homers meltdown with italion job roms?
Started by zzzgirl, Feb 20 2006 08:32 PM
6 replies to this topic
Posted 20 February 2006 - 08:32 PM
hi just downloaded homersmeltdown and running it on mfme3 it plays ok except for the fact that it has the roms from the italion job everything plays ok but just weird how it has the wrong sounds and layout for the machine? have i downloaded right?

Posted 20 February 2006 - 08:35 PM
Yes as Homer's isn't possible to emulate.......as the layout say's...................
Here is the HOMERS MELTDOWN HDX layout youve been waiting for its not the best of my work but im sure its still enjoyable so here it is BIG THANKS TO FRUIT EMU Note : This is a hybrid DX and is therefore not using the original ROMs from Homers Meltdown..
Here is the HOMERS MELTDOWN HDX layout youve been waiting for its not the best of my work but im sure its still enjoyable so here it is BIG THANKS TO FRUIT EMU Note : This is a hybrid DX and is therefore not using the original ROMs from Homers Meltdown..
Posted 20 February 2006 - 08:44 PM
Yes as Homer's isn't possible to emulate.......as the layout say's...................
Here is the HOMERS MELTDOWN HDX layout youve been waiting for its not the best of my work but im sure its still enjoyable so here it is BIG THANKS TO FRUIT EMU Note : This is a hybrid DX and is therefore not using the original ROMs from Homers Meltdown..
Plays a bit like Italian Job too

Posted 20 February 2006 - 08:44 PM
Does that on mine aswell, whenever you win the jp (usually the 1st board coz it does it's red flash thing straight away) it always says can't pay the amount. Tried clicking on the refill button but does nothing. Any help would be appreciated, and i also tried putting in £10 worth of plays and still didn't work.
Posted 20 February 2006 - 08:59 PM
okies i will read what it says next time duh trust me not to read b4 i download lol:bigeyes10:Yes as Homer's isn't possible to emulate.......as the layout say's...................
Here is the HOMERS MELTDOWN HDX layout youve been waiting for its not the best of my work but im sure its still enjoyable so here it is BIG THANKS TO FRUIT EMU Note : This is a hybrid DX and is therefore not using the original ROMs from Homers Meltdown..
Posted 20 February 2006 - 09:02 PM
okies i will read what it says next time duh trust me not to read b4 i download lol:bigeyes10:
lol, yeah sometimes theres notes, they arn't always just 'thank-yous'.....mabey to say of a fault etc on the Emulation.
Posted 20 February 2006 - 10:12 PM
If I remember correctly theres a problem with the meters in MFME 2+ should work ok in 1.1 (if it was designed in that in the first place)
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