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Hopper Dumping and Meters

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#21 Bencrest


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Posted 01 September 2005 - 12:58 AM

Lol I do agree with that. It does however depend on experience.

It is kinda like Operative. That can mean 'someone skilled in operating', or 'binman' - which BTW I think is a totally fine career.

Stuff gets more and more distorted. I've heard all the stuff from my dad, about being a Radar apprentice, rising through the ranks of the RAF, going to the Falklands, and settling down at a local base, and that makes you appreciate what an 'engineer' is. It's the 'being able to fix/make something with the most basic tools imaginable', rather than 'I can't remember how to press 'Dump Hopper' people :)
Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)

#22 TheMission



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Posted 01 September 2005 - 01:23 AM

What bugs me is that someone who has gone right through the education system, to Masters Degree level + 5 years training/assessment, gets the same job title i.e. "Engineer" as some 17yr old tosser drilling holes in a brick wall for satellite TV dishes or whatever.

Really f***s me off this (as if you hadn't noticed).

#23 skabaz


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Posted 01 September 2005 - 12:05 PM

i agree

when i first started in this business to become an 'engineer' i had to take on a 3 year apprenticeship do a college course in electronics and then the company sent me down to blackpool to pass my coinslot technicians course.

so i call myself an engineer because i have the qualifications to do the job i am doing and i dont just deal with fruit machines i also install and repair jukeboxes,video games, plasma screens and anything else thats coin operated.


#24 masterice


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Posted 02 September 2005 - 12:41 AM

Uhhh... The Refill Meter is the thing next to the coin mech, you mean the 'short/long term software meters/hopper float'...

Can I have his job? I live in Spalding!

No offense, but heres some advice.

Which ever backwater supplier you work for should tell you this before they send you out to do whatever.

If you are operating unlicensed you are due a kick up the arse

Machines I've had in have had cards in, along the lines of 'Site Manager - Hopper Float Management', telling you how to dump / refloat as necessary.

I don't normally get arsey, but I fail to believe how someone in the trade is so stupid. Honestly, maybe it is the fact I've had a bad night, but FFS you need to get a grip. You have trouble with bandits, you could ask your manager. Get a grip

I think you should calm down mate. You all say im wrong but i think youll find everything with that machine is in tip top condition and meters are read correctly.

So for all of you who have just kicked off, I did actully refill the machine compleatly correctly. So turns out you are wrong.

I only ever asked on here as a social question. So if you think you know it all and apprently i need to retrain, you should think before you accuse.

I think its so sad when someone feels the need to get stressed on a internet forum.

Calm down. Or maybe, as you said

get a grip

#25 DildoDez


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Posted 02 September 2005 - 03:40 PM

oops, see post below.

#26 DildoDez


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Posted 02 September 2005 - 03:46 PM

hmmm. where to begin?

A: It's a civilised question, not a social one.

B: You spoke to an engineer like he was a piece of shit and tried to be a smartarse, when you were wrong. completely. This is to the same engineer who tried to help you in the first place!

C: f*** off.

#27 skabaz


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Posted 02 September 2005 - 05:14 PM

first of all i think you will find that if you refill a machine through the coin mech with the doors closed this will affect the refill meter and will show that the machine has whatever was in the hopper extra if the collector does their job properly.

remember i am talking about the refill meter not the hopper level.

if you are refilling a machine through the coin mech with a door open then it is pointless as you just need to pour it into the hopper without going through the coin mech.

my no offence ask for some training wasn't a dig at you just a bit of advice because when it comes to meter readings and sites that use collectors if there is any discrepencies on a regular basis then youy may lose your job.

baz(who apparently has knows f*** all!!)

#28 kensplace2



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Posted 02 September 2005 - 11:15 PM

Baz, if someone who does not know the difference between a refill meter, and the accountancy meters wants to say we are all wrong, then thats up to them.

At the end of the day, I would like to ask one question from the original poster, who is adamant that everyone is wrong.

What is the the licence number for your gambling licence (either yours personally if working for yourself) or the company you work for.

You are not giving away any confidential info by answering that, nor revealing who the client is. I just want to know if you do have a licence, or if you are just winding people up......

If you dont reveal that information (which by LAW) you have to, then its obvious that you are not licenced, and combining unlicenced fruity stuff, with being clueless about what you are doing, is more dangerous than just losing a job, its likely to end up with prison/fines.................

Simple question. Your gambling licence number.

#29 lincs1


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Posted 03 September 2005 - 01:08 AM

ken, if he gives 6 numbers + a bonus number as a license number i might even do the lottery and win...lol

#30 kensplace2



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Posted 05 September 2005 - 09:27 PM


Another one bites the dust..... The net isnt like it used to be, trolls used to have staying power, now they fall at the first hurdle....

I dont have anything against anyone doing fruity work without a licence, Im not the customs, nor the taxman, but It does peeve me if someone is clueless and making money when I cant.....

I would love to run my own fruity business, but the licence is a joke.

If someone is going to fiddle, at least know the basics first, that way I wont feel bad being to scared to fiddle :)

I wonder if there is someone in power that we could petition to get rid of the draconian licensing laws..........

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