Little S***s
Started by Gazeyre1966, Jan 15 2006 01:09 AM
55 replies to this topic
Posted 15 April 2006 - 09:14 AM
This the kinda shite that lives in my town hence the 'leeway' :-)
Posted 16 April 2006 - 04:15 AM
The problem with kids in the UK is that there are no real consequences to their actions.. none whatsoever.
And kids (as time evolves) are becoming smarter and more intelligent more quickly than before.
When I was growing up we knew the score, do what the f*** ever you want but when you turn 16 use your brain and become more inconspicuos.
Before 16 I was a little c***, Im not afraid to admit, but, I had the fear of god in me for the SPG and all other kinds of stuff Maggie had done to make sure kids behaved. I would never intentionally harm someone, if someone looked at me the wrong way I would ask what his problem was.. sure I had an attitude problem but I wouldnt go out of my way to hurt anyone or steal from people on the street.
Because, when I was a kid and you pissed off an adult badly enough you got the f*** beaten out of you..
and *thats* the problem.
Im no stranger to bad dangerous areas.. I grew up in streatham/tulse hill and spent alot of time as a kid in brixton.. so nasty little f*****g kids were sprawled out all over the place.
I knew right from wrong well enough, my mother taught me well but I knew plenty of c***s.
But I knew where to toe the line because there was that fear there that Id get the f*** beaten out of me.
Kids these days? f*** sake a policeman tries to put them in cuffs and they mouth off about their rights and how they will sue.. its f*****g ridiculous.
Since moving to the states a few things have pissed me off.. namely that daft c*** george bush.. but, I have to be honest and say it is a much more pleasant place to live and people do treat eachother ALOT better than in the UK.
People say hi, hold doors open for you, thank YOU when you hold doors open for them and are courteous..
Kids are well behaved because, quite simply the police force around here look like they have walked straight out of the gym.. massive hard c***s who wont think twice about kicking the f*****g shit out of you if you try and make their life hard.
And Ive seen it happen.. couple of years ago my step brothers were hanging out at an apartment complex.. just hanging out, being kids.. anyways this dude comes out mouthing off and they tell him to go f*** his self..
Now the guy was drunk, granted the kids probably didnt respond in the best manner but tbh if someone came out mouthing at me like he was going to do me something I would have done the same.
So anyway they come home.. theyre good kids, they have attitude but theyre good kids.
This guy follows them around to the house we lived in and said he was going to smash up my father in laws truck.. the police arrived, he got mouthy and they proceeded to batter the f*** out of him and drag him along his face off the driveway.
You just dont f*** with the police around here, you just dont.. and you would be f*****g amazed at how that effects the quality of life.
Well mannered well spoken kids who wouldnt dare argue the toss with a policeman over his 'rights'.
f*****g chav scum.. its probably a good thing I left the UK or Id be up on murder charges, starting with that f*****g 'devvo' c***.
And kids (as time evolves) are becoming smarter and more intelligent more quickly than before.
When I was growing up we knew the score, do what the f*** ever you want but when you turn 16 use your brain and become more inconspicuos.
Before 16 I was a little c***, Im not afraid to admit, but, I had the fear of god in me for the SPG and all other kinds of stuff Maggie had done to make sure kids behaved. I would never intentionally harm someone, if someone looked at me the wrong way I would ask what his problem was.. sure I had an attitude problem but I wouldnt go out of my way to hurt anyone or steal from people on the street.
Because, when I was a kid and you pissed off an adult badly enough you got the f*** beaten out of you..
and *thats* the problem.
Im no stranger to bad dangerous areas.. I grew up in streatham/tulse hill and spent alot of time as a kid in brixton.. so nasty little f*****g kids were sprawled out all over the place.
I knew right from wrong well enough, my mother taught me well but I knew plenty of c***s.
But I knew where to toe the line because there was that fear there that Id get the f*** beaten out of me.
Kids these days? f*** sake a policeman tries to put them in cuffs and they mouth off about their rights and how they will sue.. its f*****g ridiculous.
