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Mad House 1024 DX **Release**

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#21 mythicos



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Posted 01 July 2006 - 11:18 PM

Look guys, i spent weeks on this layout, converted the photos from BWB to Barcrest spec, sunk ALOT of time into it... all i wanted was a few days with the layout just at my site.

And mine are any easier? dude, I suggest you consider others a little more.

Mine are equally as hard to produce with equal ammount of time required. I want as many people to enjoy them as possible

EVERY layout i have ever made has been added to this site within a few days...this was to be no different.

Why not release them here? is there something wrong with this place now?

Id support this place in a heartbeat, I always try to post my releases here and an easy path to obtaining them.

You say you don't understand why people do this andy...i can only assume that that refers to releasing a layout on a site that you need to register at, so i will answer as simply as i can.

As alth pointed out on FF (well i assume this is what he meant), the site name is sort of ironic at the moment, the place pretty much is a "Dead-World". So i think to myself, how can i get a few members to the place?... how can i get a few posts there again?

Why not concentrate on this place and getting posts here? why do people try and spread what little interest there is in FME so thin that people end up not posting anyway?

This site is important to FME.. it successfully bought people out of the woodwork who didnt want to post to FF and other forums. LOADS of people on here have been around since the dawn of FME, so why not post on FF?

Ill leave you to work that out, I would imagine it had something to do with the fact they werent comfortable there.

FME as a whole is quiet.. all the designers that popped up here and were a part of here are mostly either gone or dont bother to do anything now.. so why take it somewhere else?

I chose the mecca as somewhere I wanted to take my 'business' to simply as I like the place better than any other FME forum out there.. it meets my needs and then some, there are a great bunch of guys there who provide eachother with what the place needs to move along, constantly and over time.

So i did the only thing i can really do as a layout designer and admin of what is basically an FME forum...i release a layout exclusively there for 72 hours.

Is that such a crime?

I didn't think so, but apparently i was wrong.

Honestly you take it so personally, like Ross did.
YOU ALL HAVE A GOOD FORUM HERE. there doesnt need to be anymore.
Honestly, why would you want a couple of posts on your forums? youre a moderator here, whats wrong with this place.
Fook, support your forum mang otherwise youll miss it when its gone.
Instead what youre doing is 'using' this place to try and create a place of your own.. why? why not just be content with this place and put your efforts into making it more lively and better?

Now, the thing that gets to me is the fact that i am, and always have been willing to email layouts to people that could not download them or just didn't want to sign up...hell, i have mailed a layout or two to alth in the past (think the one that springs to mind was rocket money).

Why though? ffs why not just put them in one place where everyone can access them.. why the hell do you put yourself and everyone else through all this hassle.

Look, fact incoming.. this layout might earn your forum a couple of posts but you know what? in a week or 2's time theyll all f*** off again wherever there is some action.
Only, those posts could have been put here, and added to this place's good vibes.

Why the hell doesnt anyone understand this?

As for your username/password problems, all you, or anybody else has to do is PM me and ask me to reset the password. Hardly a big deal, but as your rant shows...i am apparently wrong in that assumption as well.

All I have to do is send an email or a pm, wait a while, get one back, wait a while..... Honestly I dont think you see where Im coming.

Don't worry though guys, it won't happen again, you can bet the bank on that fact.


If I didnt care about your layout I would expect a comment like that one, but all I want to do is f*****g PLAY IT.
I dont want to have to jump through hoops, send emails, send pms and trudge all over the internet and get frustrated for it just because you choose to make it difficult.

IVe been where you are now and seen the error of my ways.. if FME wasnt so f*****g factional then this place would never have taken off.

This place hit a sweet spot.. anyone who thought FF was too brutal, rude, sick and disgusting had a place here. this place is cool, laid back and open and accepting to new people (though you have had your moments) and continues to be nessesary in FME.

The dead world forums offer nothing we dont have already or anything that is missing from the past.
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#22 stanmarsh14



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Posted 01 July 2006 - 11:26 PM

Well sorry to say this but I basicaly echo Pandy's comments here.

Whilst mentioning ross, I smell pot kettle black here hurtland..... If I remember correctaly you did fire off @ ross for basicaly dooing the same as you are dooing right now.... bit of a double standared here this.

Another note seams it's not just the members who have replied to this thread that have taken it on-board to recify things.... Was given this in IRC earlier:


I would start getting your house in order bud before the rest of your "House Of Cards" falls down so to speek.

#23 Liverpool2008


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Posted 02 July 2006 - 02:05 AM

some of you guys need to chill

I agree with Hurtland

Maybe Adding new Releases on his site is a good idea till he wishes to add the layout & roms on this site when he is ready to do so

His site must be more important than this site in a few ways ...

