Am dying here. I have been a member of your site(fab by the way) now for two-three days. In that time i have learn quite alot(thanks). I now Know that first I need to download an emulator and zip files with reel covers and stuff, to which i have done tried getting all that info onto the emulator but keep getting the error 'This program cannot be run in Dos Mode.' This happens when i load your files downloaded and then start running emulator to check all is correct in the .dat files. The emulator just start's loading all info into system32(think that's right Yeah!!) and then stops when loading 'INT 021h' and at 'IRET' check point. I've had a look at stuff like the Extended Value Viewer. But to be true I haven't got a clue. Read and printed 8086 Assembler Tutorial for Beginner (part1) Read part 2+3 as well. Also read MFME 1.1 Tutorial by Alan Dutta-Plummer(Dupla) and followed the master's instruction's by to no avale. Please as you being a Master of Fruit Machine heaven and have the vast knowledge too.