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Who here owns their own fruit machine(s)?

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#161 superbank



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Posted 05 January 2007 - 08:10 PM

Heh Heh, you're right there... and personally speaking I think that converting Fortune Numbers or Razzle Dazzle into a Rat Race should be a criminal offence!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Hanging at the absolute least :bigeyes16:

But that's just my opinion... I guess things have to move on

#162 TTX


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Posted 06 January 2007 - 12:06 AM

BWB bought castle up?
So why is it made by BWB but has the castle type fruits in the artwork?

BWB and Castle were sister companies. Castle was founded by three of the higher-ups from BWB - John Bonner, Richard Wilson and the legendary Dave Powell.

Castle would manufacture their own brand new machines while the rebuild kits would continue to be made by BWB.

Castle lasted about a year (1987) before being bought out by ACE, predominantly to get their hands on the Mach2000 tech with it's nice dot matrix display. ACE's sp.ACE tech was developed from Mach2000.

As for the reel symbols, it's the other way round - the Castle machines have jazzed up BWB symbols on them!

BTW, The BWB/Castle "Scoop" newsletters are an interesting read...

Scoop Issue 1 (Mecca)
Scoop Issue 2 (Mecca)
Scoop Issue 3 (Mecca)




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Posted 06 January 2007 - 09:51 AM

BWB and Castle were sister companies. Castle was founded by three of the higher-ups from BWB - John Bonner, Richard Wilson and the legendary Dave Powell.

Castle would manufacture their own brand new machines while the rebuild kits would continue to be made by BWB.

Castle lasted about a year (1987) before being bought out by ACE, predominantly to get their hands on the Mach2000 tech with it's nice dot matrix display. ACE's sp.ACE tech was developed from Mach2000.

As for the reel symbols, it's the other way round - the Castle machines have jazzed up BWB symbols on them!

BTW, The BWB/Castle "Scoop" newsletters are an interesting read...

Scoop Issue 1 (Mecca)
Scoop Issue 2 (Mecca)
Scoop Issue 3 (Mecca)

Thanks for that, i think i understand now. Just threw me off how the win again had the later suped up artwork if it came out before rat race.




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Posted 06 January 2007 - 09:55 AM

Heh Heh, you're right there... and personally speaking I think that converting Fortune Numbers or Razzle Dazzle into a Rat Race should be a criminal offence!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Hanging at the absolute least :bigeyes16:

But that's just my opinion... I guess things have to move on

I have a rat-race which i love. I had a look inside it the other day and wondered why it had a dip switch option for a "Fortune numbers" Now i know :) I am a little young to remember all these type machines. The ones i do remember (just) would be: Autoroute, Naughty but nice, big shot, and circle skill. These were the only machines that were in the arcades where i went as a young boy. Good memories.

#165 superbank



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Posted 06 January 2007 - 07:26 PM

AAh, Circle Skill - now there's a machine I haven't seen for a few years!!!

Think I will have to play it on the emulator to remind me :bigeyes02:




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Posted 06 January 2007 - 08:11 PM

Please let me know if you find those Castle glasses (or any other leftovers) :D I'm always on the lookout for ANY Castle stuff I can get my hands on!

I hope it was a "Crackerpot", I need a replacement bottom glass! :)

Been and dug some stuff out for you. I have the following

Tentation reel glass
Tentation game card with proms
A castle MPU complete with spiders
What i think to be a castle triac board, similar to a JPM but i know it's not a JPM.
Other bits off other fruities which i need to have a look through.

Does any of this stuff sound interesting?

Oh, and i nearly forgot. I have an dot matrix display for a castle machine :)

#167 TTX


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Posted 06 January 2007 - 08:56 PM

Been and dug some stuff out for you. I have the following

Tentation reel glass
Tentation game card with proms
A castle MPU complete with spiders
What i think to be a castle triac board, similar to a JPM but i know it's not a JPM.
Other bits off other fruities which i need to have a look through.

Does any of this stuff sound interesting?

Oh, and i nearly forgot. I have an dot matrix display for a castle machine :)

WOW, that sounds VERY interesting indeed! :D

The Castle triac board is similar to the JPM MPS board, Dave Powell designed both systems! All Castle PCBs will have "Mach2000" written on them somewhere.

Apart from the spiders, what condition is the MPU in, any battery leakage?

Also, I don't suppose there's any sign of the top glass?

Thanks VERY much for getting me all this stuff, hopefully the MPU still works! What did the machine die of?




