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Can you code in C? like epoch?

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#1 mythicos



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Posted 03 September 2005 - 06:39 PM


Then you wont want to miss that post and the discussion happening there now.

Can someone please make this sticky?

#2 Bencrest


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Posted 03 September 2005 - 06:45 PM

Yup, made sticky.

At first I didn't click on the FF thread on this topic, I assumed it was someone wanting an hours tuition on which emulator to use for which layouts :D

As it stands, even if it doesn't come to anything, it is worth looking at :)
Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)

#3 Geddy



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Posted 03 September 2005 - 07:15 PM

Darn here was me thinking it was Skizzo on one of his 'promised spam' threads :D

#4 mythicos



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Posted 03 September 2005 - 07:51 PM

thanks ben.

here's hoping eh?


#5 CrAzYbAr


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Posted 03 September 2005 - 08:58 PM

So, does this mean we're on the next step to bring on an Epoch emulator?
Roll on Funny Money!! :D

This is a site for EMULATION purposes of older machines. Not playing strategies.
If you are more interested in playing modern machines,
visit Jackpottyforums

(DOND is around now on this site..... How long was this sig out of date...!)

#6 Geddy



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Posted 04 September 2005 - 06:26 PM

Well that discussion died a death mighty quickly :D

#7 kensplace2



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Posted 05 September 2005 - 10:22 PM

posted my tuppence worth, ever the sceptic :)

#8 kensplace2



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Posted 08 September 2005 - 11:27 PM

Posted again.

Waiting a reply.

Dont know what if anything is going on here, would like to find out more.

Something seems odd, lots of rights in the thread, but also warning signs, only way is if the poster talks and provides proof, then maybe people will be more interested.

#9 Seven


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Posted 09 September 2005 - 12:18 AM

I've posted way enough proof, as pretty much everyone is able to see. We're about 5 days ahead from the 'proving it can be done' stage.

#10 kensplace2



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Posted 09 September 2005 - 12:57 AM

ok, but why post saying you can teach it if you dont know if you even can do it????? Is it only me that doubts the sanity of this?

And why not pm me with info if you have nothing to hide? I can wait 5 days.

#11 Seven


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Posted 09 September 2005 - 02:38 AM

Thank you for setting me such a gracious deadline for my reply.

Firstly, as I have said here and on the other forum, enough relevant technical information has already been posted by me. If you cannot correlate what I've already said with 'knowing how the system works' or 'being able to write an emulator' or whatever other criteria you wish to set me against, then I fail to see how I am supposed to know what to tell you that *will* make you decide I am on the level. If you can't see that enough technical information has been posted (and many others in the know have) then how can you appoint yourself as judge?

By the very nature of what you have said so far, you're setting yoursedlf up for anyone with enough technical knowledge to lead you down the garden path for real in any case. Consider what you're saying in an interview case. "I can't tell if you've proven your technical skills or not from what you've told me, so please keep saying things until I'm convinced".

Secondly, why not just get to the second stage of the masterclass so that we can continue, then you'll see anyway?

I cant waste any more time on this, and I still don't know what you're asking me to tell you anyway - as I said, Iv've said enough. If you have any specific questions, then I'm very very happy to answer them - and ask them in the masterclass where someone else may get benefit from the answer. I'm definitely not doing this in PM!

#12 Seven


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Posted 09 September 2005 - 04:40 AM

Regarding teaching ability, I've been training senior engineers and project managers for years, it's not about me not knowing if I can teach or not.

In fact, training up software departments is why I am located where I am.

#13 Geddy



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Posted 09 September 2005 - 03:34 PM

Regarding teaching ability, I've been training senior engineers and project managers for years, it's not about me not knowing if I can teach or not.

In fact, training up software departments is why I am located where I am.

