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Highest Streak Ever

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#141 rarnold


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Posted 27 February 2006 - 10:43 AM

OK, BFM snakes and ladders dual play 10p £100 20p £250
Inserted £1 got £250 jackpot from cashpots on 2nd press. Thought not going to do anything else now, so changed to 10p and got £100 cashpot from last press, £350 for £1 now that was not a bad result (before the sec 16's came in) even if it couldn't pay it all out!
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#142 sivy


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Posted 19 March 2006 - 05:47 PM

i know its not to much but i got £25 on mega streak on the new 10p bullseye machine, with 1 flash afterwards which i went for streak again only gave me £5 jp. a week later i got £15 mega streak. its strange with that machine, one day £5 mega streak next time £25.

#143 rolo


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Posted 19 March 2006 - 06:12 PM

most streaks pay £75 anyhow depending on the make of machine 3x jackpots and mostly are on the likes of the italian job etc

#144 ady


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Posted 19 March 2006 - 06:23 PM

Was playing a 10p a go Red Hot Roll at gala last night........OK sad I know!

Mega roll went to £43..... :)

430-1 good odds in my opinion.

#145 Guest_robinhood75_*

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 06:29 PM

I had a £126 partytime in gala bingo in sc***horpe once. It came down and went back up 5 times so dont know if that counts.

#146 spa


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Posted 19 March 2006 - 09:10 PM

I can remember when I was much younger than I am now ;), my mate was up the local arcade with me, both of us were skint, he found 2x2p in the bottom of a pusher, stuck it in a 2p lite a nudge and it rolled in jackpot £2. Those were the days when you'd only take about £5 so back then it was like finding £40 odd quid :D

Best single win is £250 out of a random spinner, after £6 in and also £200 on a different day after just £2, 1st spin!

Had some monster runs on the top reels of the OXO Super Reels, 6 straight jackpot being the best.

I've probably replied to this thread already but I ain't checking :)

#147 heyburt


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Posted 15 May 2006 - 09:48 PM

Took a never mind the jackpots for a £145 mega streak off £60 with another £25 dropping on the super skill stop... not a bad profit..

#148 jweaver


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Posted 21 May 2006 - 08:05 AM

I know its not really a 'streak' but the best win I had was in a Casino in the Bahama's a few years back.

I had never really played machines much, and certainly hadn't been in a REAL Casino before. So, my girlfriend and I went there for the experience and took $10 as not to get carried away.

The only machines they had were "One Armed Bandets" which were linked together in clumps of say 10-50 machines. Some had jackpots of £100, some $500, others something like $500,000.

We were playing 1/4s which is about 15p per play on a set of machine with probably $1000 Jackpot and frankly I was getting bored.. My missus on the other hand was like a thing posessed.. Suddenly my machine 'broke down' but as I am an engineer, was intreagued what was wrong, so started looking around for help.

My missus glared at me and in her normally nagging tone said "trust you to break it", then shouted "why do you always have to make a fuss. there are 1000s of machines here, just play another one".. But I stuck to my guns and stayed there.

A man soon arrived, nodded and mumbled into his radio.. I still sat there stairng at the machine trying to work out what was wrong.. Then I spotted that I had a small win, but it wasn't on the middle line, so, I guessed that it had got confused and jammed.

Then another man turned up.. Looked, mumbled something into his radio and stood next to me in a slightly intimidating way.

Then a 3rd guy arrived who also said something into his radio, but this time I heard the words "Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars"

I leaned over to my missus and said "some lucky bastard has just won $450".. I then noticed a small keypad with digital display at the side of my machine and it was scrolling a message which ended with $450.. I then realised why my machine had stopped and they said "$450" was because my machine clearly had got confused and was trying to pay me lots of money for a small win. But then I looked at the top of the machine and saw that it was based on 'mulipliers' and realised that I had a x3 x3 x3 win of some kind.

Suddenly a little lady arrived accoumpanied by a BIG man with a gun.. They asked me to "step away from the machine sir", made sign a bit of paper and then asked "How do you want it?".. How do I want what? To be shot in the head and left for dead after breaking your machine? I nervously said, "what" and she said "10s?? 20s??? 50s??".. I just said "ummm... $20s please" and she thrusted a wad of cash into my hands.. Then I looked back at the machine to find 2 engineers, tearing the guts of it out.. They removed the PCB, stuffed in a new one and like a well rehersed ballet everyone vanished in an instant.

