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Poll: which roms should we use for this release (4 member(s) have cast votes)

which roms should we use for this release

  1. cash strike (10 votes [34.48%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 34.48%

  2. Voted bangin away (19 votes [65.52%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 65.52%

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#1 hurtand165


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Posted 30 October 2003 - 10:54 AM

this is a very early pic of the layout fruitymad2003 and myself are making.

hope you like it.

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#2 Geddy



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Posted 30 October 2003 - 12:45 PM

What roms are you going to be using then Mister????

Cheers for the WIP :D

#3 fruitymad2003


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Posted 30 October 2003 - 12:46 PM

Bangin Away

#4 Pgamblin


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Posted 30 October 2003 - 01:10 PM

Oooh suit you sir !

Its looks great and i cant wait to play it again.......

Getting Tired of the club version now, keeps killing me after 6 spins and not giving nowt.

#5 Zoltar


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Posted 30 October 2003 - 05:14 PM

Good luck with this one. It's one hell of a challenge you've taken on.


#6 Michael


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Posted 30 October 2003 - 05:36 PM

What screen res is this gonna be? and provisionaly what date for release?

pgamlin- club version of what? PSB? If so, where did you get that?

#7 fruitymad2003


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Posted 30 October 2003 - 05:53 PM

Michael wrote:

What screen res is this gonna be? and provisionaly what date for release?

Its going to be a 1024 res.
Dont know the date soon hopefully.

Compostcorner Wrote:

Good luck with this one. It's one hell of a challenge you've taken on.


Cheers mate!

pgamblin wrote:

Oooh suit you sir !

Its looks great and i cant wait to play it again.......

Getting Tired of the club version now, keeps killing me after 6 spins and not giving nowt.

Cheers to you as well mate!


#8 GlobalPepper!


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Posted 30 October 2003 - 06:50 PM

Can't wait to play it looks ace keep up the good work!!!!!!!!! :D
Back as the GlobalPepper!

#9 Mark


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Posted 30 October 2003 - 10:22 PM

Looks nice ;)

#10 Bencrest


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Posted 30 October 2003 - 10:47 PM

I mention the 'Bangin Away' roms in a few posts and now theres a Pseudo WDX of Psycho Cash Beast in the works?

Those sound effects are gonna be so hilarious, but good work to you nonetheless lol :)

Taxi = 'Can I handle your bags, sir?!'

I think other players of the shit Global version can make sense of that...

Basically, WELL DONE for making a layout of a machine that is in demand, and also if ANYONE is working on an emulator and they want a basic C++ monkey then let me know :D

Also, with reference to an earlier post -
[I chose this one as well due to the name which ensures high views lol]
If we can have a JPM Impact emu, then why not a JPM VideoImpact [i.e Cludeo/Monopoly] emu.....surely it would be a piece of Pishhh?

BarcrestBenito :)
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#11 barcrest



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Posted 31 October 2003 - 10:16 AM

This was mentioned ages ago as somebody was also going to do homers meltown using the italian job roms but i never saw either make the light of day. To be honest you might be better making the release mute... Also what about using a hex edditor on the roms and changing the alpha text so it doesn't say banging away??? Has anyone tried that?

#12 fruitymad2003


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Posted 31 October 2003 - 11:35 AM

Any ideas on how to us hex editor anyone?

#13 handsome_rob


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Posted 31 October 2003 - 02:32 PM

Hex editors are freely available on the net, but its not as easy as that.

I dont think you guys realise how difficult all this is going to be, so Ill do my best to explain it all.

First off, no rom can be edited like that.
All fruit machine roms use something called a checksum, which basically goes over the "sum" (being the rom) and makes sure its not been altered inside.
If anything inside the rom has been altered the rom will no longer run.
Some roms use a random checksum, so at first you may think that youve gotten around it, then during play the machine will just freeze up.
Some machines used mirrored checksums, meaning that the checksum is placed more than once, making it harder to find and then hack out.

The cashlab to pacman DX that I done needed the rom to be hacked, by an experienced hacker, and it had a quad mirrored checksum.

To an experienced hacker cashlab took hours to hack.

Then you move onto making the rom display alternative messages on the alpha.

This is a example of a line of code on cashlab

Ok, so thats part of the attract mode, and obviously where the machine would say "welcome"
It then moves onto "welcome to the cashlab, etc etc"

To reprogramme the alpha attract sequence on cashlab to make it pacman took me hours, and i mean, hours.

Also, if you leave any spaces or make the messages longer than they were in the first place the rom will no longer run.

Ok, so thats pretty much program rom editing out of the way, now lets move onto soundrom editiing...

To create a soundrom for a machine you need to load the soundrom into a soundrom creation tool

You then need to list down what sounds go where, and there can be up to 150 on a high tech awp like cashlab.

You then need to make all the sounds, or rerip them to the correct frequency, and then slowly, one by one compile them into a soundrom.

Again, Ive had experience here, it took me 3 hours once I had all the sounds I needed to make a 16 sample soundrom for the crazy fruits hybrid thing I made.

Again lads, its not easy to do, which is why about 2 years ago I decided against the PCB/bangin away hybrid.

Hope that helps..

#14 hurtand165


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Posted 08 November 2003 - 09:20 PM

i just thought i would let you in on what was happening with this release.

the layout is coming along nicely and hopefully if we sort a few problems we are having it should be released fairly soon.

now to the problems.

1st of all mfme apparently does not support global 7 seg displays so now the layout is going to be made using the older mpu3/4 8.75 emulator (which does), and secondly the 8.75 emulator will apparently not let you reduce the size of the alpha display without cutting half of it off.

now that the problems are out of the way here comes the cry for help.

does anybody know a way to either make mfme accept global 7 segs or make 8.75 allow you to change the size of the alpha without cutting it in half.

thanks for any help you can give me.

#15 Pook


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Posted 08 November 2003 - 09:33 PM

Regarding the alpha, you can't resize in 8.75 but you can add a new size alpha in. Click on the alpha picture in it's properties to add in a new sized one. Here is a complete set.

Hope it helps


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#16 hurtand165


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Posted 08 November 2003 - 09:45 PM

thanks alot pook.

have you any ideas about the 7 seg as i would prefer to use mfme than remake the entire thing in 8.75.

thanks again for the alpha's and any other help you could give me.

#17 shaun2097


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Posted 08 November 2003 - 09:57 PM

f*** me?????

#18 shaun2097


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Posted 08 November 2003 - 09:59 PM

woops! i was quoting hansom robs post on how to hack roms.

like i said **** **

#19 nails


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Posted 08 November 2003 - 11:13 PM

in reply to changing roms etc,

why didnt you just use a HEX editor?

i used to use a disassembly program on the amiga to convert C into a machine dump, then re-compile it. Is it not the same here? :?:

#20 hurtand165


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Posted 09 November 2003 - 12:01 AM

in reply to changing roms etc,

why didnt you just use a HEX editor?

i used to use a disassembly program on the amiga to convert C into a machine dump, then re-compile it. Is it not the same here? :?:

we looked into changing the roms to say psycho cash beast but decided it was just to much hassle, we could change all the writing and sound but it would take days as neither myself or fruitymad2003 had ever used a hex editor.

you make it sound so easy by saying why didn't you just use a hex editor but believe me it is not, read handsome robs post to see how difficult it would be to change everything

we are not pretending this game is ever going to be pcb, it will look like it but play the same as bangin away, so we decided to just leave the alpha text and sound as they where.

this way we can move onto another project quicker and hopefully get more games out to the fme community.

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