is that all you can do. rip people apart.. i did that for my self.. not for you f***tard.
Well whatever you did it for you cheered me up a whole bunch, as I say Im a pretty caring person, I dont like seeing people attacked for no reason.
But there is a small minority in this world who get everything they deserve, it's called karma, and when they do the ultimate retribution is always fun to observe.
this is why i left. self appointed f***ed up dick heads who think cos they can cut and the same machine time after time deserve the right to tell people what they can and cant do.
The reason you left is because you took your cacky hybrids to FruitForums expecting a blue peter badge and got torn apart by the members there, foremostly me.
You didnt understand then and you dont understand now.
When you commit an act it has repercussions, if you think everyone in a gambling machine emulation scene is going to agree to shit they dont like then think again. We are not those f*****g nodding dogs that you put on the back shelf on your car and they always nod yes, we are not under any threat from a sword wielding f***face moderator who will ban us for saying what we feel and standing by what we believe in.
And you don't like and can't handle the fact that you can't pull off any old bullshit and then stand behind a shield and force people to accept it.
Trust me, you're nothing special, none of us are, so when you act the c*** don't be at all suprised when it leaves teeth marks in your arse.
You paid the price then at FruitForums when you deserted yourself and youre doing it again.
I cant stand f***ed up dickheads who try and do something stupid with an emulator and then try and argue why they should when an entire forum is telling them it's bullshit, I cant stand people who then childishly copy someone's username in a dumb attempt to try and get back and them.
Infact let me just say I cant stand people like you, will make it alot easier and save on the bandwidth on the forum huh?
people like are the type of people who probably a bully in life. using verbal abuse to hide the fact you are a shit house who pobably in my opinion hits anyone who dares to go against you because of your inadequate personality.
Firstly I have never bullied someone in real life, however I am f*****g certain there are alot of people who don't like me.
Wanna know why? because I say what I feel and I'm not scared of f*****g noone, and people f*****g HATE people like that.
And you know, I have lost out on promotions at work because I won't lie to make sales, I speak the truth, if a customer asks me "do you use the product" I will say "No, I dont need it" instead of saying my f*****g grandmother uses it.
So I have an awful lot of haters, mostly people like you because Im the c*** who will come along and when you think you're king dick I'll remind you that you're not, and also back it up with evidence where necessary.
On the flipside of that though I have alot of friends who appreciate me for what I am, I work hard for a living and don't expect anything for free, I don't steal and I do my best to sleep well at night.
WE can do what we want if you dont like go f*** your self. you probably do any how.
And that, dippy, is the magic of FME and her forums.
You can say and do whatever you like, whatever you damn feel like and get left to sit in your own shit when you implode.
And I'm a strong f*****g advocate for that, say what you mean, say what you don't mean.
As long as you're then forced to back it up or accept you acted the c*** then that's fine with me.
Noone is telling you to stop what you're doing they're simply (and rightly so) telling you they don't like it, it's you who wants that muffled so that you can spout your shit and stop people wiping it from their faces.
As for f*****g myself? I $&%# twice a day and have sex with my wife on a regular basis, I also work out twice a day and follow a good diet and excercise routine.
I drive a semi sporty car with a seriously loud sound system in it and tend to be a very noisy brutally honest person.
Someone you wish you could be, basically.
Not to be confused with illiterate f***wipes.