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Highest Streak Ever

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#61 martinmeu



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Posted 25 February 2004 - 08:47 AM

Just a quick tip on party times when you play you should count youre wins. after any partry time feature it must give another one in 17wins up to the 17 it usualy gives them on even numbers. Also if you use youre magic nudges ie nudge 2 let the 3rd nudge come down on it's own you tend to get more wins. When countring wins remember whn you receive a Jackpot through normal play youre win counter is reset to zero.

sorry mate you are incorrect about it going upto top feature in 17 single wins.

#62 enog


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Posted 25 February 2004 - 10:18 AM

Down my local, two weeks ago, they had 'The Big Cheese', which I've read on here is renound for being tight on the payouts!
Well, my mate had been playing it for a bit, put about a 10er in, and dropped the JP, followed by a repeat. It didn't repeat again, and he didn't have any more plays left, so he decided to walk away from it, as he thought it wouldn't pay again!
I decided to try my luck, having seen machines pay 3 jps on the bounce numerous time, got on the feature with the first play, and dropped the JP myself! £25 from £1! Couldn't complain at all!
Some bloke went on it after me, and shoved about a 10er in and got nothing!
Thats the only time I've ever seen that machine pay a JP and I'm in there quite regularly!

#63 tracey2


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Posted 25 February 2004 - 10:05 PM

Big Cheese and clones are alright machines if played correctly and at the right time, you rarely lose much on it and if you can get it streaking it can and pay big, £50-£100+. But then again like all machines can be a right bastard when on such mode.

#64 Bencrest


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Posted 25 February 2004 - 11:06 PM

Big Cheese / High Flyer / Top Dog / Super Star all have a very flat profile during normal play.

By that, it means that if it hasn't just been forced by someone who has lost quite a lot it will offer a board with a block at £2 per £4 in approx.

If hit at the right time they can be profitable - as can any machine, but I decided it wasn't worth the risk on those - only time I went for it was when my first £2 or so would offer Super Shots of £4 or above, normally a good sign!

Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
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#65 tracey2


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Posted 25 February 2004 - 11:42 PM

Spot on, if its offering £4/£4 repeat off shots early on its well worth forcing for a jp. Usualy blocks at £5, once £6 or above is achieved off shots jp is their for the taking one way or another.

#66 altheman2004



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Posted 07 March 2004 - 03:57 PM

I was playing Big Blaster last night, set to 25p play, £25 jackpot. On my third £1 in i got onto the board. landed on the nudges square on the board and it gave me 4 nudges, I had three symbols directly above the win line, so i nudged them in to get the 2 blasts which i had available. I got £10 with the first blast, and £5 on the second, so £15 in the pot, which i collected, profit i thought. Little did i know that the machine would repeat 7 times, YES 7 TIMES, of which the third or fourth repeat was TRUE SKILL, giving me a total of £105. this was my bigest ever streak. Needless to say the next few rounds were on me, including a drink for the barman! As anyone else had any similar streaks on this machine?? Usually i think mazooma machines are pants!

#67 Bencrest


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Posted 07 March 2004 - 04:10 PM

One of the machines I used to LOVE playing was a £5 10p clone of Psycho Cash Beast - made by Bell Fruit in a Smiley cabinet from what I remember.

Bloke once told me that 'Magnificent Sevens' - I think thats what it was called - it was basically a 7s repeater on the top row - was good for £10. Tried it within £2 in and it paid £3 from what I remember. Then got the nudges for the JP on a subsequent board within £2, and it paid 1xJP + 4xRepeat for £25.....amazing - a £5 machine that plays better than a £25 JP machine :)

Anyone else had decent streaks out of lower jackpot machines? Highest I'd had before was 70p in £13 out from an IM on King Kebab.

Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)

#68 martinmeu



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Posted 07 March 2004 - 05:30 PM

One of the machines I used to LOVE playing was a £5 10p clone of Psycho Cash Beast - made by Bell Fruit in a Smiley cabinet from what I remember.

Bloke once told me that 'Magnificent Sevens' - I think thats what it was called - it was basically a 7s repeater on the top row - was good for £10. Tried it within £2 in and it paid £3 from what I remember. Then got the nudges for the JP on a subsequent board within £2, and it paid 1xJP + 4xRepeat for £25.....amazing - a £5 machine that plays better than a £25 JP machine :)

Anyone else had decent streaks out of lower jackpot machines? Highest I'd had before was 70p in £13 out from an IM on King Kebab.


my highest streak was from a spotted dick 5p £5.00 i put a fiver in and walked of with £52.00 jp plus 6 repeats then after wins.

#69 Bencrest


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Posted 07 March 2004 - 05:41 PM

...and who says that you can't win real money from £5 bandits :)

Y'know, if they had £5 bandits in pubs I would be more than happy to play them - something for Mikey to tell LeisureLink :)

Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)

#70 martinmeu



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Posted 07 March 2004 - 05:48 PM

...and who says that you can't win real money from £5 bandits :)

Y'know, if they had £5 bandits in pubs I would be more than happy to play them - something for Mikey to tell LeisureLink :)


to true BB i would play machines more often in pubs but it seems to me that they are after the kill!

