Party Time Simulator - Please Read
Started by Guitar, Jun 26 2006 02:28 PM
50 replies to this topic
Posted 26 June 2006 - 02:28 PM
If anyone remembers the Party Time Simulator that was released in 2004 as alpha 0.7. Well I just downloaded it and decided that I could make one myself. However not owning a party time and not played it much Im wondering If someone has a few details.
I need to;
Know the order of the reels on the bottom
Know the order of the reels on the top box
Does anyone have access to a party time machine as I need a few sounds to complete it.
The sounds I need are, the noise when holds are pressed, the music that nudges make plus the noise (if any) they make when you press the nudge. And as a final bit I need the noise it makes when It kicks you off the top feature board.
Unlike the original It will do the three holds and the mystery/extra nudge cheat. I must admit that I've only played the 10p £5 version and I know a lot of these machines can be changed from the £25 version so if there are any secret features or weird quirks of party time then if you could write in here and I will try to include them.
Once I release the single player version Im going to add (hopefully by the end of today If I can get enough resources for reels etc) a machine either side which can be turned on / off which is automatic and can be set to 3 speeds(granny/adult/student or slow/med/fast).
The set top box can then use an individual percentage which means you can compete aginst the machines either side of you and that if I can get enough tweeks in then It can play like the real thing (ish).
I believe there are some members of these forums who actually worked on party time so if one of them would be kind enough to explain roughly what effect the % in the top box has in terms of gameplay then I would be extremely happy. E.g. if the top box has a low percentage do you win more on the individual machines? Do all 3/4 machines pay to a percentage or does the whole set of four machines pay to the set percentage.
Any help would be appreciated and Im working on it as I type. Also even if you cant help just a post to say you would be interested in playtesting would be helpful.
Expect this machine by the end of the week if not today/tomorrow.
I need to;
Know the order of the reels on the bottom
Know the order of the reels on the top box
Does anyone have access to a party time machine as I need a few sounds to complete it.
The sounds I need are, the noise when holds are pressed, the music that nudges make plus the noise (if any) they make when you press the nudge. And as a final bit I need the noise it makes when It kicks you off the top feature board.
Unlike the original It will do the three holds and the mystery/extra nudge cheat. I must admit that I've only played the 10p £5 version and I know a lot of these machines can be changed from the £25 version so if there are any secret features or weird quirks of party time then if you could write in here and I will try to include them.
Once I release the single player version Im going to add (hopefully by the end of today If I can get enough resources for reels etc) a machine either side which can be turned on / off which is automatic and can be set to 3 speeds(granny/adult/student or slow/med/fast).
The set top box can then use an individual percentage which means you can compete aginst the machines either side of you and that if I can get enough tweeks in then It can play like the real thing (ish).
I believe there are some members of these forums who actually worked on party time so if one of them would be kind enough to explain roughly what effect the % in the top box has in terms of gameplay then I would be extremely happy. E.g. if the top box has a low percentage do you win more on the individual machines? Do all 3/4 machines pay to a percentage or does the whole set of four machines pay to the set percentage.
Any help would be appreciated and Im working on it as I type. Also even if you cant help just a post to say you would be interested in playtesting would be helpful.
Expect this machine by the end of the week if not today/tomorrow.
Project Amber 2 - Coming Soon
Posted 26 June 2006 - 02:31 PM
Oh and does party time always give 3 nudges or does it sometimes only give 1 or 2?
Project Amber 2 - Coming Soon
Posted 26 June 2006 - 03:01 PM
always three. But you'd need to code in the reel set ups as well. For the nudges.
Posted 26 June 2006 - 03:03 PM
and also. there are a lot of the sounds you need in the sounds folder of PoundRun Party v0.7
Posted 26 June 2006 - 03:25 PM
Here is a complete zip of the sounds from Party Time arena in wav format....
Attached Files
Visit the MPU Mecca @ http://www.fruitemu.co.uk for all your old fruity needs.
Posted 26 June 2006 - 04:39 PM
oh, theres one missing... the music it plays during the top feature game. Between the topreelsstart.wav and you pressing the start button...
Posted 26 June 2006 - 05:24 PM
That bit is called party.wav
Visit the MPU Mecca @ http://www.fruitemu.co.uk for all your old fruity needs.
