How does this effect you?
The site will be unavailable for between 4 and 24 hours whilst the DNS servers around the world are told about the server change.
Is anything going to change?
We are going to move to a server with less space therefore the Fruit-Emu free e-mail addresses will not be available anymore. Those members who have addresses have already been e-mailed. note, this only affects the free addresses and not staff addresses.
Several of the site we used to host will have to move off of the server. This includes the MPU Mecca and M1Adness.
Why are we moving?
Basically the reasons are two fold:
1. To save money - Donations to the site are all but non-existent and the current setup costs $189 per month. Therefore I was financing most of the site out of my own pocket and if you have read other threads I'm soon going to have something else which will eat into my wage packet.
2. Time - I don't have time to manage a server anymore. It's not just a case of setting something up and leaving it. Servers need to be patched continuously for security purposes and this takes time. I have pretty much managed to keep on top of this and so far FE has never been hacked whilst it has been on the current server.
For these reasons I am moving the site to a standard hosting package. You shouldn't see any degradation in performance but please let me know if you do.