Little S***s
Started by Gazeyre1966, Jan 15 2006 01:09 AM
55 replies to this topic
Posted 23 March 2006 - 02:23 PM
My sisters a teacher at a secondary school and has to put up with unruley kids everyday and she is totally powerless to do anything. Its got to the stage where you have to ring someone and ask for permission to defend yourself.
Society is too liberal these days and the only people it benefits are those that are abusive. The problem with kids today is they are protected too much and they know this. They can act like adults with seemingly none of the consequences of their acts. Kids no longer fear adults
When I was a lad you were respectful of coppers, teachers, people in the street because you knew if you stepped out of line they'd come down on you like a tonne of bricks. And I know what my parents would say, if you deserved it what did you expect?
Same with the people who sue when they do something stupid. I split hot coffee on myself, sue mcdonalds for serving hot coffee. I wasn't looking where i was going while rushing and tripped over a crack in the pavement, sue the council. I got pissed up and fell down some stairs, sue the pub i was trying to leave. I eat nothing but fastfood, don't exercise at all and am severely obese, sue the fastfood takeaway.
Then you get the councils who want to stop the annual town christmas tree in case it offends muslims? WHAT!? Its like me going to the middle east and complaining there are mosques.
Teaching junior school kids about sex and stuff like homosexuality!? What! Kids grow up all to quickly these days without this. Let them grow up at their own pace and let parents answer these types of questions as they arise.
I could rant all day, the countries going down the toilet with these liberal pussies running everything.
Society is too liberal these days and the only people it benefits are those that are abusive. The problem with kids today is they are protected too much and they know this. They can act like adults with seemingly none of the consequences of their acts. Kids no longer fear adults
When I was a lad you were respectful of coppers, teachers, people in the street because you knew if you stepped out of line they'd come down on you like a tonne of bricks. And I know what my parents would say, if you deserved it what did you expect?
Same with the people who sue when they do something stupid. I split hot coffee on myself, sue mcdonalds for serving hot coffee. I wasn't looking where i was going while rushing and tripped over a crack in the pavement, sue the council. I got pissed up and fell down some stairs, sue the pub i was trying to leave. I eat nothing but fastfood, don't exercise at all and am severely obese, sue the fastfood takeaway.
Then you get the councils who want to stop the annual town christmas tree in case it offends muslims? WHAT!? Its like me going to the middle east and complaining there are mosques.
Teaching junior school kids about sex and stuff like homosexuality!? What! Kids grow up all to quickly these days without this. Let them grow up at their own pace and let parents answer these types of questions as they arise.
I could rant all day, the countries going down the toilet with these liberal pussies running everything.
Posted 23 March 2006 - 03:34 PM
The young, like other ages of troublemakers, do what they do because they know full well they`ll get away with it
The government (no matter which it is as we live in a one-party state) deliberately do nothing because they want as big a possible excuse to remove more basic freedoms and bring in a more centralised and 1984-style police state.
Rather than bring back the birch (twice as much violence, same outcome), how about bringing back the stocks and encouraging loads of people to throw rancid fruit veg and other crap at them while others laugh at them and take pictures and films of the event to be shown all over the place? I`m sure the ABSOLUTE humiliation of them being reduced to tears in public would really make them think twice about doing such things again.
The government (no matter which it is as we live in a one-party state) deliberately do nothing because they want as big a possible excuse to remove more basic freedoms and bring in a more centralised and 1984-style police state.
Rather than bring back the birch (twice as much violence, same outcome), how about bringing back the stocks and encouraging loads of people to throw rancid fruit veg and other crap at them while others laugh at them and take pictures and films of the event to be shown all over the place? I`m sure the ABSOLUTE humiliation of them being reduced to tears in public would really make them think twice about doing such things again.
Posted 23 March 2006 - 05:06 PM
your kidding, you can't do anything in todays nanny state. Politians are so obsessed with criminals humans rights or minority groups human rights that they have forgotten about "normal" everyday law abiding citizens rights. Best example is the farmer who's house was broken into and when he defended himself was sued by the burgulars. Madness
You can't say you don't like something or don't agree with something otherwise you are immediately labelled with an "ist" added to the end of whatever you disagree with. This overwrites your human right to have an opinion.
