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loads of my empires are now gonna be released :)

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#61 Guest_Tommy c_*

Guest_Tommy c_*
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Posted 26 June 2012 - 09:27 PM

Afaik some of the roms are missing for buckaroo as it runs on mpu5 tech,i think.will have a look.

#62 piesthecat



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Posted 27 June 2012 - 11:52 AM

What about tomb raider but maybe with a simple reel instead of a disc reel?

#63 Taylor525


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Posted 01 July 2012 - 01:18 PM

i know this is a very old topic but did these two fruities ever get released "buckaroo and big cash machine by ross" also has anyone got the roms for johnny afc,s 1280dx of wild thing club by empire or the whole working layout please

I was just about to ask the same thing with buckaroo.

Would love to see Carousel from empire (the one witht the spinning discs and classic adders and ladders (the one that laughs when it goes invincible).
If it's in a really good mood it will give sometimes up to 10 invincible boards in a row.

Classic Adders and Ladders had an IM??

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