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Little S***s

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#1 Gazeyre1966


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 01:09 AM

It's out of control. Two experiences to relate. Firstly I was in an arcade with a friend of mine...remember I am nearly 40 and he was 27. A group of young uns came up to us and the oldest told us to leave the machine as his friend wanted to play it, so we told him to wait his turn.....next thing we had 10 year olds running around us, kicking us and generally hassling us....We just left as we were laughing.

Tonight after the football I was on my way home with a booze and chinese carry out and my hands were loaded with about 6 bags. About 100 yards from my front door was a group of kids...youngest about 10, oldest about 16.....walking towards me.....All of a sudden 2 of them started running ahead of the rest of them....the first one tried to give me a sore one on the leg....while I turned around to shout at him the second tried to rip the bags I was carrying out of my hand. I cannot believe it has come to this. I know the laws etc...but I really want to grab one of these so-callled teenage hooligans, drag him into an alley and kick the shit out of him. What do you all think?

Rant over.
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#2 unclechicken


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 05:29 AM

They know what they are doing is wrong.

Next time kick the shit out of all of them within an inch of their life.

Thats what i would do, and im 32 years old, f*** it if there between 10 and 16 years old, i'd kick the little f*ckers heads in, see if they like hospital food.

Then look at the local papers for the headlines "My little Jimmy was walking down the street minding his own business, and someone nearly killed him!"

Little b*stards...............

#3 Jimmy_mac


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 08:20 AM

It's taking the piss now, im 25 and even i dont remember any kids being as arrogant as they are now when i was in my early teens.

Was talking to a friend the other ay who told me of a terrible story that happened to a friend of this.

Said friend had just bought some cigarettes and was leaving the shop. A lad of about 14 with some friends asked him for a cig, to which this lad replied no. 14 year old proceeded to pull out a knife and stab the lad in the stomach!

The little f***er didnt even flea the scene until the police were almost there. He was just standing near the stabbed lad laughing his tits of shouting abuse!

Its ridiculous that these kids get away with such violent behavious. In the eyes of the law they are seen as minors and not knowing any better. Bullshit, they know full well what they are doing and that they will probably get away with it too

#4 djgaryc



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Posted 15 January 2006 - 09:03 AM

Gazeyre1966 said

... I know the laws etc...but I really want to grab one of these so-callled teenage hooligans, drag him into an alley and kick the shit out of him......

If you belived that you were in genuine danager, then you should have punched them with 100% power... It will be classed as self defence even if you punched first

Okey Dokey ROLL 'EM

#5 Liverpool2008


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 09:22 AM

I Thought Gangs were being watched everywhere...streets and arcades...

as these days gangs are a major problem ... But am glad that the ASBO is in order... in towns and arcades

why did you not report them?

sure someone seen something

Little rats

I had the same thing happened a few years back

But I Said nothing .....

Luckly i only only had a few bob left
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#6 jamesb99_1999


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 10:35 AM

If you are going to give them a kicking a good idea is to make sure nobody sees you. I have a 15 year old step son so I would send him out to beat them up and then if they beat him up give em a thwacking myself claiming self defence.. Otherwise just call the police, they will move them on in no time.. If they bother turning up...
J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man

#7 Nudgeman



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Posted 15 January 2006 - 04:53 PM

Sounds quite rough where you live Gazeyre! Wherabouts in Scotland is Irvine? The ones (chavs that is) around here are full of lip, but back off to physical threats. There are so many street drugs around, not just crack and heroin. You see lots of these little shits 'rattling' from amphetamine based withdrawal symptoms. You do have to be careful really.
If Tony's Governement really want to tackle the problem they need to legalise all class A drugs and have them dispensed under professional consitions with armed defences. Intelligence forces will need to gather data on the black market perpatrators and use Potassium based lethal injections to take down these scumbags. The Government will then have seized control of a major source of lost revenue. Not to mention the drastic reduction in crime rate.
We'll still have a lot of junkies obtaining drugs legally with kids in tow. Since the days when laudanum (spelling?) was drug of choice for 'artistic' people, many of these junkies wanted to abort their own addiction. Laudanum is quoted by many an afflicted addict as 'bad for the soul'. Many heroin addicts say the same about heroin and indeed those who go onto methadone maintenance programs say the same about that.
An instillation of family values is needed. If Dad has all the drugs he needs and a minimal weekly allowance, there is less need for ducking and diving around and more time for the kids. Basically these 'little shits' arsing around is a by product of a breakdown of family values or whatever you call it. Much of that I suspect is down to drug obsessed parents, albeit not 100%
The gangs of kids will contain a spectrum of 'reasonable kids' (on their own) who are just hanging around as there is nothing else to do, to the downright horrors who hate life as they get no love back and basically play 'Grand Theft Auto', that is doing extreme things to source any kind of enjoyment. Also there is a necessity as well. If no one is going to buy you any chips and you haven't got any money, why not make some mates and kick some bloke in the shins for his chips? Your mates will see it as a laugh whilst inherently knowing it's wrong but going along with your bully boy tactics as that is what you need when you're in a family of eight and you need to be heard.
You also get fed as well, not to mention the chance that drugs will blot out the miserable existence of life so by the time you 12, you're most likely on something which makes these absurd decisions so much easier.
Like I say Tony,