We live in an age of reverse discrimination, if your classed as caucasian, christian and non-handicapped in this country things are immediately set in everyone elses favour when it comes to things such as jobs. I might be labelled as right wing and racist for my views. That would be wrong, i don't dislike anyone for their creed, religion or ability, i treat everyone on their own merit. I simply think the system is unfair and in its quotas, targets and such has made equality what it set out to promote, impossible
You can't say you don't like something or don't agree with something otherwise you are immediately labelled with an "ist" added to the end of whatever you disagree with. This overwrites your human right to have an opinion.
We live in an age of reverse discrimination, if your classed as caucasian, christian and non-handicapped in this country things are immediately set in everyone elses favour when it comes to things such as jobs. I might be labelled as right wing and racist for my views. That would be wrong, i don't dislike anyone for their creed, religion or ability, i treat everyone on their own merit. I simply think the system is unfair and in its quotas, targets and such has made equality what it set out to promote, impossible
Posted 23 March 2006 - 05:35 PM
I was doing security in a co op store next to two schools, one a secondary and the other a primary. One day four ten year olds came in and was pinching a bottle of cider. I stopped them at the door and one of them punched me in the stomach whilst another kicked me in the legs. I grabbed the one with the cider in his bag and draged him to the back of the shop. His three friends were all trying to get him free but I had a good grip and was not letting go. The manager of the shop got the other three out and locked the door as there was now about eight kids trying to get him out of the shop. They then smashed the window so we called the police. It took them about 45 minutes to get there and by this time the kids had gone back to school. When the police came in they called his parents and when they got to the shop his dad atacked me cos his son told him I had hit him. He was then arrested and charged with assault. His son just got a telling of by the police officers. For the next three months I had agro from both schools so i decided to move to another co op.I cant belive that kids as young as 10 are stealing, smashing windows and attacking people. They need a good slap to put them back in there place I belive. This was just one of many incidents in a 3 year span.
Posted 23 March 2006 - 07:28 PM
Well I think now it's time for me to say that a group of us lot really took the piss out of the little shits.
I'm in Year 9 aat school now... Say, the middle of it all now in secondary. Now these little shit stirrers in year 7 came up to my friend and swiped the orange juice carton out of his hand. We like to make a joke, so we said "He was eating that!" They replied with "Did you mean drinking?" and we said no.
You can imagine one of these little shits brains now compiled with the recently said "No." Clunk Bang Clunk... S they followed their natural instinct with their pushing and the "You cussin my mum" and that. They did try to swipe a few punches...Missed... I remember this kid with a knuckle duster he made out of keyrings...That was a real laugh for us..."Why don't you get your own PROPER knuckle duster for f***s sake!" We were saying things like that and making up the replies like "My mummy doesn't let me. Another one was "Why don't you get one from Argos then!" and we made up "I can't go that far on my own! Or..." Want a knuckle sandwich?( They STILL used that phrase!)" and " Are you sure you still have one, fat shit...
They dispersed muttering under their breath...Desperate not to admit defeat and that they were just acting like the shits they were.
I'm in Year 9 aat school now... Say, the middle of it all now in secondary. Now these little shit stirrers in year 7 came up to my friend and swiped the orange juice carton out of his hand. We like to make a joke, so we said "He was eating that!" They replied with "Did you mean drinking?" and we said no.
You can imagine one of these little shits brains now compiled with the recently said "No." Clunk Bang Clunk... S they followed their natural instinct with their pushing and the "You cussin my mum" and that. They did try to swipe a few punches...Missed... I remember this kid with a knuckle duster he made out of keyrings...That was a real laugh for us..."Why don't you get your own PROPER knuckle duster for f***s sake!" We were saying things like that and making up the replies like "My mummy doesn't let me. Another one was "Why don't you get one from Argos then!" and we made up "I can't go that far on my own! Or..." Want a knuckle sandwich?( They STILL used that phrase!)" and " Are you sure you still have one, fat shit...
They dispersed muttering under their breath...Desperate not to admit defeat and that they were just acting like the shits they were.
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Posted 23 March 2006 - 08:03 PM
While this thread is up here's another one.
I was talking with my sister a while back and she told me that my niece (who is in primary 4 for f***'s sake!!!) was in the playground when one of the boys from her class started threatening everyone with a blade. Apparently, some of the kids, scared stiff, told the teacher. Now, here's the good bit. The teacher declared herself powerless to take the knife off the little bastard and said all she could do was contact his parents (which she couldn't do) and phone the police (who took 2 hours to come out). In the interim, this 8 year old was running around with a knife. It's unbelievable!!!
