Started by Scmooster, Oct 24 2003 12:13 PM
10 replies to this topic
Posted 24 October 2003 - 12:13 PM
I've been after a decent fruit-machine sim since the days of the commodore 64, and with each subsequent new system I've gone in search of such said proggies without about as much success as a blind hedgehog with no legs in a painting by numbers competition. Even looking for PC versions, the closest I have ever come is those blastid stupid casino type 3-reel-rip-off-piece-a-shyte-one-arm-bollox, I couldn't believe that nobody ever felt the love for these machines as I once did, growing up in the early eighties with Line-Up and Big-Shot and even the old Rat-Race. Then I found this site, quite by accident, and now I'm in complete awe. I've been in fruity-paradise all week playing all my old favourites not just nearly the same, but totally as I remember them with the sounds and everything. Thank you! You (the layout designers, the site creators, everyone) have done a tremendous job in faithfully reproducing these machines practically without fault, I can't give you enough praise, I'm extremely impressed, very well done! Now, if I could just have a sample of the cash-eject sequence I'd cream my pants, literally, I definately have problems here. I'm amazed at the level of dedication, honestly, some of the machines are so well done you'd swear you were looking through a camera at them. Even the way the reels spin, not a simulation, true emulation. Awesome.

Posted 24 October 2003 - 01:21 PM
I was the same about 6 months ago.
The nearest thing i had was a copy of Hoyle Video slots and a download of South Park Fruit Machine.
Gentlemen (Duplu , Pook , Dad) and the rest of you designers take a step forward and bow !
Always a pleasure coming back to this site... Downloads a little less this week but after last weeks fix of around 10 machines were all on a bit of a comedown and could do with another fix.
The nearest thing i had was a copy of Hoyle Video slots and a download of South Park Fruit Machine.
Gentlemen (Duplu , Pook , Dad) and the rest of you designers take a step forward and bow !
Always a pleasure coming back to this site... Downloads a little less this week but after last weeks fix of around 10 machines were all on a bit of a comedown and could do with another fix.
Posted 24 October 2003 - 02:24 PM
Here, here!
Excellent job all round, I may even try and get into making some of these myself
Excellent job all round, I may even try and get into making some of these myself

Posted 24 October 2003 - 03:29 PM
Casino 5 Liner is almost done hopefully saturday sunday or even maybe tonight you never know!!!!!
Posted 24 October 2003 - 08:13 PM
The quality is phenominal, you're doing a fantastic and much appreciated job. Hardly anyone knows of such a thing as fruity emulation (those I've spoken to don't at least, but I do only really know one person, well two, but one is just a cardboard cut-out, of Jennifer Aniston. Mmmmmmm, Jennifer, glglglghhhh, anyway, she says it's the first she's heard of it but was very keen to sit on my knee while I showed her a Big-Shot). I've just learned that there are pinball emulators too, can anyone recommend anything in that area? (Mmmmmm Jennifer Aniston on a machine with a ramp up to her glglglghhhhh) This is like a wet-dream come true for me (cos I'm a right sad little get) It's really great to go back in time a bit, you guys are the best!
It's the flashing lights, apparently they really feck your brains in, that and giving smoking up. The hardest thing about quitting is not smoking, that's what I've found. Oh, and some mints, I found some mints too. 8O

Posted 24 October 2003 - 10:53 PM
go to www.vpforums.com for all your pinball emulation needs.
Posted 24 October 2003 - 11:04 PM
I've been after a decent fruit-machine sim since the days of the commodore 64, and with each subsequent new system I've gone in search of such said proggies without about as much success as a blind hedgehog with no legs in a painting by numbers competition. Even looking for PC versions, the closest I have ever come is those blastid stupid casino type 3-reel-rip-off-piece-a-shyte-one-arm-bollox, I couldn't believe that nobody ever felt the love for these machines as I once did, growing up in the early eighties with Line-Up and Big-Shot and even the old Rat-Race. Then I found this site, quite by accident, and now I'm in complete awe. I've been in fruity-paradise all week playing all my old favourites not just nearly the same, but totally as I remember them with the sounds and everything. Thank you! You (the layout designers, the site creators, everyone) have done a tremendous job in faithfully reproducing these machines practically without fault, I can't give you enough praise, I'm extremely impressed, very well done! Now, if I could just have a sample of the cash-eject sequence I'd cream my pants, literally, I definately have problems here. I'm amazed at the level of dedication, honestly, some of the machines are so well done you'd swear you were looking through a camera at them. Even the way the reels spin, not a simulation, true emulation. Awesome.
Scmooster, you posted to say thankyou for the emulators/layouts/this site, but what you probably don't realise the good that a post like yours does.
Reading a genuine post like that makes all the hours of work worthwilre
Posted 25 October 2003 - 09:05 AM
Pook, you did a fantastic job with Berserk, lovely machine mate and really well done (pound in, fifteen out, thems my kinda odds). Very nice work with club Blackjack too, love them both!
Not tried any of your others yet bud but I'm sure I will, eventually, never enjoyed so many machines before. I always used to stick to the ones I knew were 'good payers' if there was really ever such a thing, but some were real tw*ts weren't they? I download one and then install it thinking 'I'll just make sure it's ok, ' and an hour or two later I get back for the next! They're all so immersive, see, it's not just about the money is it?
Thanks Hurtand165 :wink:

Thanks Hurtand165 :wink:
Posted 25 October 2003 - 12:50 PM
No your right, it's not about the money and never has been for me, give me an old Barcrest £4.80jp anyday over any machines made these days, you could spend a fiver and have an hours enjoyment.
The day machines changed from a entertaining play to money guzzling beasts was the day I quit playing. Mid MPU4 was the last era of decent machines, Crystal Maze & Winner Takes All etc.
The day machines changed from a entertaining play to money guzzling beasts was the day I quit playing. Mid MPU4 was the last era of decent machines, Crystal Maze & Winner Takes All etc.
Posted 25 October 2003 - 04:34 PM
Here here !! words cannot express my delight since disovering this site ! Even though it took what felt like ages to discovery how to actually download them(my fault for being so slow)
Biggest repect to all those people dedicating their time and effort within the emulation scene.
please dont stop !!
Biggest repect to all those people dedicating their time and effort within the emulation scene.
please dont stop !!
Posted 26 October 2003 - 02:54 AM
I've been after a decent fruit-machine sim since the days of the commodore 64, and with each subsequent new system I've gone in search of such said proggies without about as much success as a blind hedgehog with no legs in a painting by numbers competition. Even looking for PC versions, the closest I have ever come is those blastid stupid casino type 3-reel-rip-off-piece-a-shyte-one-arm-bollox, I couldn't believe that nobody ever felt the love for these machines as I once did, growing up in the early eighties with Line-Up and Big-Shot and even the old Rat-Race. Then I found this site, quite by accident, and now I'm in complete awe. I've been in fruity-paradise all week playing all my old favourites not just nearly the same, but totally as I remember them with the sounds and everything. Thank you! You (the layout designers, the site creators, everyone) have done a tremendous job in faithfully reproducing these machines practically without fault, I can't give you enough praise, I'm extremely impressed, very well done! Now, if I could just have a sample of the cash-eject sequence I'd cream my pants, literally, I definately have problems here. I'm amazed at the level of dedication, honestly, some of the machines are so well done you'd swear you were looking through a camera at them. Even the way the reels spin, not a simulation, true emulation. Awesome.
Anyone who grew up with and remembers the likes of Line Up etc, is pretty damn cool with me, welcome to the club.
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