Excellent Release and Crystal :D

Im a Fan of Hurtlands site

So Get Signed up and Download the Layout !!
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#24 mythicos



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Posted 02 July 2006 - 06:18 AM

some of you guys need to chill

I agree with Hurtland

Maybe Adding new Releases on his site is a good idea till he wishes to add the layout & roms on this site when he is ready to do so

His site must be more important than this site in a few ways ...

Excellent Release and Crystal :D

Im a Fan of Hurtlands site

So Get Signed up and Download the Layout !!

Do you have any idea how f*****g annoying it is to CONSTANTLY put effort into FME to try and set an example for nothing?

I have given so much time to FME, so has Trouty, Bugs, etc etc etc.

The layouts I MAKE dont hardly get played, by the time I am done I cant f*****g stand to look at the machine anymore.

So I tend to rely on others' layouts to fuel my playing time for FME but, f*** !! I then have to either piss around for god knows how long or wait 3 days?

Sorry but..that...smells...of....bullshit...

How about if Duplu decided to moderate every post you made and make you wait 3 days before it appeared in the forum?

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#25 Liverpool2008


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Posted 02 July 2006 - 08:03 AM

Do you have any idea how f*****g annoying it is to CONSTANTLY put effort into FME to try and set an example for nothing?

I have given so much time to FME, so has Trouty, Bugs, etc etc etc.

The layouts I MAKE dont hardly get played, by the time I am done I cant f*****g stand to look at the machine anymore.

So I tend to rely on others' layouts to fuel my playing time for FME but, f*** !! I then have to either piss around for god knows how long or wait 3 days?

Sorry but..that...smells...of....bullshit...

How about if Duplu decided to moderate every post you made and make you wait 3 days before it appeared in the forum?


You're Out Of Order there m8
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#26 Guest_altharic_*

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Posted 02 July 2006 - 08:49 AM

How about if Duplu decided to moderate every post you made and make you wait 3 days before it appeared in the forum?

To be quite f*****g frank Pandy thats what I would do with hurt clearly he either does not read others posts or just goes about trying to upset folks either way I'd rather pob as admin/mod I already told the f***ers here he is out of his depth and f*** has he proved it!


#27 mocochoco


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Posted 02 July 2006 - 10:49 AM

I agree with Hurtland

Im a Fan of Hurtlands site

Its Hurtand:lol:

"The cue tip is the most important thing, give me a broomstick with a good tip on it and il shoot the lights out, then sweep the joint when im done" (Willie Mosconi)

#28 Zoltar


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Posted 02 July 2006 - 02:37 PM

I think theres losers and winners here.

I can understand Hurtand posting his layout exclusively at his site for a few days if only to see how many people download it. My layouts, when released, I always have a smug-like smile if it gets more than say 50 hits. Thing is, and I'm not digging here, I have 2 choices if I want to play a new layout released in this manner.

Choice No 1:-
Register with the said site. Sure, it's not too much bother but If I sign up for a site, I virtually always sign up because I want to participate with it. I want to contribute. If I don't, I have yet another site in my faves I only visit for downloads and thats tantamount to leeching i reckon. Something I'd rather not do. Sometimes, I feel situations like this are nothing more than a bribe to gain untrue members. Cool, it's ace to have 200 members but to have 195 who exclusively registered for the download only, isn't really a good measuring stick for decent membership. And I'd sooner have 100 members who are active instead of 200 members but only 5 active. I've joined sites in the past after being offered the proverbial carrot to register and once done, I feel that I am expected or 'obliged' to participate and I'm uncomfortable with that.

Then theres the problem of remembering passwords, usernames ect... when trying to gain access to a site that was visited last, many many months previous. Again, I'd feel uncomfortable signing in once again, taking the layout and logging off again. And to boot, if registration requires an email address, can you blame people for staying clear if they don't entirely trust the site or owner? Not saying that is the case for Hurtand but in this world of PT05, I'm deadly serious about who I give any of my details to.

My postings these days are few and far between as I tend to go through long periods of non-motivation and what posts I decide to make, I try to make em count. But still, I've no problem with Hurtand asking for registration in order to get the layout a few days earlier than normal.

Choice No 2:-
I can of course abstain from registering. The downside here though is that by the time the layout goes 'public', and I say public in the sense that it is a private layout if it's released exclusively on a site requiring registration, the downside is that 3 days later, I have forgotten about the layout. Fair-do's, I may not have forgot about it but I have even found fantastic layouts on Retrofruit's M1adness site and DADs site that I'm surprised to learn have been released for weeks or even months. Again, it's only a simple sign-up process but if this became the standard, how long would it be before we have 10, 20 or 50+ sites all requiring registration in order to grab a layout at the earliest opportunity.

And the biggest question which I think Pandy pointed out, many other layout designers spend as much time creating layouts using free for all to use resources and thus keeping the scene slowly ticking over. Their layouts are released for all with no strings attatched.

Wherever you release the layout, the comments of commendation as well as those of criticism will reveal themselves on whatever site. Unless of course, that site is the one owned by the layout creator him/herself.