You can trace all this back to when they banned the belt in the early 80's. If kids now had their wrists and fingers rattled a few times by a nice hard leather tongue then their behaviour would soon change. For that matter, bring their parents into the school and belt them as well as they are obviously learning this crap at home.
I was talking with my sister a while back and she told me that my niece (who is in primary 4 for f***'s sake!!!) was in the playground when one of the boys from her class started threatening everyone with a blade. Apparently, some of the kids, scared stiff, told the teacher. Now, here's the good bit. The teacher declared herself powerless to take the knife off the little bastard and said all she could do was contact his parents (which she couldn't do) and phone the police (who took 2 hours to come out). In the interim, this 8 year old was running around with a knife. It's unbelievable!!!
You can trace all this back to when they banned the belt in the early 80's. If kids now had their wrists and fingers rattled a few times by a nice hard leather tongue then their behaviour would soon change. For that matter, bring their parents into the school and belt them as well as they are obviously learning this crap at home.
<span style='font-family: Comic Sans MS'><span style='font-size: 12px;'>It's all done in the best possible taste.

Posted 23 March 2006 - 08:22 PM
djgary that 100% power was that a punch as in a sho ryu ken y in mid air coming down doing adoken
sound old as the hills but is it me or are today young/teenage kids abit gobby as last week with the misses this girl must of been no older then 12/13 trying to get me to get fags from the shop the misses told her kindly no we cant then came into the shop with us still would you adam,eve it kept asking please can you in the long and short of it the girl walked out shouting and swearing
if it was penny sweet the shop would not serve her for then i would of helped but 12/13 year old asking to get fags no way you get ****ed get me or my other half nicked
sound old as the hills but is it me or are today young/teenage kids abit gobby as last week with the misses this girl must of been no older then 12/13 trying to get me to get fags from the shop the misses told her kindly no we cant then came into the shop with us still would you adam,eve it kept asking please can you in the long and short of it the girl walked out shouting and swearing
if it was penny sweet the shop would not serve her for then i would of helped but 12/13 year old asking to get fags no way you get ****ed get me or my other half nicked
Posted 23 March 2006 - 09:40 PM
Sorry but i think as long as the government shells out cash for no good lay abouts and rewarding such people to breed, these kids don't need respect, why bother just go to the friendly DSS and get a giro if that dones work, just beat up a taxpayer after all they put up with anything, if that fails just knock out a kid and join the rest of them is a cycle going round and round kids bringing up kids ............. let me out of this country!!!
Posted 23 March 2006 - 10:10 PM
woman in the sun paper today (page 27) has 13 kids and gets 28k a year in benefits, add to that the bigger council house she is demanding and all the other stealth benefits she'll be claiming such as free school meals, transport etc.
she is in court awaiting sentance on flouting a drink driving ban. She has previous unpaid fines of £2831 (shes unemployed, what that means is the tax payer gets fined)
the judge instead of giving her a 6 month sentance cuts her previous fines to £1040 and gives her community service of working for the rest of the day in the court buidling (all of two hours since it was the end of the day). Thats £900 an hour she effectively "earned". She pays back the rest of the fines at £20 a week.
You can probably pretty much guarantee some of her kids will turn out to benefit scroungers too. Young lasses these days don't ever have to work, they simply have a kid before they leave school, jump the council house queue and live of benefits. Have a kid or two every 15 years and you can keep going until your in your 50's by the time they are old enough to claim their own benefits.
Taxes are never been so high, its no wonder, we are supporting a nation of scroungers and single mothers. Its no wonder immigrants want to come to britain. Come join the gravy train
People who get pregnant when on benefits already should be told if you can't afford kids you shouldn't have them. Fund your family yourself. With so many contraceptions on the market today there really is no excuse.
Add to that giving kids a weekly wage to stay on at school longer until they reach benefit age. This country is in so much trouble. I hate to see what the economy will be like in 20 years. If taxes are high then employers need to pay a higher wage for their staff to survive. Higher wages means its cheaper to pay people to do your job from india, hence unemployment goes up so taxes go up. Higher wages puts up manufacturing costs which means its far cheaper to import. Hence redundances. If you take into account higher education, disability benefit, single mothers, prisioners I bet the unemployment rate is more like 30% than the 5% they quote
Surely the government must see this vicious circle?
she is in court awaiting sentance on flouting a drink driving ban. She has previous unpaid fines of £2831 (shes unemployed, what that means is the tax payer gets fined)
the judge instead of giving her a 6 month sentance cuts her previous fines to £1040 and gives her community service of working for the rest of the day in the court buidling (all of two hours since it was the end of the day). Thats £900 an hour she effectively "earned". She pays back the rest of the fines at £20 a week.