#71 mikey95



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Posted 09 March 2004 - 11:41 PM

reguarding bilvoncfc statement have you been drinking to much beer my friend. just that one of your last posts was to do with jurasic pork saying you had 75.00 by the way off 3 flashing boards. are you sure after the jp did not repeat it held. been maygay has anyone ever had any win hold never mind jp. sorry just find this hard to believe.

It DOES spin after jackpot, would love to know how you managed this, have never seen it before..... :twisted: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted:
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#72 tracey2


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Posted 10 March 2004 - 08:42 AM

Jurassic Pork is weird machine. I also have had this hold on jp (got jp, next board jp, then it held), first time i've ever seen jp hold apart from a bar X. So i don't think it does spin off after jp, to make sure theirs one up the road i'll go and force a jp out of it to be 100% sure. Fingers crossed it will streak :D
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#73 subby



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Posted 10 March 2004 - 01:00 PM

On sunday playing partytime arena i ended up with 109 showing on the bank.. machine went bonkers literally.. threw me on the top board 5 times in a row .. first 4 times the bank got to about 50 then the last feature gave 2 jackpots 2 £2`s and a £5!

Needless to say the other 11 players werent amused and of course the machine couldnt pay it but i left with a big smile on my face :D

#74 crazy_fruits_mad


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Posted 10 March 2004 - 01:27 PM

i ut 150 out of a party time at great yamoth after puting in bout 5-10



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Posted 10 March 2004 - 06:00 PM

We used to play a fruitie (the name escapes me) in my local British Legion Club. Its a nasty club machine with a £200 Jackpot. Me and a mate were playing it and won £200.

That absolutely made our Monday Night.

We put about £5 back in and (clearly the machine had gone wrong) and we won another Jackpot, which cleared the machine out right out of money.

Engineers were called and we were paid out.

When we went back in that evening the machine was back on so we put a few quid in and we got the Jackpot again.

Needless to say the machine had nowhere near enough money in it. Amazing we were paid out.

Needless to say the machine was never turned back on and we had a different machine two days later.

Beat that then Guys my biggest streak was £600.

#76 raverpat


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Posted 10 March 2004 - 07:01 PM

The local snooker hall had a Club Dracula a few years ago. One night it got smashed and was taken away to be fixed. When it came back a week or two later I decided to take it on. I managed to do £380 without getting the pot. The manager turned the machine off and my mate came down the next day to take it on. It took a mere £320 more before it gave up the pot. Off his remaining credits though my mate managed to pull another jackpot out of it. The machine went empty and within a hour or so the engineer came along and filled it up. My mate still had some credits remaining and it spun him £150 straight in with an 11. He bottled it and walked away with £650.
Let's smash Partytime.

#77 Lewis777



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Posted 12 March 2004 - 11:51 PM

Wildfire by Impulse often streaks for 100 plus after some pushing, have also had 110 from 25pd conversion of newish trivial pursuit.

Took 144pds from impulse once. Had already taken loads out but it kept chucking 8s & 3s on number reel. Was just about to leave it when it chucked me a feature. Thought this will be my last then i will get off. Fluked 11th heaven, repeated 3 times. Happy days. I think i then spunked it all in party time.... when will i learn :?

Jackpoteers & other such clones you can empty in a short space of time but takes alot to set it up

More unusually, the piss poor red hot fever by bwb once ran for 120 from about 25 quid.

Friend of mine once got 7 jackpot repeats from 15pd brainwaves. Think it messed up. Kept giving slow mo repeats. Emptied it outright.

#78 todd1970


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Posted 13 March 2004 - 10:58 AM

Last night on viva rock vegas super feature for £35...next time on the board jackie then summat ive never seen before....alpha says..BE CAREFUL...or summat and it was like a slow repeat thanxs very much ill have another £25 :lol: so not bad for the tenner or so that i put in £85...although it musta raped me for a good hundred quid or so in the last few weeks.... :cry: btw....anyone know how much barcrest benito got for his readon graphics card?? :D  
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know. :)

#79 pash


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Posted 13 March 2004 - 03:32 PM

Well today i managed to walk out the local arcade £140 in profit thanks to getting between £30 and £60 out of each of the 4 hokey cokeys (partytime clone) and then a single player gold rush couldnt help but give me £45 so for a refreshing change i am up unfortunately had to lend the mother a hundred quid as she has managed to spunk £230 on a clubber.

#80 Bencrest


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Posted 13 March 2004 - 03:37 PM

btw....anyone know how much barcrest benito got for his readon graphics card?? [hr:73a6b7bd24]

I got £102 + £5 Delivery - shame, it was a sweet graphics card and had a huge-ass fan on it. If you want to know what I mean by huge-ass fan, see the pic below. Stable at 380MHz CPU and 330MHz RAM, although only ran at that speed for benching. WAY faster than the shite GF-5600FX chips, and same price :)


Attached Files

Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)

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