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Highest Streak Ever

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#101 stef101


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Posted 18 May 2004 - 11:34 AM

Once i had about £10's left and i was going home and just had to spend the money so i had a m8 wiv me who woz 23 and i asked him 2 put me lkast tenner in da golden game i got up top and came off wiv £75's then i got a let em spin on jackys and then i loved it wen they held i woz luvin it!!! :wink: :) :) :) Lookin 4ward 2 more find em well interestin!!!! Stef
Wivout Emulation i'd b lost keep em cumin coz im da king of fruitys!!!! :D

#102 ez2remember


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Posted 13 October 2004 - 11:24 PM

between £100-£135 from joker poker... Done it several times without any tricks. About 4 jackpots in total + couple of £10 + £15 here and there. 30p play £25 jackpot.

Emptied plenty of older machines. big 50, superpots, donkey kong to name a few.

#103 U.D


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Posted 14 October 2004 - 07:23 PM

Man i love them joker poker games.... dont normally get jackpot out of them but still usually get up on them from collecting £7.70 to £15 wins...

highest streak was probably a £130 from a party time... if that counts as a streak

#104 Guest_Badger1978_*

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Posted 14 October 2004 - 10:20 PM

Some f**ker the other day in quiksilver, walked in put a pound in party time and took it for £100 odd quid. Then he put a pound in rollercoaster and took twenty and a pount in Conga Wonga and took 15 out of that....


#105 U.D


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Posted 15 October 2004 - 11:18 AM


not matter which one you play. someone will always come along and get a bigger longer better party time sooner than you will.

#106 U.D


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Posted 15 October 2004 - 11:21 AM

another rule i have also learnt is if you have not had much to eat and you are hungary your farts will always smell worse. 8-)

#107 Rmoore


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Posted 21 October 2004 - 02:22 PM

Yes I had a £750 streak from wildfire machine in my local wetherspoons.

#108 djgaryc



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Posted 21 October 2004 - 07:45 PM

It was a BWB game called double or quits. I loved it... 5 x £15jp (repeat) plus I got back on the bored where the little face turned red for inadvisability mode. Me being me was too excited about the JP's I just had to notice. I collected £2 and gambled up to £4 and clooected it. My friend stood with me... You Fu**ing pr*ck. His face was red.

Anyway, can't find any art work for it. It has not been emulated so I think it has a ROM problems. Any help with art work would be great.

Okey Dokey ROLL 'EM

#109 ady


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Posted 21 October 2004 - 08:17 PM

another rule i have also learnt is if you have not had much to eat and you are hungary your farts will always smell worse. 8-)

What rubbish this is..............

I had a blinding Indian and a few beers on hols and was well full and drunk...Next morning I sure wasn't hungry at all..........

But stank!!!! --------- Now single looking for a partner in the Brighton area!!.........lol


#110 Bencrest


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Posted 21 October 2004 - 08:39 PM

It was a BWB game called double or quits. I loved it... 5 x £15jp (repeat) plus I got back on the bored where the little face turned red for inadvisability mode. Me being me was too excited about the JP's I just had to notice. I collected £2 and gambled up to £4 and clooected it. My friend stood with me... You Fu**ing pr*ck. His face was red.

Anyway, can't find any art work for it. It has not been emulated so I think it has a ROM problems. Any help with art work would be great.

I would assume it was an MPU5 machine, i.e couldn't be emulated, although thats only because it's in the Genesis cabinet - and so was Boulderdash :S

If it was MPU4, there could still be problems getting the ROMs to run :(

Anyway, heres a link to the 3 pics on The Repository :D

http://resources.fru.../BWB AND CASTLE

The Double or Quits photos are about half way down - I can't directly link to the pics as it comes up as a 'Hacking Attempt' :D

You may need to copy and paste that lot and stick it in your address bar, not sure though. Anyway, theres some pics, sure they'll bring back memories :)

Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)

#111 U.D


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Posted 28 October 2004 - 12:01 PM

[quote name='adydb][quote=U.D']another rule i have also learnt is if you have not had much to eat and you are hungary your farts will always smell worse. 8-)[/quote]

What rubbish this is..............