You can probably pretty much guarantee some of her kids will turn out to benefit scroungers too. Young lasses these days don't ever have to work, they simply have a kid before they leave school, jump the council house queue and live of benefits. Have a kid or two every 15 years and you can keep going until your in your 50's by the time they are old enough to claim their own benefits.
Taxes are never been so high, its no wonder, we are supporting a nation of scroungers and single mothers. Its no wonder immigrants want to come to britain. Come join the gravy train
People who get pregnant when on benefits already should be told if you can't afford kids you shouldn't have them. Fund your family yourself. With so many contraceptions on the market today there really is no excuse.
Add to that giving kids a weekly wage to stay on at school longer until they reach benefit age. This country is in so much trouble. I hate to see what the economy will be like in 20 years. If taxes are high then employers need to pay a higher wage for their staff to survive. Higher wages means its cheaper to pay people to do your job from india, hence unemployment goes up so taxes go up. Higher wages puts up manufacturing costs which means its far cheaper to import. Hence redundances. If you take into account higher education, disability benefit, single mothers, prisioners I bet the unemployment rate is more like 30% than the 5% they quote
Surely the government must see this vicious circle?
Posted 23 March 2006 - 10:31 PM
Actually whilst this thread is up - anyone know much about CCTV systems?
A neighbour had his car side window smashed last night between 6:45pm (when it starts to get dark) and 8:30pm.
Now I'm no Inspector Morse, but I am a bit of a gambler and I'd take less than evens that it was a chav aged 16 or under whodunnit.
I want a CCTV system that is fairly covert, with IR imaging for night time pictures and good enough definition to identify the shit(s) responsible or if their in hoodies, their designer labels and general build so can get an idea of which regular local hoodie chav strays that come out to play it may be.
It seems you can get a few CCTV rigs from Argos - some for under £100.
I guess the police would be next to useless even with good definition pictures. However if I could identify the offending person, then at least I could vandalise them!!
A neighbour had his car side window smashed last night between 6:45pm (when it starts to get dark) and 8:30pm.
Now I'm no Inspector Morse, but I am a bit of a gambler and I'd take less than evens that it was a chav aged 16 or under whodunnit.
I want a CCTV system that is fairly covert, with IR imaging for night time pictures and good enough definition to identify the shit(s) responsible or if their in hoodies, their designer labels and general build so can get an idea of which regular local hoodie chav strays that come out to play it may be.
It seems you can get a few CCTV rigs from Argos - some for under £100.
I guess the police would be next to useless even with good definition pictures. However if I could identify the offending person, then at least I could vandalise them!!
Posted 23 March 2006 - 10:39 PM
Actually whilst this thread is up - anyone know much about CCTV systems?
A neighbour had his car side window smashed last night between 6:45pm (when it starts to get dark) and 8:30pm.
Now I'm no Inspector Morse, but I am a bit of a gambler and I'd take less than evens that it was a chav aged 16 or under whodunnit.
I want a CCTV system that is fairly covert, with IR imaging for night time pictures and good enough definition to identify the shit(s) responsible or if their in hoodies, their designer labels and general build so can get an idea of which regular local hoodie chav strays that come out to play it may be.
It seems you can get a few CCTV rigs from Argos - some for under £100.
I guess the police would be next to useless even with good definition pictures. However if I could identify the offending person, then at least I could vandalise them!!
you'll probably find its inadmissable as evidence as you did not get their permission to film them, encrotching on their human rights. Its all your fault for parking your property in such a way to entice any young scamp up to mischief.
remember in todays society its the abuser that gets all the help not the victim.
its a pity you aren't under sixteen, you could don a hoodie top wait in the bushes, beat the little twat to near death and then get some liberal judge giving you a holiday in florida for a few weeks to contemplate what you did wrong.
I better leave this thread as it is beginning to anger me lol
sorry i have no idea about cctv, i know if you get attacked in a town centre they are always pointing the wrong way. People get jumped in the middle of precincts in full view. Not at the entrances to alleys etc out of sight
Posted 24 March 2006 - 04:29 AM
I dont think the police are interested these days
al lot of things have happened round here .. Cars Getting mirrors Yanked off also mums car was bumped left with no paint marks but we knew the person .. reported it and they were not interested
wheres the JUSTICE these days ?
al lot of things have happened round here .. Cars Getting mirrors Yanked off also mums car was bumped left with no paint marks but we knew the person .. reported it and they were not interested
wheres the JUSTICE these days ?