Once again, I have no problem with Hurtand holding the layout exclusively for 3 days. I just hope I remember to download it in 3 days as it looks rather smart.

#29 Zoltar


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Posted 02 July 2006 - 02:38 PM

Shit. I didn't know the posting was that bloody long! :S

#30 mocochoco


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Posted 02 July 2006 - 04:54 PM

well i dont want to jump to any conclusions but it looks as if Hurtand might have done a runner...... un regged from some sites apparently and his board is offline.....


some people just take fme world waaaaaaaaaaay to seriously, i dont get it :/

but as i said im not sure of this and im probly talking shite as per usual :lol:

"The cue tip is the most important thing, give me a broomstick with a good tip on it and il shoot the lights out, then sweep the joint when im done" (Willie Mosconi)

#31 mythicos



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Posted 02 July 2006 - 05:43 PM

You're Out Of Order there m8

Yeah mang, Im well out of order.

So is duplu.


For 6 years I have given to the FME scene and 3 of those have been completely and totally without clause.

Duplu does the same, why the f*** should anyone else be any different?

This place tells you how many hits a layout has had
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#32 mythicos



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Posted 02 July 2006 - 05:44 PM

some people just take fme world waaaaaaaaaaay to seriously, i dont get it :/

Give the man a pint.
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#33 mythicos



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Posted 02 July 2006 - 05:48 PM

BTW I got the layout now and wanted to say it's utterly gorgeous like Hurtand's other releases.

Love the lamping and the lustrous deep colors on the art.. very very nice DX :)
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#34 mythicos



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Posted 02 July 2006 - 05:53 PM

Sometimes, I feel situations like this are nothing more than a bribe to gain untrue members.

You Sir get 2 pints.
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#35 chan



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Posted 02 July 2006 - 07:13 PM

looks like hurtand has thrown the hat in? bye bye fme dead world is erm dead

#36 djgaryc



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Posted 02 July 2006 - 07:48 PM


As we all know people on here give unnecessary abuse, or knock them for there hard efforts... Hopefully your re-open your site and it'll come back with a boom

I've been given stick about pre-releases before saying stuff like "Why release that sh*t here?" My views were, DONT DOWNLOAD IT THEN, quite simple. When you hosted my first ever classics I got some nasty emails... Peh... Go jump off a cliff were my replys

Others that take some heafty abuse, Bloodshed... He gets some right stick, but still soldiers on anoying me on MSN and stuff. What I'm saying mate is, dont throw the towel in... Your site was good, and I, aswell as many others enjoyed going on to see what is going on over there. (even if i never posted much)

The pictures a bad one mate, lets hope it changes soon :D

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#37 mocochoco


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Posted 02 July 2006 - 07:55 PM

No ones given him any abuse in this thread...... if its true and he has quit (which im sure he hasnt) then f*** him..... i dont feel sorry for him. I dont have respect for people who have petty girly hissy fits over things, that at the end of the day, dont really matter.

Also i havnt seen any abuse given to you DJ.... could you link me to this so i can see for myself please?
Alot of people on here (including myself at sometimes in the past) take critisism to heart way to much on here, most of the time people are just trying to give helpful advice and people take it the wrong way.... no-ones even said anything harsh to him in this thread.... just made thier points that they felt should be said.

This is sad if you ask me...

But as i said im sure we'v misunderstood this and he hasnt quit at all.

"The cue tip is the most important thing, give me a broomstick with a good tip on it and il shoot the lights out, then sweep the joint when im done" (Willie Mosconi)

#38 djgaryc



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Posted 02 July 2006 - 07:59 PM

I have maybe read wrong in the above posts then.

I dont mean you have abused me Moco, just pointing out some people get over excited and say things we may not mean :confused: :D

Edit, abuse came via some old PMs and other forums

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#39 mocochoco


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Posted 02 July 2006 - 07:59 PM

Others that take some heafty abuse, Bloodshed... He gets some right stick, but still soldiers on anoying me on MSN and stuff.

Bloodshed has earnt every piece of abuse that has been thrown his way..... even he'l admit that to you... you should look at the bigger picture fella.

"The cue tip is the most important thing, give me a broomstick with a good tip on it and il shoot the lights out, then sweep the joint when im done" (Willie Mosconi)

#40 mocochoco


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Posted 02 July 2006 - 08:01 PM

I have maybe read wrong in the above posts then.

I dont mean I have abused me Moco, just pointing out some people get over excited and say things we may not mean :confused: :D

Edit, abuse came via some old PMs and other forums

Sorry im just curious now thats all..... where is the abuse to you or hurtand for your layouts exactly.... i must have missed it and am intreaged to have a read.

"The cue tip is the most important thing, give me a broomstick with a good tip on it and il shoot the lights out, then sweep the joint when im done" (Willie Mosconi)

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