Personally, and this is not meant to offend but I think you are going about all this arse about face. You are not really clear as to what your learning objectives and outcomes are. Do you want to make an emu for the scene or do you want to teach folks how to make an emu for the scene? I still say it would be much easier and faster to produce the finished 'article' and use that to illustrate a step by step 'procedure to success.'

#14 Seven


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Posted 09 September 2005 - 03:53 PM


No, I am going about this in the only direction that can allow this to happen. I was absolutely clear as to what the objectives and the outcomes were! This was covered in the first few posts.

The technology to create an emulator will be based on the techniques learned by participants. I will teach the techniques. As I said before.

As I've said time and time before, I will not create an emulator on it's own - I could, but given what you have said, what would you do with it? I've already said I won't write the front end.

#15 Geddy



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Posted 09 September 2005 - 04:31 PM

Well I am sure someone would be more than willing to write a front end for your emulator and with your help release it as a 'playable' epoch emulator.

I have read all the threads regarding this subject as it is exciting from an FME POV to have 'new blood' and maybe something to look forward to however I think you now have made it clear to all (well the Joe Public FME members) that they will not be necessarily getting a playble epoch emulator at the end of this no matter how successful you are.

At the end of the day the production of a playable emu is what this scene needs from many a 'standard' members view point.

#16 Seven


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Posted 09 September 2005 - 05:29 PM

Well yes, I'm providing a tutorial with regards to a means to emulating the technology. That is all I am intereted in. It is for the people who learn this, to integrate into whatever front end/tech they want!

I understand you have a particular interest in playing Epoch games - or whatever, but sadly it can't go the exact way you want - you can't expect someone, like me, to come forward with the ability to do this and for you, and then for you to say 'well do it now and tell us how it was done.'.

Damnit, this is the last time I'll be sucked in to this kind of conversation, it wastes far too much time.

#17 elcondor


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Posted 09 September 2005 - 07:40 PM

So, it's more a case of you using EPOCH as an example to breed a new race of emu coders, rather than a vested interest in emulating EPOCH. I see now...

#18 khards



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Posted 09 September 2005 - 10:13 PM

I think that starting with Project Coin's Procon (PC-90) technology before adventuring into Epoch would be good, because this would prove that an easily emulatable platform could be emulated before plunging in to the heavy stuff.
There must be an old project manual kicking around, if I remember correctly it has a very good description of the Z80 system that it uses.

#19 Seven


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Posted 10 September 2005 - 04:31 AM

elcondor: exactly right.
khards: Yes, we could have, but we've started now. Maybe next? Or, if we get this going, maybe that can be the first example where people use the techniques they have learned to do it themselves? That being the case, I can sit in the sidelines and help out as and when needed to keep it on track.

#20 unclechicken


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Posted 10 September 2005 - 04:49 AM

I have the utmost respect for all emu coders. Hell, the last thing I wrote for a computer consisted of ZX Spectrum Basic and a little Z80 Assembly Language.

I tried learning C, C++ but it went way over my head.

Whatever comes out of this is bound to be a bonus for the FME scene, even if its just a couple of 90% working open source emulators, someone would (or I hope they would) finish them off to be 100% working. Ive even started to look at 'C' again in a vein to help you lot, but my understanding of it is very limited.

Not the new stuff like MPU5 and the latest SCORP mind you, old stuff like the ACE machines, ProjectCoin and others, if it keeps the scene alive, im behind you all the way Seven (and the coders in the masterclass), even if it takes a year to do, it would be an added bonus for the scene, due to the MFME2 development suddenly coming to an abrupt halt. I just hope the backstabbing and the arguments dont start like they did before. I even offer you lot who are involved 100mb of webspace on my website so you can upload WIP stuff and screenshots of how you are progressing.

No one wants the scene like it was before MFME2 came out, rework after rework after rework of old machines, in never ending resolutions. Im not a sceptic about this project, I hope it works out great for everyone involved, and heres looking for some new emulators for some new (I mean old) machines that otherwise would be lost forever.

Just my 2p (or 10p token) worth....

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