I have thopught of driving abroad and want to try it in august when im off work so how long does it take and how much does it cost? Any advice guys on how to go about it?
When I drive I stick to the Toll Roads..Brighton to Benidorm via Eurotunnel or Ferry.
I'd reccommend the Tunnel as it far less messing, thats say £110 off-peak. The Journey is 1200 miles and took 3 tanks of fuel 50euros a shot (France's fuel is no cheaper than here--Spain it's half price) £200 (return) and the Toll amounted to 90euros £120 (return) and takes 17 hours with 2 drivers...so with Two people thats around the £200 each mark.
It may sound a lot of money, but a flight is around that mark anyway....and you arn't restricted to 22kg's!
The RAC and www.mappy.com provides a good euro driving guide, there are Two routes North to South--One to the left of Paris and the other to the right...the One to the left is far better as you joing the A75 at Paris and head for Toulouse/Perpignan (A9) basically stay on that to the Spanish boarder....drive over the Pyrenees and cross the boarder and that road alters to the A7/AP7 (P=toll) this runs the whole East coast or turn off onto the N332 (single lane road thats non-toll and runs alongside)
All along the French Autoroute are small Travellodge kinda hotels........so if you can't or don't want to do it in One day for 24euros you can sleep over somewhere.
The roads are Quiet (compared to UK motorways) and driving on the Right is far easier than it seem's......You see SO much more than at 38000ft....