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Highest Streak Ever

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#121 the_witty_welshman


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Posted 30 October 2005 - 11:48 PM

yes i bought the monopoly system, and yes it works? sold quite a few aswell, just i dont sell it to anyone in the south wales area? you guessed it, i want to keep them for myself........

#122 the_witty_welshman


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Posted 30 October 2005 - 11:54 PM

in my one arcade there a four player monopoly. and i emptied 3 out of the four... f**king great. £225 out of the one £185ish out of the second one nearly £200 out of the third, and about £100 out of the fourth.
the cheat works great as long as the machines havent paid out too much? if someones had a big streak out of one already??? then i can usually still get it to streak, but usually only get back what ive put in and maybe a tenner or so profit. these shitty arcades that top there machines up!!!! they SUCK big style.

#123 kingkallum82



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Posted 31 October 2005 - 10:35 AM

Is that anything to do with a little noise and £5 win?? ;)

:::MAD FOR IT:::

#124 the_witty_welshman


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Posted 31 October 2005 - 11:29 PM

sort of ????

#125 AliasOmega


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Posted 08 January 2006 - 03:52 AM

Is that anything to do with a little noise and £5 win?? ;)


Could you expand as i live near skegvegas.

Best win was from a £15 jackpoteers by knocking back red boards. Take reel blasts for £1 wins, of using the nudges to bring the board back in if you had not got the cash repeater lit. Needed the correct amount of nudges tho. Had to ensure that you did not fill the fruits to enable it or you were knackered.

Usually knock back 3 or 4 red boards to get a nice £50 streak + after play on the £15 version;

#126 Jimbob219



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Posted 08 January 2006 - 01:33 PM

My highest streak was £75 out of a big cheese. Got jp on the nudges to repeat twice, first repeat true skill, second pseudo.

I've had 250's and 100's out of clubbys but does that count as a streak because it was only one jp?


#127 Guest_DAD_*

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Posted 08 January 2006 - 01:48 PM

£80 on a bog standard Bar X £25 jp. Nudged in X's for a £5 win, next press Bars straight in and held another 2 times :) Next best one was £75 on Party Games.

Best result on a clubber was £150 from some machine I can't even remember the name of. Mind you it WAS back in about 1983 lol


#128 Jimbob219



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Posted 08 January 2006 - 01:53 PM

What's so good about party times, I've never seen one so I don't know why people love 'em. I've seen reno casino and adders and ladders (adders and ladders is the best i alwys get a jp on, and i like reno casino for its top board).


#129 CoasterDesignerpro



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Posted 08 January 2006 - 03:50 PM

I am suprised you have not seen a Party Time, they are almost everywhere!

#130 Jimbob219



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Posted 08 January 2006 - 03:56 PM

so am i tbh, but i rarely ever go into arcades, i usually go to a football club, i been going there long time now, they had some good fruitys there in the past, eg. club casino crazy ( won jp once on that), club pcb, monopoly limited edition (i got an im on that, i was amazed), club cop the lot, club cops and robbers, a fruity which i think was called vip, you had three rooms, to get to the second room from the first you had to get on exit and there was a passageway to the 2nd room, in the passageway there was something called indian takeaway which just offered you a win, have had 40 on it, someone else had the jp on it, the latest fruity is club big brother (won jp twice on 10p/£100jp.


ps: they also had monty python flying circys club which i got 200 on with one knockout above £30.

#131 ady


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Posted 08 January 2006 - 04:00 PM

so am i tbh, but i rarely ever go into arcades

pmsl.......................erm so WHY exactly are you surprised?....I mean go to Woolworths and saw One that would surprise me.

#132 nails


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Posted 08 January 2006 - 04:09 PM

£950 out of cashino.

i had a few wins, then a £225 rolled in taking by bank to some £450, then the roulette rolled in a £500.


#133 CrAzYbAr


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Posted 08 January 2006 - 05:46 PM

Definitely! How do those things pay out by the way? I mean pound coins would be a shitload to take home, so are there any different payout settings?
The most I won was a mere £12 out of a £5 Jp Bell Fruit Monopoly. I got 3 pounds and it repeated twice on skill and once on peseudo.

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#134 Jimmy_mac


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Posted 08 January 2006 - 05:49 PM

aye pound coins, but the idea is then that you 'change up' at the location you've won the moeny. Arcades obviously need a ready supply of pound coins and so are more than happy to change it to notes for you. Well I say happy, never seen a smile on the managers face as i walk out with £500 in me hand

#135 Jimbob219



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Posted 13 January 2006 - 01:34 PM

how much would a £500 jp machine hopper hold? A grand maybe 2?


#136 mccann


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Posted 26 February 2006 - 07:21 PM

Only really started playing machines there a while back, first time i won £40 on psyhco cash beast.
The last wednesday on the way to the rangers match i was on the stena hss, stuck £14 in pcb again got to top zone and knocked out £50.
The went to monopoly and took £26 for £6 in.

#137 Jimbob219



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Posted 26 February 2006 - 07:46 PM

Only really started playing machines there a while back, first time i won £40 on psyhco cash beast.
The last wednesday on the way to the rangers match i was on the stena hss, stuck £14 in pcb again got to top zone and knocked out £50.
The went to monopoly and took £26 for £6 in.

Personally, i would have carried on until died, usually when given top zone, it gives im few boards later??


#138 jamesb99_1999


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Posted 26 February 2006 - 08:48 PM

DOn't know whether I said this before, so if I have apologies. But I had £150 on the top on a Rio Grande, then the jackpot dropped in (£250) and repeated three times, making it a total haul of £1150. On the Rio Grande Machines they have the option of either having the £500 jackpot or £250 repeat. The repeat does come up a lot if you just leave it.. But of you ever win the jackpot it is 99% of the time on the top board (where you don't get a repeat).
J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man

#139 fistandantilus



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Posted 26 February 2006 - 10:19 PM

Well since I went cold turkey about 8 years back I'll have to go back to that era.

The coronation street machine that was a bit like the mystic mog lottery one (forget the exact name of it?) Rovers Return sounds familiar.

Anyway, not a machine I normally went on but I put in a few quid and coleected a mid feature got about a £5 next spin straight back into a mid feature again. (if i remember rightly they were features that were vera's bingo, des barnes bookies etc) It just kept doing this and each time I took mid level features for about £4-£8 all the time until I had £78 in the bank off about £10 (£10 cash jp 20p ago machine)

Anyway just to round off a great day I changed £75 to notes from the walk around cashier who was watching (he actually offered to change it which is amazing in its self) and put the few remaining pound coins and twenty pences into a £10/20p Indy Jones, got to the Fortune and Glory and took another £30

changed that to notes to and prompt left the arcade feeling mighty pleased

I know its an small amount compared to these £500+ streaks but 8-9 years ago that was a very good day. But as we all know days like that are few and far between

#140 Bencrest


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Posted 26 February 2006 - 10:23 PM

these shitty arcades that top there machines up!!!! they SUCK big style.

I forgot, the logical thing to do is let someone empty a machine, and then leave the hopper with £0 coins in, so you have so many IOUs and the machine is never backing, the note acceptor never activated, and noone bothers playing it :)
Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)

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