Since moving to the states a few things have pissed me off.. namely that daft c*** george bush.. but, I have to be honest and say it is a much more pleasant place to live and people do treat eachother ALOT better than in the UK.
People say hi, hold doors open for you, thank YOU when you hold doors open for them and are courteous..
Kids are well behaved because, quite simply the police force around here look like they have walked straight out of the gym.. massive hard c***s who wont think twice about kicking the f*****g shit out of you if you try and make their life hard.
And Ive seen it happen.. couple of years ago my step brothers were hanging out at an apartment complex.. just hanging out, being kids.. anyways this dude comes out mouthing off and they tell him to go f*** his self..
Now the guy was drunk, granted the kids probably didnt respond in the best manner but tbh if someone came out mouthing at me like he was going to do me something I would have done the same.
So anyway they come home.. theyre good kids, they have attitude but theyre good kids.
This guy follows them around to the house we lived in and said he was going to smash up my father in laws truck.. the police arrived, he got mouthy and they proceeded to batter the f*** out of him and drag him along his face off the driveway.
You just dont f*** with the police around here, you just dont.. and you would be f*****g amazed at how that effects the quality of life.
Well mannered well spoken kids who wouldnt dare argue the toss with a policeman over his 'rights'.
f*****g chav scum.. its probably a good thing I left the UK or Id be up on murder charges, starting with that f*****g 'devvo' c***.
Not to be confused with illiterate f***wipes.
Posted 16 April 2006 - 10:14 PM
It's right that some kids have no fear these days. But there's so much Humans Rights law's etc protecting them it can be frustrating. I think every generation remembers how better things were in their day. But this sort of thing is nothing new. It just seems it. But it has got worse as time has gone on. It will continue to get worse unless a different approaches are used for different cases instead of assuming 1 solution will work for everyone. I do still say that sometimes fighting fire with fire does not work and more constructive approaches need to be used.
Unfortch the govt. and some local authorities have not reacted quickly enough to the problem. I don't think they ever expected it to get this bad.
Unfortch the govt. and some local authorities have not reacted quickly enough to the problem. I don't think they ever expected it to get this bad.
Ey Up!
More vids to be added soon:
"I don't care if the fans rip the shirt from my back. They put it there"
More vids to be added soon:
"I don't care if the fans rip the shirt from my back. They put it there"
Posted 17 April 2006 - 11:36 AM
Go on, tell us about 'devvo' then......starting with that f*****g 'devvo' c***.
Winning is not a crime...
Posted 17 April 2006 - 04:39 PM
Go on, tell us about 'devvo' then...
I still havent worked out if its a wind up yet.
Not to be confused with illiterate f***wipes.
Posted 17 April 2006 - 06:11 PM
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Mr. Common Sense. Mr.Sense had been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.
He will be remembered as having cultivated such value lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm and that life isn't always fair. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not kids, are in charge).
His health began to rapidly deteriorate when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. - Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Mr. Sense declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer aspirin to a student; but, could not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.
Finally, Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.
Common Sense finally gave up the ghost after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot, she spilled a bit in her lap, and was awarded a huge financial settlement.
Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is survived by two stepbrothers; My Rights and Ima Whiner.
Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you still remember him, pass this on; if not, join the majority and do nothing.
He will be remembered as having cultivated such value lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm and that life isn't always fair. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not kids, are in charge).
His health began to rapidly deteriorate when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. - Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Mr. Sense declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer aspirin to a student; but, could not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.
Finally, Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.
Common Sense finally gave up the ghost after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot, she spilled a bit in her lap, and was awarded a huge financial settlement.
Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is survived by two stepbrothers; My Rights and Ima Whiner.
Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you still remember him, pass this on; if not, join the majority and do nothing.
A bus station is where a bus stops, a train station is where a train stops. On my desk I have a work station...
Posted 17 April 2006 - 11:31 PM
Shaun which arcade in Falmouth did you/do you work at?