<a class='bbc_url' href='<a class='bbc_url' href='https://www.facebook...?ref=hl</a></a>
Posted 24 March 2006 - 08:34 AM
Sounds quite rough where you live Gazeyre! Wherabouts in Scotland is Irvine? The ones (chavs that is) around here are full of lip, but back off to physical threats. There are so many street drugs around, not just crack and heroin. You see lots of these little shits 'rattling' from amphetamine based withdrawal symptoms. You do have to be careful really.
If Tony's Governement really want to tackle the problem they need to legalise all class A drugs and have them dispensed under professional consitions with armed defences. Intelligence forces will need to gather data on the black market perpatrators and use Potassium based lethal injections to take down these scumbags. The Government will then have seized control of a major source of lost revenue. Not to mention the drastic reduction in crime rate.
We'll still have a lot of junkies obtaining drugs legally with kids in tow. Since the days when laudanum (spelling?) was drug of choice for 'artistic' people, many of these junkies wanted to abort their own addiction. Laudanum is quoted by many an afflicted addict as 'bad for the soul'. Many heroin addicts say the same about heroin and indeed those who go onto methadone maintenance programs say the same about that.
An instillation of family values is needed. If Dad has all the drugs he needs and a minimal weekly allowance, there is less need for ducking and diving around and more time for the kids. Basically these 'little shits' arsing around is a by product of a breakdown of family values or whatever you call it. Much of that I suspect is down to drug obsessed parents, albeit not 100%
The gangs of kids will contain a spectrum of 'reasonable kids' (on their own) who are just hanging around as there is nothing else to do, to the downright horrors who hate life as they get no love back and basically play 'Grand Theft Auto', that is doing extreme things to source any kind of enjoyment. Also there is a necessity as well. If no one is going to buy you any chips and you haven't got any money, why not make some mates and kick some bloke in the shins for his chips? Your mates will see it as a laugh whilst inherently knowing it's wrong but going along with your bully boy tactics as that is what you need when you're in a family of eight and you need to be heard.
You also get fed as well, not to mention the chance that drugs will blot out the miserable existence of life so by the time you 12, you're most likely on something which makes these absurd decisions so much easier.
Like I say Tony,
*Legalise drugs
*Take down the underworld
*Use saved police resources on improving family values
Do it now please.
As 'youngsters' we can give these shits a good kicking (don't worry about being caught - just don't admit it when questioned unless staring in the face of adversity, the police hate 'em just as much as you do. So unless they have rock solid evidence you're fine.)
When we're using zimmerframes to move about, do we still want to be around this? No. Sort it out TONY NOW!! We're moving towards an 80s/90s New York. Let's not make this Liberty City, let's liberate our cities.
I was tapped up for a quid the other by a small junkie girl all of about 19 years old. I found the whole experience scary and quite soul destroying.
Why? She wasn't physical threatening to me, so why do I find it scary?
It's because the junkie shows the blackest part of human nature. The willingness to f*** someone over for their own enjoyment. If I'd been laying there bleeding to death with my wallet by my side (extreme example) could I have relied on her for help? Could I have relied on her to look after my wallet? Nope. She would have done me over and moved on to her dealer. That is scary. That is a dark aspect of human nature which I'm aware of, but I detest having shoved down my throat by begging of that particular nature.
I shall carry on writing to my MP and he will carry on ignoring me. Fear not, I am working on this. My band of merry man will soon be staging a Goverment Coup. Bloop! as they say. Any SAS members out there want to join me on my quest to clean up Britain?
Mate I thoroughly enjoyed reading your comments and could not agree with you more.

"Yippee Ki Ya Kimasabi"..
Posted 13 April 2006 - 12:29 PM
Half the time the parents are just as bad. Some of them claim it is impossible to control their own kids!! Not having that sorry. Thats just half assed parenting!! But some of you are right kids do pick up stuff from home or from who they hang out with etc. It's already been said but bring back the birch. 6 of the best will sort out most of them. It doesn't 'traumatise' kids. I've never met anyone who it's had that effect on. I'm obviously talking about friends and relatives that had it years ago.
Some of the older generation say that things started to go wrong in this country when they stopped National Service. A few years in the army would teach respect for authority. I'm not so sure. Things can't keep going the way they are it's getting out of hand.
