Right chaps, let's put this one to bed shall we?
Firstly, Nails - what your original post is saying is 'You can get Slotto on free-play, how can the game be random?'
What the f*** sort of argument is that? How can an intermittent fault in the way the machine handles messages under certain situations have anything to do with the way the actual game operates?
Answer - It doesn't.
Let's not forget that Party Games Slotto was one of Astra's first video-based products for the UK market, and it was tested thoroughly before production, as is every new version of the shell and ACP to this day, plus any game revisions. OK, a fault has slipped through the net, but it took someone a year to find, and with over 3000 Slotto games out there to find problems on, even the tricky ones will be found eventually.
Secondly, it's not an emptier (or EMPTIER as Nails puts it). You'll be hard pressed to empty the machine, or make a decent amount of money from it, as many have found out, including Nails probably. Gary, the reason this has taken a year to come out is because it's bloody hard to recreate. No-one has made any sort of decent money on it, mainly because of the nature of the fault. Under certain circumstances you can get the game to give you a £2 credit for nothing, effectively putting the machihe in a negative state (-£2). From then on you can play the machine for nothing as long as you don't win anything big enough to bring it back to positive. If you spent £50 in negative state (and it's not f*****g demo mode or free play for f***'s sake), and then won £60, you would end up with a tenner, and the machine would return to normal. The only way to make decent money is to fluke a jackpot before the game gets to minus £500 and collect the difference. The whole process is a pain in the arse and not really worth doing unless you are really desperate, and sadly I suspect a few on here are exactly that.
Now can we talk about something else please?
Watch out! There's a SIG thief about...