I was stood there shaking with $450 in my hand without a CLUE of what just happened!

However thats the only luck that b*tch bought me.. 4 years later, we had got married, divorced and she cleaned me out of £50,000.. She was the one who one had the Highest Ever Streak :)

#149 dean smalley

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Posted 21 May 2006 - 08:41 AM

i dropped £75 on a fruit machine called squids in 2 year ago.

#150 eddienufc2k1


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Posted 23 May 2006 - 09:56 AM

i emptied a oxo machine in gala gateshead once 30p 25jp. £240 it did for £30 stake overall. i must of did something unusual but i didnt have the foggiest idea what it was..
this type of oxo is pretty new and has x's for £5, bars £25 and oxo £mystery -min£2. every time i hit the oxo it was giving me a mystery of £25 and holding for another mystery which more than not, was £25!
so i cant say its much of a streak but a bloody good run!
since ive been back and tried to remember what exactly i did. but i cant figure it out spend over £80 once trying different things, but still cant do it. so there must be a way to empty this thing as ive done it myself!
::::My Fruit Machines::::
1980's Barcrest Jolly taverner 20p/20tkn-£4.80jp
2000 BGT Rollin' Stones 25p £15 jp
2004 Barcrest Fireball 25p £25 jp
2006 Pachislo machine Thunderbirds
2006 Pachislo machine Beast Sapp
::::My Fruit Machines::::

#151 kingkallum82



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Posted 23 May 2006 - 11:30 AM

Something nice happened to me last night... Put £1 in a Trio Grande (rio but 3 player) and on my 1st press i got a rio for £14... last offer so i thought F*ck it and wacked start, WIN x1.5 so i did it again WIN x3 so i had £63 banked £50 and hit it again, WIN x3! so i had another £39, so i thought right then its got to lose sooner or later, so i banked £30 and started again, WIN x2 then i hit it again then lost. So i got £80 for my £1, i then stuck in a 5er in the middle one, it Rolled in 4 Red 7's for £250, i think it banked like 175 or something and was offering a gamble, but i took the lot. Again this was in a Gala club in Salford.

End of the day, i walked out of Gala with £300+ more than i went in with.

Has anyone else had something happen like this?

:::MAD FOR IT:::

#152 mark125


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Posted 23 May 2006 - 12:55 PM

Went on Rainbow Riches in Gala Bingo put £20 in got 3 leps and it took me all the way to £500.Most i have ever won in one day is £2000 cost me and the wife about £300.Monkey Business full grid of lions Random Spinner five Aces then Elvis Top 20 3discs £500 and then played Tornado cost £70 got on feature and dropped the jp straight in.

#153 Bencrest


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Posted 23 May 2006 - 01:07 PM

My Lord of the Rings just paid out 4000 or so balls in 5 minutes, and looks like it's ready to go totally fooking mental...

Do I win? ;)
Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)

#154 GaryChandler



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Posted 22 September 2006 - 04:44 PM

by streak can ya include jp repeat to 125 + 25 after on adders and ladders £25. also seen repeat to 125 + 25 + 50 took bout 25-35. the program f***ed lol ;)

#155 CrAzYbAr


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Posted 22 September 2006 - 06:38 PM

I just a week ago had £13 out of a £5JP Spice is Right which was good...Going to spend it at the festival our town has on Sept.30th

This is a site for EMULATION purposes of older machines. Not playing strategies.
If you are more interested in playing modern machines,
visit Jackpottyforums

(DOND is around now on this site..... How long was this sig out of date...!)

#156 robinhood75


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Posted 22 September 2006 - 06:43 PM

i had £135 out of a pacman

#157 craigosborne


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Posted 18 November 2006 - 07:50 AM

the best i have done is playing up my local snooker club on a machine called jackpot junction. i won the 250jp from taking a feature called cash link (its only the fourth feature up but sometimes it glitches if you tap lots of times) it can take about £150 before it does this glitch though. i then take a treck to my local arcade and play the boxes and gold rush and red hot roll, all of then on auto usually one pays big.

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