I wasn't sure of releasing this at this time because of a few issues that still remain, but they don't affect the running, or gameplay of the machine too much, so I thought it would be worth it.
The issuse are: Some of the lamps don't occasionally work on the reels. The four fruits in the middle of the top glass of sixteen used some kind of disc-reel that rotated when you achieved the "Magic Square Bonus" on the "Fruit Bingo" feature, but it doesn't work on MFME at the moment. Or if it does, I haven't managed to find out how it is implemented.
If anyone does know how to rectify the disc-reel problem, I'll get the layout updated ASAP.
Now, time for the credits for this particular layout.
I'd like to thank the classic kings Bugs, and Troutman for the classic that was used. And also big thanks to Fruitsim for the reel images, and a little bit of playtesting he did for me.
The shortcuts for this are:
Holds 1,2,3,4 = 1,2,3,4
Cancel/Take Win = Backtick Key
Start/ Take Part Win = Space
Step Up = U
Step Down = D
Shuffle = S
Gamble = G
£1 Insert = 0
F10 = 3/5/7 Reel View On MFME3.1/2
Hope you enjoy it.