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Posted 06 January 2007 - 09:46 PM

WOW, that sounds VERY interesting indeed! :D

The Castle triac board is similar to the JPM MPS board, Dave Powell designed both systems! All Castle PCBs will have "Mach2000" written on them somewhere.

Apart from the spiders, what condition is the MPU in, any battery leakage?

Also, I don't suppose there's any sign of the top glass?

Thanks VERY much for getting me all this stuff, hopefully the MPU still works! What did the machine die of?

I was only 15 when i bought it back in 1993. It had a reel fault if i remember correctly? I remember the dot matrix working though. I didn't know much back then but probably more than most 15 year olds? I paid a tenner for it. I have looked for the top glass but can't find it. I have a photo somewhere with an old BFM euro cab i was messing about with and the castle machine was next to it. Couldn't see much of it though. I'll try and dig it out. Think theres a MPS led driver board there and a barcrest flash cash game card and other BFM scorp 1 sound cards. I have MPU4 reel driver boards but i don't think anyone wants them. I also have a barcrest top gear award glass, the small one that went below the coin acceptor (the mechanical one) I'll take some pics when i get time. I have a shed load of harness's too.

#169 stevedude2


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Posted 06 January 2007 - 11:35 PM

Great to see some proper old-skool new members helping to fill in missing bits of the jigsaw so to speak.

Nice one John! :)
Watch out! There's a SIG thief about...




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Posted 07 January 2007 - 11:55 AM

WOW, that sounds VERY interesting indeed! :D

The Castle triac board is similar to the JPM MPS board, Dave Powell designed both systems! All Castle PCBs will have "Mach2000" written on them somewhere.

Apart from the spiders, what condition is the MPU in, any battery leakage?

Also, I don't suppose there's any sign of the top glass?

Thanks VERY much for getting me all this stuff, hopefully the MPU still works! What did the machine die of?

Removed leaking battery and cleaned it up. There appears to be no damage. Theres a bit of crap round the legs of IC 55 and 64 but i'll leave that to you to sort out. It says mach 2000 on it and revision E © DJP. What was Daves middle name? Come on you must know this one. This information will secure this MPU for you, hehe. One thing that's a little strange? It has like a gloss on it, all the processor IC's are kind of shiney. Is this a normal thing? I have some stuff to post in a week or so. I'll post this stuff then. PM your address and i'll send them on. I'll send you the bill for the postage when i know what it is. You owe me one so don't forget my name (like it's possible) I'll even chuck you a new battery to fit when you have checked it ok.

#171 TTX


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Posted 07 January 2007 - 06:40 PM

Removed leaking battery and cleaned it up. There appears to be no damage. Theres a bit of crap round the legs of IC 55 and 64 but i'll leave that to you to sort out. It says mach 2000 on it and revision E © DJP. What was Daves middle name? Come on you must know this one. This information will secure this MPU for you, hehe. One thing that's a little strange? It has like a gloss on it, all the processor IC's are kind of shiney. Is this a normal thing? I have some stuff to post in a week or so. I'll post this stuff then. PM your address and i'll send them on. I'll send you the bill for the postage when i know what it is. You owe me one so don't forget my name (like it's possible) I'll even chuck you a new battery to fit when you have checked it ok.

Funnily enough, Dave Powell's middle name is John!

I've seen "glossy" boards before, but not a Mach2000. I think the board must have been treated with some kind of spray-on protective sealant? So long as it's not the dreaded WD40!

The MPU in my Cashbolt had been sprayed by the previous owner, with what he called "the proper PCB stuff" - looked and smelt like WD40 though...

Cheers mate, I'll PM you shortly.




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Posted 08 January 2007 - 12:36 PM

Funnily enough, Dave Powell's middle name is John!

I've seen "glossy" boards before, but not a Mach2000. I think the board must have been treated with some kind of spray-on protective sealant? So long as it's not the dreaded WD40!

The MPU in my Cashbolt had been sprayed by the previous owner, with what he called "the proper PCB stuff" - looked and smelt like WD40 though...

Cheers mate, I'll PM you shortly.

What is this about WD40? I have heard people mention it a few times. I have never seen any boards covered in it. Do people spray it on them? If so what do they think it's going to achieve? Please educate me.

#173 superbank



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Posted 08 January 2007 - 01:32 PM

What is this about WD40? I have heard people mention it a few times. I have never seen any boards covered in it. Do people spray it on them? If so what do they think it's going to achieve? Please educate me.

