But, the machine itself didnt function correctly which was a real shame.
That lit a fire up my arse and so I decided to get some help from Bugs and make a bfemu DX of it
The PSD that bfemu needs is finished and it's over with Bugs being 'bfemu'd' (something to do with aload of text files and some serious brainwork) and should be done pretty soon.
Here's a shot of the off and on images so you can get a rough Idea what to expect...
The artwork isnt the best ever, Pook sent me the flyer and its not the best (pretty old now and they used crap print qual in those days) but Ive done my best with it...
The lamping was also very hard, especially on the white trail lamps..
They tended to come out a bit fluffy but there wasnt alot I could do about it (they have already been toned down)
Not too long now