*Legalise drugs
*Take down the underworld
*Use saved police resources on improving family values

Do it now please.

As 'youngsters' we can give these shits a good kicking (don't worry about being caught - just don't admit it when questioned unless staring in the face of adversity, the police hate 'em just as much as you do. So unless they have rock solid evidence you're fine.)

When we're using zimmerframes to move about, do we still want to be around this? No. Sort it out TONY NOW!! We're moving towards an 80s/90s New York. Let's not make this Liberty City, let's liberate our cities.

I was tapped up for a quid the other by a small junkie girl all of about 19 years old. I found the whole experience scary and quite soul destroying.

Why? She wasn't physical threatening to me, so why do I find it scary?

It's because the junkie shows the blackest part of human nature. The willingness to f*** someone over for their own enjoyment. If I'd been laying there bleeding to death with my wallet by my side (extreme example) could I have relied on her for help? Could I have relied on her to look after my wallet? Nope. She would have done me over and moved on to her dealer. That is scary. That is a dark aspect of human nature which I'm aware of, but I detest having shoved down my throat by begging of that particular nature.

I shall carry on writing to my MP and he will carry on ignoring me. Fear not, I am working on this. My band of merry man will soon be staging a Goverment Coup. Bloop! as they say. Any SAS members out there want to join me on my quest to clean up Britain?

#8 Gazeyre1966


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 05:22 PM

Irvine is in Ayrshire, which is on the West Coast, about 25 miles South of Glasgow. Unemployment and drug abuse is high...and you are probably right Nudgeman when you say some of these kids will come from drug addicted families. There are never any police in sight around here. In fact, it's probably fair to say that the police force in Strathclyde are probably as reliable as that girl you were talking about. I think around 3 of the local police have been "done" recently for taking drugs, raping a young girl. They've also caused a fatal car crash and are doing their damndest to cover it up. I wish you good luck in your quest to get politicians to listen. It's got to the stage now where it's a trial just to go outside.
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#9 CrAzYbAr


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 05:41 PM

As soon as I saw the title I thought it was another thing to do with this f*****g chav race!!! I'll go do like my friend did and gun 'em all down! Well I'd do that if I could. I'd definitely stick a knife in one if they broke in!

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#10 dazbag29


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 06:32 PM

heres a question for everyone, why were ASBOs introduced? Chavs, and neds get away with murder yet a pensioner playing loud music and a kid playing bagpipes in his garden both are threatened with ASBOs if they dont keep the noise down...
and Gazeyre i know what irvine is like try living in glasgow

#11 PJ


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 06:54 PM

What f***s me off the most, is when some 16-year-old hoody scrote built like a professional rugby player threatens to stab you up if you don't hand over your money, but the moment you retaliate, he plays the child card to the police - "HE threatened ME, and I'm only a BOY!"

They know that if you take any action yourself, it's YOU that ends up in court and gets a criminal record, while THEY go completely unpunished!

Pick the f***ers off one by one with a sniper rifle, I say!
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#12 skabaz


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 06:55 PM

does irvine have cctv???

i remember working in irvine at the eglinton arms on the main street and when i walked into the bar there must have been at least 5-6 blatent underage drinkers in there and that was at about 2 in the afternoon midweek!!!

but in saying that all towns and cities have this so dont think i'm just bashing irvine.
perth has it as well but since the cctv cameras were installed everywhere it has been so much better.


#13 PJ


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 07:14 PM

Have you ever noticed that if you see one of them on their own (v. rare!), they don't even look at you. They might mutter something like "f*****g prick" under their breath, and hope they get away with it, but they certainly don't do or shout anything...

They're like wild dogs, they hunt in packs. The difference being that real wild dogs don't send their pups on ahead first...

And f*** the age thing, the way I see it is if they're big enough to give it, they're big enough to take some as well! Go for the biggest c*** though, the others may learn your lesson the easy way...
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#14 Gazeyre1966


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 07:57 PM


does irvine have cctv???

i remember working in irvine at the eglinton arms on the main street and when i walked into the bar there must have been at least 5-6 blatent underage drinkers in there and that was at about 2 in the afternoon midweek!!!