Well firstly, it stinks!! :bigeyes02:

Also, it makes amess of everything (a horrible oily film) and it will attract dust and all sorts of other shite. :eek:

It's ok for nuts & bolts but not much cop for anything electronic-wise. It may also be conductive (but not sure) - Please advise TTX!!

#174 superbank



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Posted 08 January 2007 - 01:52 PM

It may also be conductive (but not sure)

Don't actually think it is conductive , but forgot to mention the big one...

It IS flammable!! :bigeyes01:

And it stinks. REALLY stinks!!




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Posted 08 January 2007 - 02:04 PM

Don't actually think it is conductive , but forgot to mention the big one...

It IS flammable!! :bigeyes01:

And it stinks. REALLY stinks!!

I know this but is there really people out there who don't? Well i suppose if someone can stuff a beer mat in a speaker rather than finding the volume knob, anythings possible?

#176 TTX


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Posted 08 January 2007 - 05:32 PM

What is this about WD40? I have heard people mention it a few times. I have never seen any boards covered in it. Do people spray it on them? If so what do they think it's going to achieve? Please educate me.

Well firstly, it stinks!! :bigeyes02:

Also, it makes amess of everything (a horrible oily film) and it will attract dust and all sorts of other shite. :eek:

It's ok for nuts & bolts but not much cop for anything electronic-wise. It may also be conductive (but not sure) - Please advise TTX!!

I expect those people believe that coating the board in something non-conductive (and assuming WD40) will protect the board's components from corrosion or battery damage, by coating everything with a thin film. But as superbank says, it stinks and attracts crap like nothing else and if that crap's conductive...

#177 COOKIE2374


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Posted 13 January 2007 - 04:50 AM

I Would Not Mind One A Club One 250 Jack Pot Anyony Know Of Any Good Ones To Have

#178 superbank



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Posted 13 January 2007 - 12:33 PM

I Would Not Mind One A Club One 250 Jack Pot Anyony Know Of Any Good Ones To Have

That depends on what sort of machine you want... it's all down to personal preference.

Have a look on eBay and see what's about. Machines like Club Cops n Robbers or Psycho Cash Beast always sell well.

#179 markjbevan



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Posted 08 August 2007 - 12:55 PM

I know this is an old thread, but I've just noticed it so I thought Id add my list of machines I own/owned at some point in the past - most of these are fruit machines (as this is a fruit machine forum), but I'll also include the non-fruits (ignore these if you're not interested). I know this is probably only of interest to me, and not anyone else, but its nice to have a trip down memory lane - some of these machines I'd forgotted I even had!

Action Bank - Barcrest
Space Shot 2p Coin Pusher - Gayton games
Note Shoot - JPM
Jokers Wild - Project Coin
777 Heaven - Project Coin
Jackpot Jump - Barcrest
Give Us A Break SWP - JPM (I think)
£10 Challenge SWP - Barcrest?
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (dedicated) - Konami
Various Jamma Cabinets
Black Knight Pinball - Williams
1p Arcadian (Handle pulll type) - Aristocrat.
Monopoly 60 - JPM
Roller Coaster - JPM
Indiana Jones - JPM (3 vogue cabinets looked great lined up together)

*** then I had a break from machines for a couple of years - then...****

Theatre of Magic Pinball - Bally (lovely machine from Pinball Heaven) *CURRENT*
Giant Gems - Vivid
Lockbuster - Bellfruit (I think)
Italian Job 3 - Maygay
Megatouch Force 2006.5 *CURRENT*
Several Pachislo's & Pachinko's *CURRENT*
Hyper Vyper - Barcrest *CURRENT*
Kerching - JPM *CURRENT*

Simpsons Pinball Party - Stern (NIB arriving soon! :o)

I enjoyed that trip down memory lane :o) Also, before you imagine a house crammed with machines, none of these have ever been in the house (wife's orders), they have all been in the Games Room.



#180 Guitar


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Posted 08 August 2007 - 01:15 PM

May as well add mine in here now then.

Cluedo (pink) - Maygay
Eastenders (Blue) - Maygay
Nickelodeon (£3/£6T) - Barcrest (Apparently with a BWB chip as the rom wont run in the emulator)
Club Connect - Barcrest (£150 JP)
1960/1970 American Pull Handle Bell fruit machine. No idea of the name as it has no glass but the mechanism runs fine.

I should point out that currently only Nickelodeon works fully.

Project Amber 2 - Coming Soon

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