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Designers for non designers

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#1 smash


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Posted 22 February 2006 - 06:47 AM

Hi All,
I'm no designer, but I have download 10 games which I play often. I really love the games and the features they have. As newbie, I had to understand how to setup everything, and it was not too hard. Now I was wondering if any designers make games from other peoples ideas. I think it would be nice if I could get my idea in a game, but if it never happens, i'll still be happy with the games I play now and the new ones I will download. If any developer that is not busy with a new progect and would not mind designing one around my idea, that would be great!!

#2 mrs bloodshed

mrs bloodshed

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Posted 22 February 2006 - 10:09 AM

you cant make an emu just from an idea you need to have the roms etc of the fruit machine, so unless your good at java programming or simular programs then it cant be possable

edit: grr nicola not again LOG OUT

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