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Up Yer Riggin'

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#1 the rabid hunter

the rabid hunter

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Posted 17 November 2005 - 04:05 PM

My local recents got this fruit machine in, and it seems to pay a lot better than the club big brother next to it (evil evil evil machine), my question is are there any things i should be watching out for on this machine to tell when it's about to actually pay out.

Though quickly before i'm asked yes it's a Global machine and a club version.

#2 DildoDez


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Posted 17 November 2005 - 05:39 PM

hmmmm. Let me remember. A slight indication is it starting you on the board by anything aprt from "Set Sail", but other than that, no signs. It ends to drop in Strawberries for £30 and four cherries like a lo-tech. And the Cashpots only ever drop in. It's actually a poor, and frustrating machine.

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