Some of the older generation say that things started to go wrong in this country when they stopped National Service. A few years in the army would teach respect for authority. I'm not so sure. Things can't keep going the way they are it's getting out of hand.
Ey Up!
More vids to be added soon:
"I don't care if the fans rip the shirt from my back. They put it there"
More vids to be added soon:
"I don't care if the fans rip the shirt from my back. They put it there"
Posted 13 April 2006 - 06:32 PM
I partly agree - my idea is straight from leaving school at 16, they should do an obligatory two years in an Armed Forces barracks, with the full complement of discipline and exercise, but with the following additions:-
a) Family and friends can visit at any time during the day (maybe with special concessions for night visits as well);
All usual Youth Training courses available on grounds, along with a resident counsellor/psychologist to deal with any emotional problems - basically someone who can understand;
c) For those who already know where they're going in life, there should be facilities to run a business, except those which would require large premises or heavy machinery (exemption would apply to those who are going straight into their family business - parental supervision would be most prevalent there);
d) Plenty of recreational activities and social events as incentive to progress, but at the other end of the scale, keep the Glasshouse for serious offences, such as assault, theft, drink/drug abuse - avoiding regular prison should minimise 'hardening' potential criminals;
e) A generous cash sum on completion as an added incentive, along with an award ceremony;
These are just outline ideas after just 15 minutes of thinking, obviously a bit of fine-tuning would most likely be in order, but I think I'm on the right road...
a) Family and friends can visit at any time during the day (maybe with special concessions for night visits as well);

c) For those who already know where they're going in life, there should be facilities to run a business, except those which would require large premises or heavy machinery (exemption would apply to those who are going straight into their family business - parental supervision would be most prevalent there);
d) Plenty of recreational activities and social events as incentive to progress, but at the other end of the scale, keep the Glasshouse for serious offences, such as assault, theft, drink/drug abuse - avoiding regular prison should minimise 'hardening' potential criminals;
e) A generous cash sum on completion as an added incentive, along with an award ceremony;
These are just outline ideas after just 15 minutes of thinking, obviously a bit of fine-tuning would most likely be in order, but I think I'm on the right road...
Winning is not a crime...
Posted 13 April 2006 - 11:00 PM
*I love chavs theres a great way of dealing with them in Swansea, first thing you learn here is no one can fight its haymakers all the way so what I do is make them throw the first punch being a haymaker that christ you see that Tuesday when its Sunday, then step aside make em do it again then a 3rd time now we are in 0wn territory by not hitting back you can clearly show that you are not the agressor then give the twat a stiff elbow to the jaw he will go down like a sack of shit however don't hit them too hard as f*** me I could not move my elbow afters and still have problems now however when this c*** sees me now he crosses the road.......... funny that.
* basically the tit started on me in Yate's Swansea and followed me to the bogs and started pushing me about threw 3 haymakers and I knocked him into March 2006 (this was September last year) ironically his last words to me were 'your mother aint here to save you now' (he was refering to a friend of mine that aint my mother) which made it more funny as I thought 'wheres yours' as he crashed to the ground :-)
* basically the tit started on me in Yate's Swansea and followed me to the bogs and started pushing me about threw 3 haymakers and I knocked him into March 2006 (this was September last year) ironically his last words to me were 'your mother aint here to save you now' (he was refering to a friend of mine that aint my mother) which made it more funny as I thought 'wheres yours' as he crashed to the ground :-)
Posted 14 April 2006 - 11:32 AM
"altharic" loved your reply m8. lol
I used to own my own amusement arcade in falmouth, cornwall and i had a lot of
"hoddie youths" that used to come in to play machines (bread and butter punters)
anyhow one one occasion i found that some machines had been broken into through the back (surprise surprise!!) one of my more "mature" punters informed me who had broken into them and stolen money. (£80 ish)
lo and behold the little twat then walks in as bold as brass into the arcade jingling my money in his pockets and says "im here to win all your money now shaun"
I saw red of course, and took half a pool cue from behind my cash desk and went out onto the floor and pushed him on his back and put a foot on his chest and then struck him across the sholder blades twice. i know now it was a bit over the top, but if u read the rest of this, youll see that maybe it was justified!
he of course went to the police who then arrested me for ABH as he had recived some severe brusing to his upper body. I of course denied it ever happend at all but was charged none the less.
on the day of my Crown Court appearence i was told by my barrister that if i maintained my "NOT GUILTY" plea that i would get 3 years jail if found guilty!
f***, u can imangine how i was feeling, very worried, but i chose to maintain my not guilty plea.
when i was in the court (the guy i had assulted was in the public gallery with all his family to see me get sent down, and to see how much compensation they would get(like magpies on a washing line)) the judge came in and orderd that everyone except myself , the defence and prosecution left the court room. once they had gone the judge said to me "im not stupid and after reading the statements in this case i can clearly see what has happend. the youth has stolen monies from you and you took matters into your own hands. whilst i cannont condone this, I PROMISE THAT IF YOU PLEAD GUILTY TODAY, I WILL NOT SEND YOU TO PRISON, but you will be punished!"