I had a blinding Indian and a few beers on hols and was well full and drunk...Next morning I sure wasn't hungry at all..........

But stank!!!! --------- Now single looking for a partner in the Brighton area!!.........lol


lol, put that exact quote in the persoanl ads.... sure some smelly women will ring :D

#112 djgaryc



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Posted 06 November 2004 - 06:17 PM

:D Thanks BB

That game was really good.

Okey Dokey ROLL 'EM

#113 rockys3uk@aol.com


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Posted 30 October 2005 - 02:07 PM

i once played a money monster on 10p play £5 jackpot and had it streak to £105, i was amazed, it doesnt turn red but shouts "the zombies are coming" and the eyes flash, it gave me straight jackpots then bought in 3 in arow, featured and it did it again!!! highest i seem to get now is £25 though!!!

#114 kingkallum82



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Posted 30 October 2005 - 07:09 PM

As seen as this thread got dragged up... i thought i have to add to it :D

Last week i went into a nobles near me (in eccles) and stuck a 5er in the 3-player monopoly which decided to start doing the light up thingy after nudges (all you players wil know what i am on bout). In the end i got 145 out of the little bugger which i have never seen before.

Also a couple of months back i was in bolton in leisurearma tried the gold rush with a spare 10er and got some decent wins like 10ers and stuff i got the gold series and got £50 which took me up to £78... it dropped out to £75. stuck in the extra £3 which it had ejected and 3 gold barcrest signs fell in and held! It ejected again so i threw another few quid back in and got another few wins... in the end i had it IOU £24 lol then i went and did the wind up on the lotta luck in winners.. while playing the £15 cash beast next to it :D.

Sorry i had to bore you guys n gals with me stories.


Oh yeh i seen sum fit bird take £675 out of a fortune 500 in the leisureama in salford! and some chinese guy get a J/P out of the shit 8 liner and then he took 2 out of the party slotto!
:::MAD FOR IT:::

#115 ady


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Posted 30 October 2005 - 07:21 PM

stuck a 5er in the 3-player monopoly which decided to start doing the light up thingy after nudges (all you players wil know what i am on bout). In the end i got 145 out

Not that it matters to me, and I don't know as I don't go to arcades anymore...just interested in this 'secret' player thing :rolleyes:

#116 reedy0666



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Posted 30 October 2005 - 07:27 PM

whats this lightey up thingey then kingkallum please tell me on the subject of monoply has anyone brought nalis dvd off ebay showing you how to do the 3 player plasma tv monopolys if so please tell me how

peace out

#117 frankie4fingers


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Posted 30 October 2005 - 07:52 PM

I think its just a guaranteed win on the nudges
Posted Image

#118 reedy0666



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Posted 30 October 2005 - 08:13 PM

cheers matey

#119 No1Stoney


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Posted 30 October 2005 - 08:42 PM

£250 from Random monopoly :D

Put around £20 in playing on 50p stake and the odd go on £1, and on one of my £1 plays, it spins in the 3 go signs on the last 3 reels and enters me onto the top feature game. From this it landed on £250 :) and I was one happy bunny, went straight home with a huge grin on my face and bought myself a new graphics card for my PC

Was a good day


#120 kingkallum82



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Posted 30 October 2005 - 08:52 PM

Reedy mate dont worry its not a big scam mate. This is all it is... when the monopoly shit lights up after nudges... untill it gives u a decent win it should keep doing it. The best way to test for this is to hold the zeros on the left and right reel. The machine usually drops in the monoply sign 2 nudges away so you can set it up for a light up. If you dont understand what im sayin guys then PM me and ill give you more detail. There's another one but thats just for myself ;) (again nothing toooooo big)

:::MAD FOR IT:::

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