Chavs in the Arcade "Helping you out!" Views and Experiences!
Started by CrAzYbAr, Jun 12 2006 05:49 PM
110 replies to this topic
Posted 12 June 2006 - 05:49 PM
Thought I'd make one of my curiosity posts and this time asking this!
Whats the worst experience of chavs leaving their Partytime and "helping you out" on the machines?
It must have happened to a lot of you who go into arcades seeing as theres soooo many of them!
So come on to this thread and get it all of your chest!
I'll get the ball rolling with my absolute worst that happened in Brighton actually!
There was this chavwho said he could really win it big for me (As you do) on a Bands of Gold so I lent him a quid to put in and win. Sure enough he won the jackpot which was good but he said I'd get the pound and he'd pocket the four. #@#@#@#! Then he thought it good to show me with that quid it would pay big and it didn't leaving me down one pound. The bad thing is that not only he used my money but the arse went ahead to pocket the win!
Go on and give your experiences guys!
Whats the worst experience of chavs leaving their Partytime and "helping you out" on the machines?
It must have happened to a lot of you who go into arcades seeing as theres soooo many of them!
So come on to this thread and get it all of your chest!
I'll get the ball rolling with my absolute worst that happened in Brighton actually!
There was this chavwho said he could really win it big for me (As you do) on a Bands of Gold so I lent him a quid to put in and win. Sure enough he won the jackpot which was good but he said I'd get the pound and he'd pocket the four. #@#@#@#! Then he thought it good to show me with that quid it would pay big and it didn't leaving me down one pound. The bad thing is that not only he used my money but the arse went ahead to pocket the win!
Go on and give your experiences guys!
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(DOND is around now on this site..... How long was this sig out of date...!)
Posted 12 June 2006 - 05:55 PM
ppl like you realy do my head in were all in the same boat we all gamble were as bad as eachother honestly!!!Thought I'd make one of my curiosity posts and this time asking this!
Whats the worst experience of chavs leaving their Partytime and "helping you out" on the machines?
It must have happened to a lot of you who go into arcades seeing as theres soooo many of them!
So come on to this thread and get it all of your chest!
I'll get the ball rolling with my absolute worst that happened in Brighton actually!
There was this chavwho said he could really win it big for me (As you do) on a Bands of Gold so I lent him a quid to put in and win. Sure enough he won the jackpot which was good but he said I'd get the pound and he'd pocket the four. #@#@#@#! Then he thought it good to show me with that quid it would pay big and it didn't leaving me down one pound. The bad thing is that not only he used my money but the arse went ahead to pocket the win!
Go on and give your experiences guys!
Posted 12 June 2006 - 05:57 PM
Too numerous to mention. Just do what I do and tell them to 'f*** Off' 
I was playing fruit machines long before they were born. I think by now I should know what I'm doing lol

I was playing fruit machines long before they were born. I think by now I should know what I'm doing lol
Posted 12 June 2006 - 06:05 PM
ppl like you realy do my head in were all in the same boat we all gamble were as bad as eachother honestly!!!
Not sure what you are trying to achieve by posting that at all.
I thought crazybar was asking for our experiences of the knobheads that hang around the arcade looking for people to try and fleece money out of and guaranteeing you a big win if you let them do it for you. Funny these people that say they can win you loads are always skint so obviously are not that good. I think it is virtually impossible for someone to be an expert anyway with the fruits out nowadays as they will only pay when they want to.
My worst experience was on the north pier in Blackpool when I was in the over 18 part. I was on my own playing a golden game and had noticed a gang of 4 lads in the background watching me play. After a while I got a whistle feature and all of a sudden they swarmed round me with one of them hammering the autostart button like crazy saying this will make it give a good streak ( which is bollocks anyway). Sure enough the machine went for about £80 which the scumbags then demanded £10 off me for winning it for me. Not wanting to get my head kicked in which they would obviously would have done I paid them and pocketed the rest and made a hasty exit. These scumbags really get on my nerves as they just hang around in their gangs waiting for someone to be playing on their own so they can just fleece money out of them.
