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machines you would love to be emulated!

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#41 superbank



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Posted 29 April 2007 - 07:37 PM

Not that I recall - I moved here in 1997 mind...

Hmmm, that reminds me - one more for the Thread Topic - JPM(Impact) 1997 based on Picks and had wickid loops! :cool:

I reckon it must have been mid - late eighties, so a bit before your time in Gravesend. :bigeyes04:

They had some good arcades in Chatham then too... but the ones in Gillingham always were (and still are) shite!!

#42 mazooma


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Posted 29 April 2007 - 09:15 PM


I thought this had been done. Check downloads.

Well the classic has anyway, here's the link


Cheers Gaz, I had no idea that was there. Excellent!!:
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#43 bigladnireland


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Posted 29 April 2007 - 11:13 PM

secret castle

#44 partytime2


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Posted 30 April 2007 - 08:22 AM

hi lo bingo or something like that. it used to be in a arcade down where i live and it was well old school 2p a play and windfall another classic

#45 81holmes81


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Posted 30 April 2007 - 08:36 AM

Got to say to hypnotic by vivid. love that machine

#46 barcrest



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Posted 30 April 2007 - 03:36 PM

Wow, i remeber that Ski Lift machine.. i would to play that again.

Of the more recent machines i am really enjoying the deal or no deal machines. Well two of them anyway, the one with the 3 hi/lo gambles is pretty pants. Would be great to see those emulated.
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#47 skegman0



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Posted 30 April 2007 - 03:57 PM

there is one old machine that i would love to see emulated that is (FLIP A NOTE) used to love playing this fantastic machine.

#48 TTX


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Posted 30 April 2007 - 08:58 PM

hi lo bingo or something like that. it used to be in a arcade down where i live and it was well old school 2p a play and windfall another classic

Yay! Someone else remembers Hi-Lo Bingo! It was a PCP conversion for Ace System 5. Used to play on it loads, would love to see one again.

#49 always_eight



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Posted 30 April 2007 - 10:22 PM

This'n'That! now that was a good lil 2p play machine ^^

#50 Matt_Vinyl



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Posted 01 May 2007 - 07:26 AM

You're never that bloke who told me about that Extreme key emptier about a year ago while going on a mini-pub-crawl including a very tight-fisted Royal Roulette?

Indeed! I'll move this chat to PM now, of course! ;)

Oh, and there was a Montag down the high street next to the market - it's now some exceedingly guff place that has no hi-techs, a few OXOs and a couple of S16s...

...not my scene... :(

#51 PJ


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Posted 01 May 2007 - 11:49 AM

...i remeber that Ski Lift machine...

You mean 'Summit', a thread exists here:- http://www.fruit-emu...elp-wanted.html

...I'll move this chat to PM now...

Nah, no point, everyone here knows about it anyways:- http://www.fruit-emu...g-machines.html ...say no more...;)

...there was a Montag down the high street next to the market...

Yeh, I know the one you're on about - I last went in there about a year ago, and the horrible greying old c*** said "get out" she'd already banned me for being aggressive (bullshit on two counts - she hadn't banned me until just then, and it wasn't due to any aggression at all, it was because I was only interested in playing the 5p/10p players [Popeye, etc] and not the 'big boys' ones [£2-spin!], and of course, DARING to ask about percentages)...

I told her to go suck a dick and suh-LAMMED that f*****g glass door behind me :lol:
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#52 Matt_Vinyl



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Posted 01 May 2007 - 01:05 PM

Heh - was only going to PM so as to not hijack the thread. ;)

Yup, it was (is), (will always be) a dive in that arcade. I tend to stay clear of all three of them in town - as generally, they are all poor quality (Shoppers' Pride has three Reds which are OK, but they're too often dead for my liking).

I'm still down there most Fridays, so will have to meet up for a spin or two.

Oh, and the Pocock now has the most dire selection of machines (bar 1). :(


#53 Taylor525


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Posted 01 May 2007 - 01:39 PM

just for the record PJ...All4One has been done, i think....I know Quick on the draw has, because ive done the classic....

#54 spa


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Posted 01 May 2007 - 05:43 PM

I'll weigh in with Nudge Money (Pcp).

Rekon an Extreme would get a bit boring, 1, dead all the time 1, dead all the time 1, dead all the time ;)

#55 PJ


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Posted 01 May 2007 - 05:49 PM

...I'm still down there most Fridays, so will have to meet up for a spin or two...and the Pocock now has the most dire selection of machines...

And the most dire selection of f*****g staff!!!

Unfortunately, I'm banned from both - well I say banned, I imposed the ban upon myself in the case of Shopper's - silly cow by the name of Louise back in 2000 (still there) barked too many orders at me (for watching another player get £15 after £15 on some lo-tech, even though I was on a machine myself), so I told her not to be so terse - next thing I know, I've got her piss'ead bloke Richard (big stocky f***er, walks round town like he's the man - she's now got a kid by him, so I hope he's cleaned up his act a bit) on my back one evening, telling me I threatened her! When I tried to protest my innocence, all I got was "yesyoudid, yesyoudid...", etc - he weren't even there at the time and he's giving me all that shit! That tosser still gives me looks to this day (if he sees me first - mug!)...

I didn't have time to say much to the effect of 'look mate, I understand she's your bird, and so you've got to take her side in any argument, otherwise you don't get any of the sweet stuff tonight, right? But in this case, you've either seriously got the wrong end of the stick, or she's downright lied to you. So do yourself a favour, go home, sleep it off and come back when you've got your facts right, OK?', 'cos he was giving it all the mouth and not allowing any sort of two-way conversation, so I just walked away...

So next time I was in there, I told them I wouldn't be coming back, and the stupid bitch Liz accused me of having a persecution complex, ie, what happened with Richard was all in my mind!...

I dunno, give 'em an apron and they think they're gods...

Read my PM about Pocock coming soon...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, back to the thread...

...All4One has been done, i think...

I hope so!!! I suppose it's in the forbidden Login zone which we don't talk about...;)
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#56 Markybdi


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Posted 02 May 2007 - 08:17 AM

dont remember the manufacturers but:

Cheeky Devil
Twice As Nice (once won 16 quid from a 40p stake on that in South Shields heh took ages as was 2p a go)
Go For The Jackpot
Blue Chip
and as previously mentioned the football one with the band aid, feature entries and really cool sounds, buggered if i can remember its name tho.

#57 PJ


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Posted 02 May 2007 - 03:14 PM

That Cheeky Devil - is that the one with the steppa feature, and the 'he-he-he-he, hah, hah, haaaa' sample?

Hmmm, talking of 'mfr unknown' - Indian Summer
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#58 spa


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Posted 02 May 2007 - 03:24 PM

That Cheeky Devil - is that the one with the steppa feature, and the 'he-he-he-he, hah, hah, haaaa' sample?

Hmmm, talking of 'mfr unknown' - Indian Summer

Think you mean the Astra one? Little devils or something.

Cheeky devil was an old Pcp 2per :)

#59 PJ


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Posted 03 May 2007 - 05:08 AM

Think you mean the Astra one? Little devils or something...Cheeky devil was an old Pcp 2per :)

Probly - mfr sounds about right. Any pics of PCP one?...
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#60 Markybdi


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Posted 03 May 2007 - 05:22 AM

Cheeky Devil had a double win line if that helps

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