Crystal Maze Question...Help Please!
Started by richy23, Apr 18 2006 02:25 PM
19 replies to this topic
Posted 18 April 2006 - 02:25 PM
Im trying to get The Crystal Maze ROM to work (this one...http://www.fruit-emu...ads&showfile=55) but i cant seem to get it to work...please could someone tell me how to get it working?
Thank You
Thank You
Posted 18 April 2006 - 02:28 PM
Have you downloaded a layout as well? It sounds like you haven't - you can't just run a ROM on its own.
I suggest you take a read of the tutorials here.
I suggest you take a read of the tutorials here.
Posted 18 April 2006 - 02:29 PM
Im trying to get The Crystal Maze ROM to work (this one...http://www.fruit-emu...ads&showfile=55) but i cant seem to get it to work...please could someone tell me how to get it working?
Thank You
Those are just the roms mate..... not the layouts etc.
Theres a few crystal maze layouts about if you search the downloads,
heres a link to the first one that came up on the search http://www.fruit-emu...ds&showfile=854
"The cue tip is the most important thing, give me a broomstick with a good tip on it and il shoot the lights out, then sweep the joint when im done" (Willie Mosconi)
Posted 18 April 2006 - 02:48 PM
Cheers for your help, will try your suggestions now

Posted 18 April 2006 - 02:54 PM
When i try a .Gam file to try and run it i get the message
Parsing layout file
This is NOT a scorpion layout file
More Help Please
Parsing layout file
This is NOT a scorpion layout file
More Help Please

Posted 18 April 2006 - 03:19 PM
That's a standard error when running a layout meant for MFME in BFMulator. You really need to read the tutorials and consult the knowledgebase as you are encountering fairly standard, answered before, problems.
I have tried running it in the BFMulator...but all i get is a white screen...anything i can do?
Posted 18 April 2006 - 04:44 PM
No, I said run it in MFME!
Thats the programme i mean sorry...anything i can do?
Posted 18 April 2006 - 04:50 PM
Thats the programme i mean sorry...anything i can do?
Have you tried running any other layouts?? if so are you getting this problem with all of them or just this particular layout?
"The cue tip is the most important thing, give me a broomstick with a good tip on it and il shoot the lights out, then sweep the joint when im done" (Willie Mosconi)
Posted 18 April 2006 - 05:06 PM
The Programme keeps crashing on me...and thats why i dont think it's loading it
....any ideas?

Posted 18 April 2006 - 05:11 PM
The Programme keeps crashing on me...and thats why i dont think it's loading it
....any ideas?
Are you using windows xp? Do you know which version of mfme your using?
"The cue tip is the most important thing, give me a broomstick with a good tip on it and il shoot the lights out, then sweep the joint when im done" (Willie Mosconi)
Posted 18 April 2006 - 05:23 PM
V1.1 is the veirson im using and i am using windows XP...Does that effect anything?
Posted 18 April 2006 - 05:27 PM
Might do. You might need to download MFME2.0
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Posted 18 April 2006 - 05:31 PM
Well tbh mate it depends on what layout your running, most layouts will have release notes with them mentioning which program to run it in.V1.1 is the veirson im using and i am using windows XP...Does that effect anything?
Pretty much all mfme layouts you download will run in mfmev2 as this is what they are designed in.... so definately download that : http://www.fruit-emu...ads&showfile=21
also id download the newer versions of mfmev3 http://www.fruit-emu...s&showfile=2098 as some layouts will need this to run and some just generally run alot better in this and also you can resize layouts with ease.
"The cue tip is the most important thing, give me a broomstick with a good tip on it and il shoot the lights out, then sweep the joint when im done" (Willie Mosconi)
Posted 18 April 2006 - 05:46 PM
ive tried versions 2.0 and 3.2....still not working
.....thanks for your help

Posted 18 April 2006 - 05:49 PM
ive tried versions 2.0 and 3.2....still not working
.....thanks for your help
Im all out of ideas really now then..... sorry.
When you load the layouts are you getting any type of error message now?
"The cue tip is the most important thing, give me a broomstick with a good tip on it and il shoot the lights out, then sweep the joint when im done" (Willie Mosconi)
Posted 18 April 2006 - 05:52 PM
no, they just dont load...then i leave it for a minute..and if i click anything....it says it's not responding.
Posted 18 April 2006 - 06:17 PM
no, they just dont load...then i leave it for a minute..and if i click anything....it says it's not responding.
Not sure then im afraid. Im sure someone else on here will be able to help...... i think this problem has come up a couple of times before but i cant seem to find anything on the forums atm.
"The cue tip is the most important thing, give me a broomstick with a good tip on it and il shoot the lights out, then sweep the joint when im done" (Willie Mosconi)
Posted 18 April 2006 - 06:40 PM
go over the tutorials again to see if theres anything youve mised or misread
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