This patches several security flaws in the software and also introduces in-line editing of posts and other goodies you might notice.
vbPortal upgraded from v3.0 to v3.5
As the forum software has updated so must the portal. You won't notice any changes apart from the theme which has been given a paint job.
Downloads Module
The previous downloads module (Secure Downloads) is no longer supported. In fact the developer did a runner and lots of other users have instigated charge backs through Paypal for the support he never delivered!
As the software wasn't compatible with vBulleting 3.5.2 I had to find something else. There is practically nothing available which is fully integrated with vBulletin and therefore I have had to go for an external piece of software. It integrates to a certain extent in that you don't have to register again and I've managed to amend the templates so it looks identical to the rest of the site.
I have changed the arcade from IbProArcade to v3Arcade as it is specifically for vbulletin and is supported. It also has a challenge system to allow users to challenge each other rather than play in tournaments - the tournament system always used to muck up anyway.
All scores and high scores have been retained.
Software has been upgraded from 5.0 to 5.21, again just to run with vBulletin 3.5.2.
With all of these changes there are bound to be some things I have missed and I'll be sorting these in the next few days.