Nope Bazpeeb. No CCTV in sight. Our local MP is Brian Donohoe and he's done f*** all for this town except watch the unemployment figures go up since he came in almost 13 years ago....Pity you going in the Eggy...lol. It is literally 20 yards away from where I live. I'm central. It is a sh1thole and if I had my way it would be shut down. If I was Iran I would test their first nuclear weapon on this godforesaken town. As long as they give me 24 hours notice first mind...lol
<span style='font-family: Comic Sans MS'><span style='font-size: 12px;'>It's all done in the best possible taste. :bigeyes04:</span></span>

#15 Gazeyre1966


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 08:01 PM

PJ]What f***s me off the most, on is when some 16-year-old hoody scrote built like a professional rugby player threatens to stab you up if you don, said:

child card[/b] to the police - "HE threatened ME, and I'm only a BOY!"

They know that if you take any action yourself, it's YOU that ends up in court and gets a criminal record, while THEY go completely unpunished!

Pick the f***ers off one by one with a sniper rifle, I say!

I really couldn't have put it better myself PJ!!!!
<span style='font-family: Comic Sans MS'><span style='font-size: 12px;'>It's all done in the best possible taste. :bigeyes04:</span></span>

#16 decaff


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 08:15 PM

Nudgeman said

If Tony's Governement really want to tackle the problem

..... Tony f*****g Blair and the rest of his fellow #@#@#@#s couldn't organize a bonfire in a f*****g fireworks factory if their lives depended on it; mind you, nor could any of the other political parties on offer!

#17 nails


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 08:18 PM

nip it in the bud, and give him a fat lip.

#18 Lesoot



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Posted 15 January 2006 - 09:49 PM

Reading this topic takes me back to when I was 15. I was in my local leisure centre enjoying a nice swim with my brother and sister and some girls came up to me and my brother and started chatting us up. we were going with it as they were quite cute. Low and behold their "brother" came up to us and started a fight IN THE MIDDLE OF A SWIMMING POOL!!! He was about 17/18 and quite stocky but as there were 2 of us and just him nothing really come of it, I had a black eye and so did he. The lifeguards were all over us to try and break the fight up and we were ordered to get out and didn't even get a chance to get changed, we had to sit in the managers office in our bathers with a towel wrapped round us to keep us warm, police were called and parents etc.... I had a court order through the post and the s**t was suing me. Went to court and he played the "He started it", "i feared for my life" card and the judge took one look at him and then one look at me (seeing the size difference - I was very skinny in those days before I found beer :) ) and the judge ordered him to pay me £250 as he F****d up his story by telling the police one staory and the judge another one....... even though one of the lifeguards had said he had seen it all and said that he came up to me. Sometimes bullying someone doesn't payoff :)




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Posted 16 January 2006 - 05:19 PM

PJ]Have you ever noticed that if you see one of them on their own (v. rare!), on they don, said:

look[/u] at you. They might mutter something like "f*****g prick" under their breath, and hope they get away with it, but they certainly don't do or shout anything...

They're like wild dogs, they hunt in packs. The difference being that real wild dogs don't send their pups on ahead first...

And f*** the age thing, the way I see it is if they're big enough to give it, they're big enough to take some as well! Go for the biggest c*** though, the others may learn your lesson the easy way...

Fully agree with you mate... these little shits are NOTHING when alone.

The law should be changed, cos these little shits know no one can touch them cos they are seen by society as a 'child' and they play on that.... it's time we took away this 'wall' which they hide behind so people's lives are no longer made a misery.

A few years ago I was getting abuse from teenagers outside my home, they kept trying to damage my car and my life was made a misery cos I'd be having to keep watch on my car and chase the little bastards off every 5 minutes. They kicked a dent in the door and broke my windscreen wipers and scratched the paintwork on it and let one of the tyres down on it.

When they are allowed to get away with things like that, it makes me so mad knowing we are not allowed to take action against them.

There's only one thing that could get through to people like that.... a bloody good kick in the head.

...And imagine what their kids might turn out to be like if they became parents?

I don't even wanna think about it!

#20 PJ


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Posted 23 March 2006 - 12:31 PM


...they kept trying to damage my car and my life was made a misery cos I'd be having to keep watch on my car and chase the little bastards off every 5 minutes. They kicked a dent in the door and broke my windscreen wipers and scratched the paintwork on it and let one of the tyres down on it...

We should be allowed to do here, what they do in South Africa - fit flamethrowers on the sides of our cars, which will fry any cocksucker who so much as puts key to paintwork!
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