From what I remember there's the big one near The Weatherspoons + Lloyds Bank. Mostly 70% wonders. Then up the High Street (?) Out the quayside where all the boat trips go, left past M+S and up the windy road. This arcade is a little 'nicer'. Usually two woman in there running it now. It's called 'Arcadia' if I remember correctly and until quite recently had the machine of that name in there.
I haven't espied the hoody life in Falmouth yet. Even at the bowling alley (some weird machines in there! Forget the distributor) all the kids seemed kind of less streetwise than up here in The Midlands.
However I was naively talking to a friend who works as a doorman in Falmouth.
"You've got it easy down here, I bet there's never any trouble. Barely any drug dealers. Must be a quiet job"
I was soon told about the explosion of drugs in Devon and Cornwall. Quite stupid of me, I mean it has always retained notoriety for smuggling. NO reason why modern days should be any different. You just can't get away from it today. No escape. I'm sure Falmouth does have its share of muggers.
They broke in through the back? That must have taken some doing.
From what I remember there's the big one near The Weatherspoons + Lloyds Bank. Mostly 70% wonders. Then up the High Street (?) Out the quayside where all the boat trips go, left past M+S and up the windy road. This arcade is a little 'nicer'. Usually two woman in there running it now. It's called 'Arcadia' if I remember correctly and until quite recently had the machine of that name in there.
I haven't espied the hoody life in Falmouth yet. Even at the bowling alley (some weird machines in there! Forget the distributor) all the kids seemed kind of less streetwise than up here in The Midlands.
However I was naively talking to a friend who works as a doorman in Falmouth.
"You've got it easy down here, I bet there's never any trouble. Barely any drug dealers. Must be a quiet job"
I was soon told about the explosion of drugs in Devon and Cornwall. Quite stupid of me, I mean it has always retained notoriety for smuggling. NO reason why modern days should be any different. You just can't get away from it today. No escape. I'm sure Falmouth does have its share of muggers.
They broke in through the back? That must have taken some doing.
Posted 18 April 2006 - 10:30 AM
the back is actually quite easy to break into (this was b4 the days of front openers) the arcade was called "cashino royale amusments" lol. i can laugh at that now! it was next door to the old market house on the top of moor and just opposite argus on the one way system. i was only trading for about 18months and got burgled with no insurance, so that was the end of that!! i opened during the tall ships festival in the 90s.
Former Fruit Machine Engineer.<br /><br /> 1988-2004.
Posted 09 May 2006 - 01:22 AM
Sorry to bring up and old thread again..but something happened tonight that pissed me off big time..2 little w**ks took it upon themselves to walk up my street with baseball bats and pick cars at random and smash just about every window in them...my car being one of them..£60 in excess on the insurance is inconvient to say the least..
Now on a monday night out thier tree's on drink/drugs...(both probably) and they must have been about 15..16..WTF is that all about ?..now fortunatley the police managed to get one of them.he was effin and blinding..it wasnt him etc..what will happen to him...?? a formal caution ??..£100 fine..200 hours community service ?? what a f**kin joke...for causing probably about 5 grands worth of damage to all the unfortunate owners of cars in the street..
Ive always sat on the fence when it comes to politics..but if this is the goverments way of dealing with youth crime..ie a slap on the wrists..you bad boy..i certainly wont be supporting them again..
Rant over
Now on a monday night out thier tree's on drink/drugs...(both probably) and they must have been about 15..16..WTF is that all about ?..now fortunatley the police managed to get one of them.he was effin and blinding..it wasnt him etc..what will happen to him...?? a formal caution ??..£100 fine..200 hours community service ?? what a f**kin joke...for causing probably about 5 grands worth of damage to all the unfortunate owners of cars in the street..
Ive always sat on the fence when it comes to politics..but if this is the goverments way of dealing with youth crime..ie a slap on the wrists..you bad boy..i certainly wont be supporting them again..
Rant over

Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know.

