classic and impulse dx all lamps are different, as said previously.

And i actually know what dx the reels originally came from, and it was not the global full moon classic :)

If you are such a super creator you would check lamp numbers and see.

Try making one from 20 pictures for a whole week.


Hello Geddy :)

Edited by richy1976, 02 August 2020 - 11:30 AM.

#28 slasherx2


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Posted 02 August 2020 - 02:45 PM

So someone is still passing you the layouts or you've managed to get in through a back door then - more terms and conditions/rules broken.

I never claimed to be a super creator but I have respect for everyone's work and would never try to profit from it.

If it's not completely ripped off, why are the hidden things still in the same place? Clearly didn't delete everything did you?

#29 richy1976


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Posted 02 August 2020 - 03:12 PM

So someone is still passing you the layouts or you've managed to get in through a back door then - more terms and conditions/rules broken.

I never claimed to be a super creator but I have respect for everyone's work and would never try to profit from it.

If it's not completely ripped off, why are the hidden things still in the same place? Clearly didn't delete everything did you?

Had a look at your profile, do not need to be a member of dif.

Obviously missed deleting them bits at the side.

As i said check the lamps, if you are not going to check the lamps then stop going on about it.

#30 vectra666


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Posted 02 August 2020 - 04:59 PM

Mmmmmm...let the readers decide and I'm sorry if Jafc says you've ripped him off you've ripped him off...

Wasn't going to post for various reasons but i have just checked both layouts in question and although richy may of used jafc's classic layout as a base for his dx it clearly isn't the same layout as in for starters on start-up the alpha reads 1. global games 2. impulse games then i thought 'ok' lets take a look at the actual layouts in question and yes richy is correct as in both layouts use completely different lamping numbers for each and every lamp, except reel lamps maybe, as for the lamps to the right hand side of the layout, anyone can miss these as they are so far right the screen needed to be expanded to 1600x2500 approx. i've left lamps  even buttons on like this then wondered why the bleeding things won't run, simple mistake 

i can post screen shots of every lamp if needs be but that'll be plain stupid so here;s the £15/£25 lamp for an example. trouble is with global/impulse they use the same machine but different layout in regards to lamp positions i've made a few like this.

As for reel symbols Again these actually started life in my mummy talks layout which were uploaded by samson81 i believe via a reel resources buy on here by chasnbons for a quid iirc, 

Everything else said in this topic still stands and i'm not supporting anyone on that case!!!! but the layout lamping is different to the classic in this case.

of course a simple solution which i thought was being implemented is for Wizard to block said layout from v20+.


Again before anyone starts on me i'm NOT defending the other actions only this layout's imperfections if any.

Attached Files

Edited by vectra666, 02 August 2020 - 05:03 PM.

The more I do today, The less I do tomorrow.
Fme is alive and screaming into the 21st century!
Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!

#31 slasherx2


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Posted 02 August 2020 - 05:38 PM

The fact still remains that he's used an existing layout for a base

#32 RyanA



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Posted 02 August 2020 - 07:08 PM

why are you not being nice to each other. this game looks good

#33 RyanA



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Posted 02 August 2020 - 08:24 PM

i have read this so why is this game not good?

#34 slasherx2


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Posted 02 August 2020 - 08:28 PM

i have read this so why is this game not good?

Nothing wrong with the game but the person that released it has ripped off people and also sells DVDs on eBay with the stuff you can get for free from here, which breaks the emulator terms and conditions.

Basically this dickhead makes money from the hard work of others that have released things for free

#35 RyanA



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Posted 02 August 2020 - 08:32 PM

sorry i am new but this seems wrong. why buy whenyou can get for free and thank for what you get. is this person richy not a nice person then?

#36 slasherx2


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Posted 02 August 2020 - 08:40 PM

No, he's a prick that profits from the work of others and rips people off
In fact he should be banned like he has been from the other Fruit machine emulation forums but the admin here has his head stuck up his own arse and doesn't give a shit about this site unfortunately as it doesn't make him any money... another money orientated one

Edited by slasherx2, 02 August 2020 - 08:43 PM.

#37 RyanA



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Posted 02 August 2020 - 08:46 PM

cannot the site owner do anything. if this is wrong as you say then something should be done. I was going to donate but see a lot of advert and I still cannot download. this site looked so good when I signed up 

#38 superbaron



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Posted 02 August 2020 - 11:32 PM

Hi RyanA


Welcome to the site.  You have to post over 30 active posts Then you are moved in to the regulars and can download a few layouts.

#39 richy1976


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Posted 03 August 2020 - 09:34 AM

Dear Slasher.

What you think and what you know fact are two different things.


And what else i am going to say "things are free" are strong misleading words, that we see used a lot on some of these sites, because things are not free, things are limited to the regular user, very limited indeed, unless you pay, which they like to call donate.

Misleading, so stop misleading people, and i dont mean just you doing it.

Maybe if prices lowered on a certain site, they would see more in the long term, less is more.

#40 richy1976


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Posted 03 August 2020 - 10:30 AM

The fact still remains that he's used an existing layout for a base

The fact being i look at the classic as you do, to see if it was of help, it was not, so i went over it.

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