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Who here owns their own fruit machine(s)?

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#1 stevedude2


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Posted 13 September 2005 - 08:51 AM

Hello everyone!

I thought I would start a thread where people can say what games they own/have owned in the past. Might be interesting...and I'm also nosey!


I'll start us off...

Monte Carlo (Barcrest) - converted so it didn't have prizes like watches and stuff at the top - 20p £6 tokens - scrapped it when I moved into my flat.

Twilight Zone (Ace) - bought from an arcade - 5p/10p £3 cash/£6 tokens - sold to a friend for £25 who sold it on for £35 a week later! Needed room for my next machine...

Club Attraction (Bell Fruit) - bought from a friend who had got bored with it. Great game, broke my heart when I scrapped it...wish I hadn't!

Screenplay (Maygay) - 5p £3 cash/£6 tokens - got it for nothing and it worked too until recently. Probably end up on the tip...

That's it for me...who's next? :)
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#2 hurtand165


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Posted 13 September 2005 - 08:56 AM



I own a Psycho Cash Beast, £15JP, 20p play, 78%, 0.5 ROM revison.

I used to own a Money Or Your Wife.


#3 Bencrest


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Posted 13 September 2005 - 09:05 AM

I've owned :

1st - Each Way Nudge, Barcrest. Not a bad machine, but did get a little boring. The idea of simply turbo gambling nudges rather than having a feature trail, and also the crazy profile of the machine [often it would drop £30 from Super Streak on £5 JP, it would literally not offer a win for about £25 to do it!] - meant I got bored very quickly. I paid £107 originally, and sold it in the paper, needing the space, for £75.

2nd - Cluedo SWP, JPM. This was bought as knackered on eBay for £10. Everything apart from the touchscreen working. I have some spares to try out but simply haven't had the time of late to do it. That and dad hides the garage keys from me :o It is the £10 JP version, so should play far better than the £20 Itbox / Turbo Choice versions. If I can't get it working, I think the contents of the machine will be worth about £50 inc the monitor, and I may use the cabinet for a project...

3rd - Spiker The Biker, Barcrest. Great machine this, one I used to play regularly in the pub and do very well on. I have to admit that after playing this I would be looking at getting another 'no-lose Super Trail' machine - it IMHO adds another dimension to the gameplay. It was played on £25/25p and 80% payout here. I originally paid £225 inc delivery for it, which was a little steep [although it was 2 years ago...] - but when you know which machine you want and a nice one becomes available, you have to grab it ;)
Now sold to another scener...

4th - Austin Powers, Barcrest. Bought a fairly tatty ex-kebab shop example of this for £125 about 4 months back. Mechanically not too bad - it works, although theres several issues with the coin mech, where it will alarm every so often. I think this will end up in the paper shortly for as close to the £125 I paid as possible, to make way for a couple of other machines.

I currently have my eyes on a local Impulse - Gridrunner, on £5. In fact I may well be picking it up today, so watch this space :p
Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)

#4 RB


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Posted 13 September 2005 - 09:14 AM

Line up (mpu3)
Club Make a million (bellfruit)
Psycho cash beast
Cyberpunk:- alienated loner who lives on the edge of society in generally dystopic future where daily life is impacted by rapid technological change, an ubiquitous datasphere of computerized information, and invasive modification of the human body.....Hmmmmm


#5 captainhaddock


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Posted 13 September 2005 - 09:39 AM

over the past 20 years I've had:

super skier (c.o.p.s)
adders and ladders(mpu3)
a carfield machine with one nudge each way and a roulette wheel on the top glass.
big game(mpu3)
nifty fifty(mpu4)
I also had two "blank" machines that I used to run mpu3 and mpu4 games on
they were razzle dazzle,bigshot,blackjack(awp),cash zone,sunset boulevard,and 8th wonder.
I currently have bwb video miami dice(running monte carlo or bust) and astra fortune teller.


#6 Dr DX


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Posted 13 September 2005 - 10:02 AM

i don't have any at the moment but i am hoping to get a neptunes treasure 20p play and £15 Jackpot within the next day or two
Women are #@#@#@#s....

#7 Royal



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Posted 13 September 2005 - 11:13 AM

Crazy Cherry 750 (Barcrest mpu4) * Super Ciliege 1000 (Barcrest mpu4) * War Eagle (Mills) * Go and Stop (Polymat) * Old Town (Polymat) * Tivoli (???) * Admiral Quattro 100 (Novomatic) * Big 20 Joker (Barcrest mpu3) * Crazy Joker (Barcrest mpu3) * Jolly 20 Joker (Barcrest mpu4) * Bajazzo (???) * Super Cherry 600 (Golden Games) * Royal Joker 100 (Barcrest mpu3) * Big Roller 100 (Barcrest mpu4) * Ambassador 100 (Barcrest mpu4) * ...hope i did'nt forget one (smile) Greetings from Swiss: Marco

#8 dave1de



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Posted 13 September 2005 - 02:57 PM

I have up and over, a few (well alot) of problems when I first got it as many of you know. Its working fine now and I think its a great machine, im still not bored with playing it every now and then as there are masses of features. 49 squares on the board infact and it has almsot every feature you can possibly have on a machine.
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#9 mangolio



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Posted 13 September 2005 - 03:13 PM

I started with a monopoly 60th edition but got bored very quickly of it so sold it on ebay ( for a profit aswell) Ive got a simpsons machine at the moment. I think it is the one that came out before duff beer guide. My all time favourite machine that I want next is Roller coaster..