I used to be schitzophenic but were ok now.
Posted 12 June 2006 - 06:26 PM
Yeah thankfully I havent had too much trouble as my local arcade tends to tell them to play a machine or get lost. However the seaside arcades have a few pound pinchers on the £5 jackpots when they see you walk off. Anyway remember once playing flying circus £5 jackpot this chav was bothering everyone who went on it pressing buttons saying "I know the reels, I know what happens next etc" " I know this machine inside out mate". Anyway I basically took £3 out after £2 as I couldnt be bothered with listening to his crap. He then went on got a board staight away heard " noone one expects the spanish inquisition" im board. He for some reason collected £3 with his £1 in, then went to bother someone else probably thinking great £2 profit can go and buy 4 cans of ACE Lager. I think I went on and got a nice £15 streak of it. Wish he hadnt gone would have been nice to see his face then.
Have you noticed these experts seem to all look the same and say the same shit? Its not just the young chavs too I have seen middle aged blokes who just sit in the £5 jackpot area all day come over and tell you how to play.
Have you noticed these experts seem to all look the same and say the same shit? Its not just the young chavs too I have seen middle aged blokes who just sit in the £5 jackpot area all day come over and tell you how to play.
Posted 12 June 2006 - 06:32 PM
Not sure what you are trying to achieve by posting that at all.
of them.
what im trying to achieve is if you dont like it dont go in the arcades simple as that!!!!
Posted 12 June 2006 - 06:35 PM
[QUOTE= I think I went on and got a nice £15 streak of it. Wish he hadnt gone would have been nice to see his face then..[/QUOTE]
you sound like the chav 2 me mate!
you sound like the chav 2 me mate!
Posted 12 June 2006 - 06:36 PM
Forgot to mention saw a chav yesterday after he had no doubt put all of his sharking money into Italian job 2( I think) run and from about 10 metres rugby tackle the machine with his head. Funny thing was the machine didnt budge
Posted 12 June 2006 - 06:50 PM
Well I react differently to everybody else when I am playing machines (partly due to my autism). I absolutely hate anybody watching me (this is because I feel guilty that I might be leading them to addiction through voyeurism, but mainly due to the fact that I just don't like people in my face, especially if they are smoking - as I am allergic to smoke), so vocally tell them. I don't mind people I am with or know watching me, but strangers unnerve me when I am wasting my money. I wouldn't mind anybody off this site watching me as I consider them my friends, however anybody else just isn't going to happen. I am usually very polite in asking people not to press my buttons or offer advice on the next big win, but ocassionally I will turn around to the 7foot biker and ask him to "move away from the car and respect my authority son!".
I feel even worse when people are watching when I am winning for some reason (weird huhh??), and even though I was the little chav in the arcade myself once will not allow them the slightest leeway to get near my machine and their advice usually ends with me advising them of a better way to do what they are suggesting so they shut up not knowing what to say and walk off embarassed.
I let the cute women watch me and give me advice ocassionally though, but that's just because I love women!!!
I feel even worse when people are watching when I am winning for some reason (weird huhh??), and even though I was the little chav in the arcade myself once will not allow them the slightest leeway to get near my machine and their advice usually ends with me advising them of a better way to do what they are suggesting so they shut up not knowing what to say and walk off embarassed.
I let the cute women watch me and give me advice ocassionally though, but that's just because I love women!!!

