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Whats a good payout percentage to set.

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#1 dean2lean


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Posted 06 January 2007 - 12:47 AM

Just got an impulse 'flashback' machine for the me and the lads to play on poker nights etc (in my private bar), it has a variable percentage key in it that goes from 72% up to 98%, its currently set at 82%.

What would be a good setting to ensure that people get a good play without losing loads of money but it still takes enough to put towards my costs of beer etc , we have all agreed that this wil be a better way of everybody chipping in for the beers etc with the added bonus of maybe winning a bit. Also does the machine need resetting or will it be ok just to carry on using it as is. It will only get used every other week on our poker nights and maybe the odd weekend so I dont want it to hold out too long before paying but then again i dont want them to come round on the 1st night and empty the thing leaving me broke .

Just one other question, I have read the playing guides for this machine and apparently there are a few cheats that can be used to empty the machine, how likely is it that one of the lads could read this guide and empty my machine without having to put too much in, they are a bunch of tight wads so i cant see any of the standing there and pumping £100+ in to try and empty it, ive tried and after putting £40 in I only managed to get the flashback feature twice and then i only managed to get about 8 quid each time.

Any help would be most appreciated.

#2 DildoDez


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Posted 06 January 2007 - 03:18 AM

I would go for 84-86%

#3 Bencrest


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Posted 06 January 2007 - 07:18 AM

1) You may well find that any cheats you find in a 'playing guide' have been chipped out, so will no longer work.

2) What stake / prize have you got it on?! If you only get £8 from the top feature I'd assume you had it on £5/10p?

If so, 78% if you are feeling a bit tight, anywhere up to 86%. On £5 78% will still be fine to play.

The bit about it 'not holding out before paying' - the percentage doesn't control that as such. It's quite possible that even on 90%+ that if the machine wanted to save for back to back jackpots it would play dead for a while.
Hopefully recovering from years of compulsive gambling and wanting to be gamble free forever.
Recommended reading - http://www.gamblersaloud.com/ (yes, I bought the book, very happy with it!)

#4 dean2lean


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Posted 06 January 2007 - 08:57 AM

Yes it is set on 10p £5 jackpot, how do I tell if the machine has been chipped. When i insert the refill key it shows verion 1.0 on the display.

#5 dean2lean


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Posted 06 January 2007 - 06:37 PM

Does anyone know how to reset this machine, doesnt upping the perecentage screw up how it plays if you dont reset the rom.

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