Well you can guess what i did when the court was restarted with everyone now present!
How do you plead the the charge of ABH?
GUILTY i said.
The judge then gave me 200 hours community service and then turned to the public gallery and said " I will not be awarding any compensation to the "VICTIM" and i will see him in this court next week.
As it turned out the guy i smacked was in the court the following week with some of his mates for mugging old ladies in the town!!
so what im trying to say is that the system isnt ALWAYS BLIND to whats going on. i know i was lucky to get an understanding and down to earth judge and not some senile old git who dribbled a lot and falls asleap. i have been to court many times in my youth (im now 37) but on this one rare occasion i feel that the courts had there eyes wide open.
I used to own my own amusement arcade in falmouth, cornwall and i had a lot of
"hoddie youths" that used to come in to play machines (bread and butter punters)
anyhow one one occasion i found that some machines had been broken into through the back (surprise surprise!!) one of my more "mature" punters informed me who had broken into them and stolen money. (£80 ish)
lo and behold the little twat then walks in as bold as brass into the arcade jingling my money in his pockets and says "im here to win all your money now shaun"
I saw red of course, and took half a pool cue from behind my cash desk and went out onto the floor and pushed him on his back and put a foot on his chest and then struck him across the sholder blades twice. i know now it was a bit over the top, but if u read the rest of this, youll see that maybe it was justified!
he of course went to the police who then arrested me for ABH as he had recived some severe brusing to his upper body. I of course denied it ever happend at all but was charged none the less.
on the day of my Crown Court appearence i was told by my barrister that if i maintained my "NOT GUILTY" plea that i would get 3 years jail if found guilty!
f***, u can imangine how i was feeling, very worried, but i chose to maintain my not guilty plea.
when i was in the court (the guy i had assulted was in the public gallery with all his family to see me get sent down, and to see how much compensation they would get(like magpies on a washing line)) the judge came in and orderd that everyone except myself , the defence and prosecution left the court room. once they had gone the judge said to me "im not stupid and after reading the statements in this case i can clearly see what has happend. the youth has stolen monies from you and you took matters into your own hands. whilst i cannont condone this, I PROMISE THAT IF YOU PLEAD GUILTY TODAY, I WILL NOT SEND YOU TO PRISON, but you will be punished!"
Well you can guess what i did when the court was restarted with everyone now present!
How do you plead the the charge of ABH?
GUILTY i said.
The judge then gave me 200 hours community service and then turned to the public gallery and said " I will not be awarding any compensation to the "VICTIM" and i will see him in this court next week.
As it turned out the guy i smacked was in the court the following week with some of his mates for mugging old ladies in the town!!
so what im trying to say is that the system isnt ALWAYS BLIND to whats going on. i know i was lucky to get an understanding and down to earth judge and not some senile old git who dribbled a lot and falls asleap. i have been to court many times in my youth (im now 37) but on this one rare occasion i feel that the courts had there eyes wide open.
Former Fruit Machine Engineer.<br /><br /> 1988-2004.
Posted 14 April 2006 - 08:12 PM
Yeah guess this is always gonna have 2 sides to it. Maybe the National Service thing is a good idea but i agree it should come with certain conditions. Not all kids/youths are the same. Plus there's the cost to take into account i guess. Accomodation, training etc. I saw Bad Lads Army on ITV but also saw it worked for some lads and not for others. There's no set way for dealing with this that will work for everyone that's the problem.
Especially with all this Human Rights law that's come in. I suppose they'll use that to get out of it. But i think it's important to start young and try and stop them getting out of control before it's too late. But i think a lot of kids pick things up from t.v., films and computer games. They don't affect everyone i know and i enjoy playing/watching them myself. I grew up with them. But i think it does contribute to the problem as a whole.