J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man
Posted 12 June 2006 - 07:20 PM
At Flamingo Land, which is a theme park / caravan park, there's a little arcade full of machines like homer's meltdown, spiker the biker, ooh ahh dracula, etc. All the best ones basically. The kids who stay in the caravan park often just hang around in the arcade all day long annoying people. This one time my cousin and myself were on one of the machines, i forget which, and this scruffy twat come over and was like stood at the side of us then started to hold for us and stuff. My cousin was pushing him out the way and then he was like, 'i can get you the 15 quid, watch!' and popped up between us, and said 'i want 5 quid for winnin it though' so we sorta half smiled as he proceeded to win us the jacky. Then there was this other guy playing one next to us who was decent, just a normal bloke playing another machine who we'd been chatting to a bit. He started to look over to our machine while the chav was on the other side. We get 3 nudges with 3 red sevens obtainable and the chav was about to push in and do it for us again, when the decent fella quickly did it for us. The chav went f*****g apeshit at him, just shouting for pure hours, effin' n blindin' then he got thrown out, without getting a penny from us
Bought the bloke next to us a hot dog though!!

Posted 12 June 2006 - 07:24 PM
what im trying to achieve is if you dont like it dont go in the arcades simple as that!!!!
It aint just arcades though as chav scum are everywhere. Does that mean I shouldnt go to the shops as the chavs hang around outside as I dont like them?
I used to be schitzophenic but were ok now.
Posted 12 June 2006 - 07:28 PM
Well I react differently to everybody else when I am playing machines (partly due to my autism). I absolutely hate anybody watching me (this is because I feel guilty that I might be leading them to addiction through voyeurism, but mainly due to the fact that I just don't like people in my face, especially if they are smoking - as I am allergic to smoke), so vocally tell them. I don't mind people I am with or know watching me, but strangers unnerve me when I am wasting my money. I wouldn't mind anybody off this site watching me as I consider them my friends, however anybody else just isn't going to happen. I am usually very polite in asking people not to press my buttons or offer advice on the next big win, but ocassionally I will turn around to the 7foot biker and ask him to "move away from the car and respect my authority son!".
I feel even worse when people are watching when I am winning for some reason (weird huhh??), and even though I was the little chav in the arcade myself once will not allow them the slightest leeway to get near my machine and their advice usually ends with me advising them of a better way to do what they are suggesting so they shut up not knowing what to say and walk off embarassed.
I let the cute women watch me and give me advice ocassionally though, but that's just because I love women!!!
lol thats soooo sexist James....true though!
On a serious side, your post made perfect sense and I think thats the standard for most of us (autism or not!) except the 7' Bloke.....damn mate that's not advisable lol
Posted 12 June 2006 - 07:36 PM
If i had an hour or two spare id write you all an essay on my views about fecking chavs!!!
But i dont so il just say if you see em.... slap em!
But i dont so il just say if you see em.... slap em!
"The cue tip is the most important thing, give me a broomstick with a good tip on it and il shoot the lights out, then sweep the joint when im done" (Willie Mosconi)
Posted 12 June 2006 - 08:48 PM
It aint just arcades though as chav scum are everywhere. Does that mean I shouldnt go to the shops as the chavs hang around outside as I dont like them?
yeah but in shops chavs dont come from behind u and say ah mate this is the best sweet to get ..... i want a piece for that !!! do they?!
Posted 12 June 2006 - 08:53 PM
Nah cos they'v already stolen all they sweets they need:lol:
"The cue tip is the most important thing, give me a broomstick with a good tip on it and il shoot the lights out, then sweep the joint when im done" (Willie Mosconi)
Posted 12 June 2006 - 11:47 PM
Was in Brighton on saturday picking up a part for my bike, I thought while im there ill go and have a go on the machines on the pier, I was playing on crazy fruits and this kid came up to me and said oh its back on its due to pay out big ect ect.
Each time he tried to tell me how to do this when to do that I just ignored him and started to talk to mum instead lol, he soon got bored.
Funny thing is I used to be one of the people that "helped" people but only if I knew they could win from a certain feature like if they had an IM board and they were clueless about it and id explain to them what they have and what I could do, not just barge in and demand cash for a reward or bash buttons.
If they gave me no money id just walk away, if they gave me money id be greatful and say thanks, if they told me to f*** off id aplogise and walk away.
Lol ive even had people who ask me to stay with them and advise on what to do.
On another note, is there no maintainance on the machines in Brighton? the change machines dont work, most of all the bulbs are blown and those new type pacman pusher machines either had coins jammed in em or had errors on screen.
