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how can u tell me the money is going into the hopper

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#21 pubclown


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Posted 27 February 2006 - 04:26 PM

If you have excess you have incorrectly set the hopper float.

With a door open, and the refill key inserted, does it show you the hopper balance? If so, and the balance shows on the alpha as £0, and you know for a fact there are no coins in the hopper, you will need to refloat it correctly. If you know the hopper contains no coins, BUT according to the Alpha display it still contains say £149, you need to clear the hopper float.

There will probably be a 'Hopper Dump' switch inside the cashbox. I can't guarentee this procedure will work on your Maygay machine but it works on my BFM Scorp 4 and Barcrest MPU5 so it may be similar on yours.

Anyway you should find this 'Hopper Dump' switch, insert and turn your refill key, press the DUMP switch. The display will probably change to something like 'Dump £1?', and typically you would press the start button to dump the contents. Do this TWICE, and it should reset the hopper balance to zero.

You can then either refill the hopper with £125 using your refill key, by closing all the machine doors, inserting and turning the key, and putting £1 coins into the coinslot - OR

You can manually put £125 coins into the hopper - typically with the top door of the machine open the hopper will be visible and there will be a 'hole' at the top of it, often with an arrow or some picture/text telling you that you can put £1 coins directly into that hole. Anyway you just drop £125 into that hole and then press the 'Hopper Topped Up' switch which will possibly be either near the hopper or mounted on the back of the machine.

Can't guarentee these instructions will work on your machine but I hope they do, if not sure someone else here with Maygay experience will be able to help :)

Didn't realise someone had replied to this topic lol.

To dump the float I basically press the dump float button by the cash boxes. After dumping the initial 125 quid it then askes if I want to dump the excess coins which I do. The hopper balance is then returned to zero. Manually putting the coins back and pressing the hopper topped up button makes it think it has 125 quid plus whatever else(excess) but after now having 247 quid in it it's still not backing.
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#22 U.D


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Posted 02 March 2006 - 09:57 AM

from when i started playing machines a 7 years back ive always found them to do very noticably better when they've been dropping.... well except multi players....

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