Posted 26 June 2006 - 05:29 PM
Here's the lower reels order 

Attached Files
Posted 27 June 2006 - 10:39 AM
wow a host of info right there v1.0 should be out tomorrow evening with tweeks and secondary players to follow.
I will be working on a internet version but that is secondary as I have no idea about being able to communicate with servers etc. And I would probably do it wrong and leave us all open to security threats. I will be speaking with a friend about it and I will let you know the outcome.
Thanks for the help so far its coming along nicely.
Some pics to follow this evening, (unless I finish before then and then I will put up V1.0)
I will be working on a internet version but that is secondary as I have no idea about being able to communicate with servers etc. And I would probably do it wrong and leave us all open to security threats. I will be speaking with a friend about it and I will let you know the outcome.
Thanks for the help so far its coming along nicely.
Some pics to follow this evening, (unless I finish before then and then I will put up V1.0)
Project Amber 2 - Coming Soon
Posted 27 June 2006 - 10:44 AM
I have the sounds from the simulator but some of them didn't sound original. Maybe a rechip between the versions or something. Thanks for those sound files have helped a great deal.
Is there actually a 21 player party time out there??? Would love to see that anyhow im off to get cracking.
Is there actually a 21 player party time out there??? Would love to see that anyhow im off to get cracking.
Project Amber 2 - Coming Soon
Posted 27 June 2006 - 01:01 PM
Those are the same sound files i used on my simulator. They were ripped directly from the sound roms from the machine. In the actual sound roms the pitch varied quite a bit for some reason. So i had to slow down/speed some of them up. This required a bit of guesswork so that could be the reason.
Visit the MPU Mecca @ http://www.fruitemu.co.uk for all your old fruity needs.
Posted 27 June 2006 - 02:20 PM
isnt it amazing! the most hated machine (partytime) thats caused many an argument here and a lot of members saying that they would never want it, but what a responce in needed resources did this thread receive, and how quickly they were posted! lol, i for one would be happy to see this up and running, if only for the fact that it would prove how shite this machine is!!!! (and yes, i know a lot of members love this machine b4 i get slated for slagging it off!)
Former Fruit Machine Engineer.<br /><br /> 1988-2004.
Posted 27 June 2006 - 09:34 PM
Can one the admin please post up the difference in hits this website recives a week after this is realeased?

Posted 28 June 2006 - 04:20 AM
I have the sounds from the simulator but some of them didn't sound original. Maybe a rechip between the versions or something. Thanks for those sound files have helped a great deal.
Is there actually a 21 player party time out there??? Would love to see that anyhow im off to get cracking.
I think you will find that the actual party time hardware adjusts the pitch rate of the samples electronically.. and thus, youre never going to get it 100%.
I seem to recall this from many moons ago when the first of these bazillion PT sims was being drafted..
Not to be confused with illiterate f***wipes.
Posted 28 June 2006 - 12:13 PM
I've had a bit of a setback in that I've had PC problems and a dead CPU fan. Im back in now but Ive lost about a day. I have to say with the original simulator being done in 2004 I didn't expect the torrent of info people gave. But to all who have helped I thankyou again. Friday is now the Official release date but don't be surprised if it pops up before then as i'm quite into it.
And yes this can be a shite machine when you've lost £200,£300,£400 but its great when you get a board off £5 for a £75 streak. And this will be free.
As far as the networked side is concerned. I am trying to find a way of doing it where machines speak 1 to 1 without a server like kazaa (only without all the adware/spyware). This is however, secondary to getting the first version up.
And yes this can be a shite machine when you've lost £200,£300,£400 but its great when you get a board off £5 for a £75 streak. And this will be free.
As far as the networked side is concerned. I am trying to find a way of doing it where machines speak 1 to 1 without a server like kazaa (only without all the adware/spyware). This is however, secondary to getting the first version up.
Project Amber 2 - Coming Soon
Posted 30 June 2006 - 07:49 AM
So how is this coming along?
Posted 01 July 2006 - 10:12 PM
awww... friday's come and gone
Posted 01 July 2006 - 11:06 PM
Have you a screenshot for us to see of this new sim?
Posted 02 July 2006 - 12:51 AM
its now sunday and still not here
thanks flyer
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