Each time he tried to tell me how to do this when to do that I just ignored him and started to talk to mum instead lol, he soon got bored.
Funny thing is I used to be one of the people that "helped" people but only if I knew they could win from a certain feature like if they had an IM board and they were clueless about it and id explain to them what they have and what I could do, not just barge in and demand cash for a reward or bash buttons.
If they gave me no money id just walk away, if they gave me money id be greatful and say thanks, if they told me to f*** off id aplogise and walk away.
Lol ive even had people who ask me to stay with them and advise on what to do.
On another note, is there no maintainance on the machines in Brighton? the change machines dont work, most of all the bulbs are blown and those new type pacman pusher machines either had coins jammed in em or had errors on screen.
Posted 13 June 2006 - 01:07 AM
I agree .. This Happens In NEW BRIGHTON
Same Gang watching Ya
Same Trouble all the time
They Usually cause the trouble in The Bowling Alley
Under 18's Playing the adults .. and they gang upto 20 people
And Bye they get kicked out .. But they come back in 10 mins in 2s or 3s ... Trouble is they are in the arcades every day when they open and till they closed
Where do they get the money to gamble all day
and yes they do watch people... and Get advice...I tell them i know how to play the soddin thing ... and i dont need ya help so bugger off ...
But the gang are well known trouble causes some with Tags (asbo )
and now its pissing me off ( scuse my French ) lol
Same Gang watching Ya
Same Trouble all the time
They Usually cause the trouble in The Bowling Alley
Under 18's Playing the adults .. and they gang upto 20 people
And Bye they get kicked out .. But they come back in 10 mins in 2s or 3s ... Trouble is they are in the arcades every day when they open and till they closed
Where do they get the money to gamble all day
and yes they do watch people... and Get advice...I tell them i know how to play the soddin thing ... and i dont need ya help so bugger off ...
But the gang are well known trouble causes some with Tags (asbo )
and now its pissing me off ( scuse my French ) lol
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Posted 13 June 2006 - 03:44 PM
I don't really mind going in the arcades near me as they strictly enforce the under 18 rule which stops you getting hassled by the young 'uns. But, as has already been said, that doesn't account for the middle age ahem 'fountains of knowledge'! I just ignore them and they go away. The staff have a pretty good eye for mitherers with no money and boot them out on their ass anyway which is a good thing. But it's still aggro you could do without. You wonder how they can become 'expert' players when a fiver can last them for bloody hours!! They've got no money so they come and try and spend yours!!
Ey Up!
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"I don't care if the fans rip the shirt from my back. They put it there"
More vids to be added soon:
"I don't care if the fans rip the shirt from my back. They put it there"
Posted 13 June 2006 - 05:38 PM
sorry mrmystery83 sod the 18 rule no oap`s sorry grans and daddys on this when i have old people telling me what to do i bite my toung take a very deep deep gup of air count to 10 and very nicely ask what do you do for a living blar blar blar well i work with these all day thank you
Posted 13 June 2006 - 05:44 PM
Was in Ladbrokes today putting a coupon on for the footy, and thought i'd stick a 10er in the fruity, see if there was owt doing. As soon as i walked within the machine's vicinity, I could feel about 5 twats walking towards me. I turned round and they were all coming over with f*****g stools to sit and watch. So i went through 5 quid fairly quickly then suddenly this hand pops up from behind me and goes 'woah!' i'm like 'ermmmm what the f***..' he said 'sorry i thought u weren't gonna told those symbols mate!' so i kindly explained that i've been playing machines since i was 10 and he was like, 'sorry mate' etc etc. they eventually started to f*** off one by one as i ignored them then one of them was like, 'i couldnt have 2 quid could i mate, to buy some tins?' so i explained that i needed this last 2 quid to get home from town and he was pissed off and stuff, calling me a tight c***. I couldn't believe it. Just cos he spent all his giro in 2 hours or whatever, doesn't mean i have to give him my effin' wages!!!
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