#10 dtrmad2004



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Posted 13 September 2005 - 03:35 PM

Since people have been posting about machines they've had ill add this.

A very old jpm firecracker, was a very nice (old) machine until an ex mate smashed the front glass in a temper because he got one nudge less than he needed for jp, we was playing for keeps, twat.


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<a class='bbc_url' href='<a class='bbc_url' href='http://profile.mygam...trmad2004'></a>Posted Image</a><br /><br />Don't gamble with the Recession!

#11 thejackal1975


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Posted 13 September 2005 - 04:07 PM

Hi all, I dont post very often - but i'm always here (hidden in the back ground somewhere)!! I can't believe no one has ever owned a TOP THE LOT machine by Barcrest - quite old now, but one of the best in my opinion!! The person to emulate that one will be my friend for life!! Anyway, i've just bought Calamari Club £250 Jackpot which is great fun to chase, loads of features etc.

Have fun!

#12 cart583


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Posted 13 September 2005 - 04:11 PM

had a cash cow (qps) which was a bit crap and now got a jumpin jokers (vivid) just delivered on friday.

#13 hinchy


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Posted 13 September 2005 - 04:14 PM

Hello everyone!

I thought I would start a thread where people can say what games they own/have owned in the past. Might be interesting...and I'm also nosey!


I'll start us off...

Monte Carlo (Barcrest) - converted so it didn't have prizes like watches and stuff at the top - 20p £6 tokens - scrapped it when I moved into my flat.

Twilight Zone (Ace) - bought from an arcade - 5p/10p £3 cash/£6 tokens - sold to a friend for £25 who sold it on for £35 a week later! Needed room for my next machine...

Club Attraction (Bell Fruit) - bought from a friend who had got bored with it. Great game, broke my heart when I scrapped it...wish I hadn't!

Screenplay (Maygay) - 5p £3 cash/£6 tokens - got it for nothing and it worked too until recently. Probably end up on the tip...

That's it for me...who's next? :)

Club Attraction - my all time favourite clubber.
What a great machine that was.
I once climbed out 2 cashpots and a full cashtrail for a £5
It would have broke my heart aswell if I had scrapped it

#14 Guest_danik_*

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Posted 13 September 2005 - 04:58 PM

Got barcrest revolution £25 Jackpot 25P Play

Great machine !

Lookin to sell to get a diffrent one as i have had this for a while now!

#15 mrg666


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Posted 13 September 2005 - 05:13 PM

I have two fruit machines
The 1st is club casino crazy by crystal aka JPM
dual play 10/20p £200 max jackpot

My best is dr who the timelord 5p £5 jackpot rechipped
Great machine as i am fan

used to have jpm wild kings £200 jpot but got boring so i swapped it for my casino crazy i still have

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#16 reedy0666



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Posted 13 September 2005 - 05:20 PM

i own one machine Frenzy by barcrest its on 10p a go and £5 jackpot i love this machine the only problem with it is theres a crack on the bottom glass

peace out

#17 TTX


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Posted 13 September 2005 - 06:10 PM

Seven machines in the front room now...

Hi Roller (JPM,MPS2)
Cash-Filla (PCP,MPS2)
Blue Streak (PCP,MPS1)
Take 2 (JPM,MPS1)
Crackerpot (Castle,Mach2000 MkII)
Five Liner (JPM,MPS2)
Club Fullhouse (JPM,MPS2)

I'm also looking for any Castle Mach2000 spares if anyone has any.

#18 stevedude2


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Posted 13 September 2005 - 06:19 PM

Nice collection TTX! Any chance of a few pics? Cash Filla is a nice game...but I preferred Fruit Connexion for the feature where you hit the wild on the last reel for 50p. Blue Streak was a lovely game...my brother-in-law has a Cash Smash which is similar.

Can't beat the games of yesteryear!

Castle spares...there was an old Castle game gathering dust upstairs in an arcade I used to work in...sadly it got broken up some time ago. Good luck finding spares anyway...

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#19 CoasterDesignerpro



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Posted 13 September 2005 - 07:47 PM

I have had-

Vivid- Pie Factory- £25 and £5 decals
Barcrest Games- Cash Bang Wallop £25 decals
BFM- Cop The Lot £25 and £5 decals
BFM- Monopoly £25 and £5 decals
BFM- Prize Is Right £25 decals

I have got-

Barcrest Games- Golden Dragon £25 and £5 decals - astro note changer
Barcrest Games- Superstar £25 decals JCM Note acceptor
Mazooma- Cash On the Lash £25 JCM Note acceptor

#20 TTX


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Posted 13 September 2005 - 08:24 PM

Here you go, SteveDude2. The home arcade as it currently stands.

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