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Club Pontoon Problems

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#1 CBDSonline


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Posted 28 April 2006 - 05:20 PM

I have just salvaged a Club Pontoon nudger from a garage.

It powers and seems to play fine with a small ammount of work i have done to it this far. I have a couple of questions requiring the need of a more techno brain than mine.

1) Coin mec. It has been updated at some point for the new 10p and gives the correct credit for what ever jackpot is set. the question is which tube is the sorter supposed to drop the coin into. From left to right are 2 x yellow tubes with yellow actuator assys and one Blue tube with Blue actuator. the 10p is always dropped into the blue tube (right tube)

2) Coin mec. 20p inserted always gives the correct ammount of spins and the sorter drops the 20p into the first yellow tube but this tube is well to big and the coin drops right past the actuator down into the payout tray (so u get a credit and your coin back)

3) Coin mec. 50p (OLD 50p ONLY) i would say would would be sorted into the middle yellow tube but as i aint got any OLD 50p's i cant test this

4) Coin mec. £1.00 the mec gives the correct play ammount and the sorter drops the £ into the bottom most collection tray so will never pay out in £'s

Are these coinage options correct ?? as it seems to me that for £100 jackpot it would pay out in 50p's 20p's and 10p's.. thats an awfull lot of loose change.

Also on the MK2 coin mec is a black wire comming from the sorter plug that aint attached to anything. it looks like it should be in a multiplug somewhere as its got a crimped connector on the end. Any ideas as to what it is and where it goes ??

I aint taken the mec and sorter off yet as i aint got a clue how to do it and how to clean it because it seems to be working and i live by the rule of if its working leave it

If the sorter is woking right and dropping the 20p into the first large yellow tube do i need to change the first yellow tube and actuator to the right size for a 20p or can i make the hole at the bottom of the actuator smaller ? the tube will still be too big for a 20p and will more than likely jam up.

Can the coin mec be reprogrammed to accept new 50p's as i dont wanna have to buy a new (or second hand one) when the eeprom or whatever could be re flashed. (i can reprogram eeproms of most kinds) if someone has the correct hex code dump from a working uint

Has anyone got any diags of how to remove the coin men and sorter to clean them and poss reflash the eeprom ?

Sorry for the long post and first post, but its been about 15 years since i had my last nudger but that worked and didnt need me to open up and repair anything..


#2 CBDSonline


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Posted 28 April 2006 - 08:57 PM

Sorry for the double post. the board said i needed to login and when i did login it cleared the message i typed.. 30 mins wasted time only to find out later it did actually post the message...

Awk well..

Sorry forum members..

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