Sometimes it does come down to peer pressure though. I think even good kids can be swayed by wanting to be with the 'in crowd' and all that. If more parents actually payed more attention to where their kids were going and with who it would help. But it can be difficult with work and other commitments. It's a no win situation. A vicious circle. Some kids make us resentful with anti social behaviour which in turn i think sometimes can lead to resentment from them.
In some areas i have seen youth groups/clubs introduced. Sometimes kids just want someone to have a bit of faith in them and to have something constructive to do. It doesn't always work but some areas have introduced their own and seen youth crime lower as a result.
Especially with all this Human Rights law that's come in. I suppose they'll use that to get out of it. But i think it's important to start young and try and stop them getting out of control before it's too late. But i think a lot of kids pick things up from t.v., films and computer games. They don't affect everyone i know and i enjoy playing/watching them myself. I grew up with them. But i think it does contribute to the problem as a whole.
Sometimes it does come down to peer pressure though. I think even good kids can be swayed by wanting to be with the 'in crowd' and all that. If more parents actually payed more attention to where their kids were going and with who it would help. But it can be difficult with work and other commitments. It's a no win situation. A vicious circle. Some kids make us resentful with anti social behaviour which in turn i think sometimes can lead to resentment from them.
In some areas i have seen youth groups/clubs introduced. Sometimes kids just want someone to have a bit of faith in them and to have something constructive to do. It doesn't always work but some areas have introduced their own and seen youth crime lower as a result.
Ey Up!
More vids to be added soon:
"I don't care if the fans rip the shirt from my back. They put it there"
More vids to be added soon:
"I don't care if the fans rip the shirt from my back. They put it there"
Posted 14 April 2006 - 10:31 PM
Your very lucky not to be in prison.... Although the "pond life" or "Scum""altharic" loved your reply m8. lol
I used to own my own amusement arcade in falmouth, cornwall and i had a lot of
"hoddie youths" that used to come in to play machines (bread and butter punters)
anyhow one one occasion i found that some machines had been broken into through the back (surprise surprise!!) one of my more "mature" punters informed me who had broken into them and stolen money. (£80 ish)
lo and behold the little twat then walks in as bold as brass into the arcade jingling my money in his pockets and says "im here to win all your money now shaun"
I saw red of course, and took half a pool cue from behind my cash desk and went out onto the floor and pushed him on his back and put a foot on his chest and then struck him across the sholder blades twice. i know now it was a bit over the top, but if u read the rest of this, youll see that maybe it was justified!
he of course went to the police who then arrested me for ABH as he had recived some severe brusing to his upper body. I of course denied it ever happend at all but was charged none the less.
on the day of my Crown Court appearence i was told by my barrister that if i maintained my "NOT GUILTY" plea that i would get 3 years jail if found guilty!
f***, u can imangine how i was feeling, very worried, but i chose to maintain my not guilty plea.
when i was in the court (the guy i had assulted was in the public gallery with all his family to see me get sent down, and to see how much compensation they would get(like magpies on a washing line)) the judge came in and orderd that everyone except myself , the defence and prosecution left the court room. once they had gone the judge said to me "im not stupid and after reading the statements in this case i can clearly see what has happend. the youth has stolen monies from you and you took matters into your own hands. whilst i cannont condone this, I PROMISE THAT IF YOU PLEAD GUILTY TODAY, I WILL NOT SEND YOU TO PRISON, but you will be punished!"
Well you can guess what i did when the court was restarted with everyone now present!
How do you plead the the charge of ABH?
GUILTY i said.
The judge then gave me 200 hours community service and then turned to the public gallery and said " I will not be awarding any compensation to the "VICTIM" and i will see him in this court next week.
As it turned out the guy i smacked was in the court the following week with some of his mates for mugging old ladies in the town!!
so what im trying to say is that the system isnt ALWAYS BLIND to whats going on. i know i was lucky to get an understanding and down to earth judge and not some senile old git who dribbled a lot and falls asleap. i have been to court many times in my youth (im now 37) but on this one rare occasion i feel that the courts had there eyes wide open.

Like you said, lucky you had a sympathetic judge on your side and knew what the little shit was like. If only we had him here to help us stick away some of Oxford "Pond Life" we seem to strugle with thinking the something special!!!! When their clearly not
Question is... Did ya get your cash back?

Okey Dokey ROLL 'EM
Posted 15 April 2006 - 08:53 AM
lol. no i didnt get my dollars back!!
Former Fruit Machine Engineer.<br /><br /> 1988-2004.
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