Posted 17 November 2007 - 01:37 PM
Seems I'm having to bring this old thread back to life now - I was riding back from Northfleet one morning recently, and the aforementioned 'built like a professional rugby player' from the top of page 2 (who is now 18!) was out with his bitch taking their maggot for a walk, and decided to shout "YOU GOON HEAD!!! SORT YER f*****g HAIR OUT, YA CLOWN!", and then proceeded to throw lumps of rock and dirt at me as I rode past, many of which hit my bike, and one of which hit me! His silly little bint was laughing her ugly little tits off as well, great example for their rug rat, eh?
I tell you, it's getting to the stage where the prospect of thirty f*****g years in a single cell for 23 hours a day for going out on a hunt with a crowbar and battering one of these horrible c***s to death in the street, is sounding more and more like a whole world of peace and quiet!

These f***ers have got to be stopped!
I tell you, it's getting to the stage where the prospect of thirty f*****g years in a single cell for 23 hours a day for going out on a hunt with a crowbar and battering one of these horrible c***s to death in the street, is sounding more and more like a whole world of peace and quiet!

These f***ers have got to be stopped!
Winning is not a crime...
Posted 17 November 2007 - 02:12 PM
The kid will turn out exactly the same. Ar**hole parents produce ar**hole children. That's the sort of example that's going to be set to it. What chance has it got? With a mother that's as much of a peice of scum as the father evidently. Personally i think certain little gets should get the snip/sterilsed to prevent them breeding. It'd solve a lot of problems.
Ey Up!
More vids to be added soon:
"I don't care if the fans rip the shirt from my back. They put it there"
More vids to be added soon:
"I don't care if the fans rip the shirt from my back. They put it there"
Posted 06 March 2011 - 01:49 AM
Just watched a bit of Frankie Boyle tonight, going on about ASBOs, and how they seem to be a 'badge of honour' among the scrote fraternity - "they should have been called 'SPAZ-bo's' or 'bender badges'" -heres a question for everyone, why were ASBOs introduced? Chavs, and neds get away with murder yet a pensioner playing loud music and a kid playing bagpipes in his garden both are threatened with ASBOs if they dont keep the noise down...
and Gazeyre i know what irvine is like try living in glasgow

I know, 'way to resurrect an old thread'...
Edited by PJ, 06 March 2011 - 01:50 AM.
Winning is not a crime...
Posted 06 March 2011 - 09:36 AM
i see the worlds changed alot since this topic started in 2006 higher yob crime higher taxes higher petrol higher everything except wages what a lovely world we live in i remember in 07 had put up cctv to record kids vandelising my car plastic police came told me to delete the evidence cause couldnt film kids even though they ar being little shit,s and now have skagslivin under us smokin and drug takin housin wont do anything either infringement of their rights what about ours! shitty world we live in
The more I do today, The less I do tomorrow.
Fme is alive and screaming into the 21st century!
Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!
Fme is alive and screaming into the 21st century!
Enjoy FME and Happy Gaming!!!!
Posted 06 March 2011 - 09:23 PM
i see the worlds changed alot since this topic started in 2006 higher yob crime higher taxes higher petrol higher everything except wages what a lovely world we live in i remember in 07 had put up cctv to record kids vandelising my car plastic police came told me to delete the evidence cause couldnt film kids even though they ar being little shit,s and now have skagslivin under us smokin and drug takin housin wont do anything either infringement of their rights what about ours! shitty world we live in
thats what happens when people vote a twat like david cameron into power
Einstein`s theory of FME 90 downloads = 3 thanks
Posted 07 March 2011 - 06:28 PM
No politician lives the life of the working man or woman do they-put em in are lifes for a week and theyd be at breaking point after an hour,or less.!!thats what happens when people vote a twat like david cameron into power
As for children and their behavior(as the original post is about),theres simply no punishment end of-im 35 and I wouldnt answer back to my folks let alone people around me!Starts at home and errupts when they get to school-where the kids run the class room not the teachers.
Posted 07 March 2011 - 08:39 PM
Do it... Kick the little c***s heads in. Might think twice about doing it next time then, and to anyone else. If everyone was to stand up to the shits there wouldn't be a problem.
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